Progress Test 9 grade

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1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

1. ______________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

2. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

3. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

4. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

5. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

6. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

7. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

8. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

9. _________
1 point

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

advise agree complain explain offer promise refuse remind reply suggest

1 I’ll bring my homework tomorrow. I _____________ I won’t forget!
2 Last time we ate here, you _____________ because the food was cold.
3 I _____________ booking your flights early as you’ll save money.
4 The doctor _____________ Taylor to take the malaria pills with food.
5 I almost forgot to lock the door. Thanks for _____________ me!
6 Mark is _____________ to change seats. Can you persuade him?
7 I wonder if my parents will _____________ to let me go to the party.
8 It was really nice of Sarah _____________ to cook dinner for us tonight.
9 I _____________ that we wouldn’t be able to arrive before eight because of the delay.
10 When John asked us to go on vacation with him, we _____________ that we’d love to.

10. _________
1 point
Complete the words in these sentences.

1 He didn’t want any of the s_____________ of the day. He ordered from the main menu.
2 The waiter brought us a basket of bread r_____________ to have with our soup.
3 I never have k_____________ on my hamburgers. I don’t like tomatoes.
4 There were some white, linen n_____________ on the table.
5 Olive oil, vinegar, and a little mustard makes a good salad d_____________.

1. _______
1 point
Complete the words in these sentences.

1 He didn’t want any of the s_____________ of the day. He ordered from the main menu.
2 The waiter brought us a basket of bread r_____________ to have with our soup.
3 I never have k_____________ on my hamburgers. I don’t like tomatoes.
4 There were some white, linen n_____________ on the table.
5 Olive oil, vinegar, and a little mustard makes a good salad d_____________.

2. _______
1 point
Complete the words in these sentences.

1 He didn’t want any of the s_____________ of the day. He ordered from the main menu.
2 The waiter brought us a basket of bread r_____________ to have with our soup.
3 I never have k_____________ on my hamburgers. I don’t like tomatoes.
4 There were some white, linen n_____________ on the table.
5 Olive oil, vinegar, and a little mustard makes a good salad d_____________.

3. _______
1 point
Complete the words in these sentences.

1 He didn’t want any of the s_____________ of the day. He ordered from the main menu.
2 The waiter brought us a basket of bread r_____________ to have with our soup.
3 I never have k_____________ on my hamburgers. I don’t like tomatoes.
4 There were some white, linen n_____________ on the table.
5 Olive oil, vinegar, and a little mustard makes a good salad d_____________.

4. _______
1 point
Complete the words in these sentences.

1 He didn’t want any of the s_____________ of the day. He ordered from the main menu.
2 The waiter brought us a basket of bread r_____________ to have with our soup.
3 I never have k_____________ on my hamburgers. I don’t like tomatoes.
4 There were some white, linen n_____________ on the table.
5 Olive oil, vinegar, and a little mustard makes a good salad d_____________.

5. _______
1 point

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

1. ________________
1 point

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

2. ________________
1 point

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

3. ________________
1 point

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

4. ________________
1 point

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

5. ________________
2 points

Read the text and complete the sentences.

A vacation nightmare

This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.”
But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.”
The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done.
The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.”
And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things,
as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.”

1 The problems for the Longo family started when they

2 No one at the airport could

3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________

4 The hotel was in chaos because it

5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper

6 Mr Longo tried

6. ________________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

1. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

2. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

3. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM - THEM - EVERY DAY
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

4. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

5. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

6. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

7. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” HIMSEL - BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

8. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

9. ___________
2 points


1 “Where’s Canada?” WAS
She asked ___________________________.
2 “Yes, you’re right. It is nice.” ON - OPINNION
He agreed ___________________________.
3 “Liam, you have to take your malaria pills.” TO
Mom reminded ____________________________________.
4 “OK, Mom, I’ll take them every day.” MOM
Liam promised ________________________.
5 “Kyle, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” THAT
Bella warned
6 “John, do you want to come camping?” TO GO
Kelly invited ___________________________.
7 “Will you take the dog with you, please, Lulu?” TO TAKE - HER
Bill asked
8 “I’ll book the tickets.” BOOK
Louis offered _________________________.
9 “This food is too spicy.” ABOUT
Ashley complained ______________________.
10 “Please notice that the liquid is turning green.” THAT THE
The teacher pointed out

10. ___________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

1. ________________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

2. ________________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

3. ________________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

4. ________________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

5. ________________
2 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

6. ________________
3 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

7. ________________
3 points

Listen to Jamie and choose True or False.

1 Jamie went to the college to see if he wanted to go there the following year.
True / False

2 The college principal spoke to them first.
True / False

3 After the talk, they would go on a tour of the classrooms.
True / False

4 The principal said that the main benefit of going to college was to get a qualification.
True / False

5 He went on to say that education was about exploring and discovering new ideas.
True / False

6 Jamie thought that this idea was silly.
True / False

7 The principal explained that it might be difficult to make good friends at college.
True / False

8 He explained that students might also get homesick and feel pressured.
True / False

8. ________________
20 points

Follow the narration to complete the summary of the chapter from the book THE SECRET AGENT. Please be precise, chit chat will not be accepted.

"One day, between Verloc´s visit to the embassy and the Greenwich bombing. Winnie´s mother moved out ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ She looked at him with great affection. Quick, stevie. Stop that green bus. Stevie, feeling important, lifted up his arm. The bus stopped and they got on.