English II Semester Exam

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1 point
1. Which statement is the BEST interpretation of this quote?

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
1 point
2. Which rhetorical appeal is MOST evident in this quote?

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
1 point
3. Which statement is the BEST interpretation of this quote?

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
1 point
4. Which rhetorical appeal is MOST evident in this quote?

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
1 point
5. What makes Creon change his mind about Antigone’s punishment?
1 point
6. When Creon argues with other characters, what does he believe is their motive?
1 point
7. Haimon uses all of the following strategies to convince Creon to spare Antigone EXCEPT:
1 point
8. Antigone’s says her consolation in dying is that:
1 point
9. What does the following quote reveal about Creon?

“If I permit my own family to rebel, how shall I earn the world’s obedience?”
1 point
10. What is Creon’s reasoning for not burying Polyneices?
1 point
11. While Haemon is arguing with his father about Antigone, he says, "Then if she dies, her death will cause another." What does this foreshadow?
1 point
12. Which of these values does Creon praise in his initial speech to the Chorus?
1 point
13. One thing that Creon and Antigone both have in common is that they are both:
1 point
14. Which of these is NOT an example of civil disobedience in Antigone?
1 point
15. Why was Antigone’s gender such an important issue in the play?
1 point
16. How is Creon a tragic hero?
1 point
Read the persuasive campaign One Person + One Action = Change
and answer the following questions.

17. Which is the primary issue presented in the persuasive campaign?
1 point
18. Which of the following BEST reveals how the writer’s diction motivates the reader to take action?
1 point
19. Which audience does the Public Service Announcement target using which rhetorical appeal?
1 point
20. Read the topic sentence.
The School Board should permit the use of surveillance cameras in schools because it will significantly deter crime.

Which research fact represents the BEST supporting evidence for this topic sentence?
1 point
21. Read the topic sentence.
The School Board should eliminate the “D” grade because the current grading standard is too low; raising the standard will increase student success.

Which research fact represents the BEST supporting evidence for the topic sentence?
1 point
22. Dean is creating a video to convince middle-school students that cyber-bullying (i.e., bullying
someone through the Internet) is a serious problem and has devastating consequences.

Which primary source would BEST help him prepare for this informed persuasive campaign?
1 point
23. Megan’s assignment was to compare and contrast her personality with that of her brother. She started the following compare/contrast paragraph in class, and her homework is to revise her writing to make it more effective. Read the paragraph:

My brother and I are similar, but we also have some differences.We are loyal to our family and friends, we love to read and cook, and we are hard-working. My brother is not athletic and he has never worked out in his life, but I am athletic and working out is an important part of my life.

Which is the BEST topic sentence for this paragraph?
1 point
24. During class, Megan’s teacher told her to develop her ideas by adding supporting detail to her paragraph. Read the paragraph:

My brother and I are similar, but we also have some differences.We are loyal to our family and friends, we love to read and cook, and we are hard-working. My brother is not athletic and he has never worked out in his life, but I am athletic and working out is an important part of my life.

Where is the BEST place to add concrete detail?
1 point
25. After reading her work out loud, Megan realized that she needs to add transitions to link ideas and make her writing more fluent. Read the paragraph:

My brother and I are similar, but we also have some differences. We are loyal to our family and friends, we love to read and cook, and we are hard-working. My brother is not athletic and he has never worked out in his life, but I am athletic and working out is an important part of my life.

Which sentence would BEST serve as a transition between the ideas in the second and third sentences?
1 point
26. Jason is writing a literary analysis essay examining the dramatic irony in Romeo and Juliet.

Which thesis statement MOST effectively meets his writing goals?
1 point
27. Jason is using the following topic sentence to support his thesis. Shakespeare makes the tragic ending to Romeo and Juliet’s love story come alive through dramatic

Which piece of evidence would provide the BEST textual support for the body paragraph?
1 point
28. Jessica is writing a literary analysis essay examining the effect of a character foil on the course of events in the play Romeo and Juliet. Which thesis statement MOST effectively meets the writer’s goals?
1 point
29. Jessica is using the following topic sentence to support her thesis.

Mercutio’s interest in fighting, in contrast to Romeo’s peacefulness, leads to an event that changes the course of Romeo’s life.

Which piece of evidence would provide the BEST textual support to for the body paragraph?
1 point
30. Read "A Tightrope Friendship" to answer this question.

30. Susie was assigned the role of discussion leader in her literature circle, and after reading “A Tightrope Friendship,” she prepared a series of thoughtful questions to discuss the story and explore the theme.

Which of these is a universal question that BEST reveals the theme of the short story?
1 point
31. Read "A Tightrope Friendship" to answer this question.

Gabriella was assigned the role of bridge builder in her literature circle. To make a text-to-text connection, she selected this quote to present to the group. Read the quote.

“[W]e all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest concerns, and who do not fear to
speak the truth in love to us.” — Margaret Guenther

Which statement captures the theme of both the short story and the quote?
1 point
32. From "Grandmother's Game" For the next ten minutes, John tried his best to return his grandmother’s lightning-fast serve.

What is the MOST accurate connotation of “lightning-fast” as used in this sentence?
1 point
33. Which word BEST describes the tone used in this passage?
Reference "Grandmother's Game"
1 point
34. Read the sentences from the passage.

John laughed and caught the dust cloth in midair.
“Two points,” his grandmother said.
From "Grandmother's Game"

What can the reader infer about the grandmother’s character based upon her reply?
1 point
35. What can the reader conclude by the end of the story?

Reference "Grandmother's Game"
1 point
36. Which of these statements best summarizes the story, "Grandmother's Games?"
1 point
37. What does Althea Gibson’s character symbolize to John’s grandmother?
1 point
38. Which of the following sentence is NOT a run-on?
1 point
39. Which of the following is NOT a way to correct a comma splice?
1 point
40. What is the best way to revise the following sentence?

The groom was wearing a blue flight suit and 240 miles above the Earth on the International Space Station floating.