Grammar Quiz Seven: Sentence Combining

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1 point
Combine the sentences:
Donna went to work. Donna did not want to go to work.
1 point
Combine the sentences:
Polar bears are fierce, territorial animals.
Grizzly bears are the same.
1 point
Run on Sentence: The girl went shopping but she didn't buy anything.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
I ran the race.
My friend rode his bicycle in the race.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
That movie looks great!
I would love to come see the movie with you.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
I have homework tonight.
I have basketball practice tonight.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
A book can be a lot of fun to read.
A book is a good thing to take on vacation.
1 point
Combine these sentences.
Students at Farrar are hard workers.
Students at Farrar make great grades.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
I will have a sandwich and chips for lunch today.
I will have an apple for lunch too.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
Snow on the ground is beautiful.
Snow on the ground is fun to play in.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
You will get candy in class.
Work hard in class.
1 point
What is the best way to combine these sentences?
Thanksgiving lunch is a big meal.
Thanksgiving lunch is always a great meal.
1 point
Run on Sentence: The doctor gave the baby a shot so he got better.
1 point
Correct the run on sentence:
Many young girls want to learn how to do gymnastics and they take many classes to learn the skill of tumbling.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
Dr. James ate a big meal.
Dr. James went to work afterward.
1 point
Correct the run on sentence: The big dogs ran down the street and they were in a hurry.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
My cat was hungry.
My cat had not eaten since breakfast.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
The scientists trained Bob well.
The scientists helped Bob find a job.
1 point
Correct the Run on Sentence:
Our basketball team won all games but it did not win the championship game.
1 point
Sentence Combining:
The students enjoyed science at Farrar.
The students wanted to do a science fair at Farrar.