Knowledge test 9 grade 2015

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3 points

By winning the gold medal in teh Olimpics, she managed to ________ worldwide recognition.
3 points

It took me an hour to _________ to my work this morning.
3 points

The best way to know London is the get into the city ___________.
2 points

I will take the round ____________ from madrid to England. it is cheaper that sailing.
3 points

Once in the forest hurry and find a well equiped _________ to keep you safe and dry.
2 points

That beggar _____________ me and asked me for some money for food.
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

1. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

2. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

3. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

4. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

5. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

6. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

7. _____________
2 points

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 The new computer became an i____________ bestseller and sold out right away.
2 Beethoven was t_____________ deaf. He couldn’t hear a thing.
3 A huge q_____________ of these MP3 players have been sold. Millions and millions, in fact!
4 Sunflowers is probably Van Gogh’s b_____________ painting. It’s his most famous.
5 If you are l_____________ and don’t work hard, you might not pass your exams.
6 J.K. Rowling has many young f_____________ all over the world. They admire her very much.
7 That car didn’t sell at all. It was a complete f_____________ and the company lost a lot of money.
8 This y_____________ club is only for people under the age of 16.

8. _____________
20 points

Write a short paragraph about your life five years ago, compared to today. Think of these things:

• What were/weren’t you able to do then that you can do now?
• What do you need to do now that you didn’t need to do then?
• What were you allowed/not allowed/made to do then?
• What will you be able to do in the future?
3 points

Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER

Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?
Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

Daughter: Exactly.

Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday?

Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started.

Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry.

Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . .

Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations.

Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom!

Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you.

Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . .

Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . .

Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!?

Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

Father: What? What are you talking about?

Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

Father: What? Uh, uhh . . .

Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.

Father: Wait. When did this all happen?

Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course.

Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next?

Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going?

Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college.

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?
A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.
A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.
A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

1. ______________
3 points

Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER

Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?
Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

Daughter: Exactly.

Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday?

Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started.

Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry.

Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . .

Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations.

Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom!

Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you.

Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . .

Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . .

Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!?

Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

Father: What? What are you talking about?

Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

Father: What? Uh, uhh . . .

Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.

Father: Wait. When did this all happen?

Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course.

Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next?

Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going?

Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college.

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?
A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.
A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.
A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

2. ______________
3 points

Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER

Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?
Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

Daughter: Exactly.

Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday?

Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started.

Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry.

Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . .

Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations.

Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom!

Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you.

Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . .

Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . .

Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!?

Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

Father: What? What are you talking about?

Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

Father: What? Uh, uhh . . .

Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.

Father: Wait. When did this all happen?

Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course.

Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next?

Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going?

Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college.

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?
A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.
A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.
A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

3. ______________
3 points

Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER

Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?
Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

Daughter: Exactly.

Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday?

Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started.

Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry.

Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . .

Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations.

Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom!

Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you.

Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . .

Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . .

Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!?

Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

Father: What? What are you talking about?

Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

Father: What? Uh, uhh . . .

Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.

Father: Wait. When did this all happen?

Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course.

Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next?

Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going?

Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college.

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?
A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.
A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.
A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

4. ______________
3 points

Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER

Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?
Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

Daughter: Exactly.

Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday?

Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started.

Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry.

Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . .

Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations.

Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom!

Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you.

Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . .

Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . .

Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!?

Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

Father: What? What are you talking about?

Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

Father: What? Uh, uhh . . .

Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.

Father: Wait. When did this all happen?

Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course.

Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next?

Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going?

Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college.

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?
A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.
A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.
A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

5. ______________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

1. __________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

2. __________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

3. __________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

4. __________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

5. __________
3 points

Complete the text with six of these words.

band chords gig hum influence
inspired lyrics musician perform
songs songwriting success tune

Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would
(3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a
(6) _____________.

6. __________
3 points

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)
Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day.

1. The thief forced me to give him my cellphone (make)

3 points

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)
Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day.

2. The hot sun caused the ice to melt. (make)

3 points

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)
Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day.

3. I won´t allow you to talk like that (let)

3 points

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)
Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day.

4. We had to work 12 hours a day (make)

3 points

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)
Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day.

5. They don´t let me carry weapons on planes. (allow)