psych exam 3

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1 point
Which of the following provides a good example of an independent variable in the free recall task
1 point
Research on probability judgement in decision making suggests that people often judge the probability that an object belongs to a category by
1 point
When people judge the frequency of an event based on the ease with which examples of that event come to mind they are making use of the ________ heuristic.
1 point
Memory that involves conscious recollection is known as ________ memory. A good example of a test used to demonstrate this form of memory is _______.
1 point
Step-by-step rules or procedures that, if applied correctly, guarantee a solution in a problem-solving task are known as
1 point
Research on child language learning indicates that
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The part of our memory that includes the information about which we are consciously aware, also known as our "working memory," is
1 point
The recency effect in the free recall task is theorized to result mainly from the operation of
1 point
The "mutilated-checkerboard" and "monk-climbing-the-mountain" problems provide good examples of the importance of using
1 point
A memory disorder resulting from prolonged alcoholism and malnourishment is
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The process that allows people to increase the amount of information that they can store in short term memory is
1 point
The best or most representative member of a category is known as the
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Presenting a list of words prior to conducting the word-fragment completion test facilitates performance for both normals and amnesiacs. This facilitation due to repetition of the words is known as
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On Monday you study for your psychology test, and on Tuesday you study for your biology test. On Wednesday, you take your psychology test, but all that you can think about are chromosomes and fruit flies! You are suffering from
1 point
The brain structure that appears to be critical for transferring information from short term memory to long term memory is the
1 point
The language phenomenon that best supports the idea that language learning in children proceeds by the learning of general grammatical rules is
1 point
In the free recall task, the most common strategy that novices use for transferring information from short term memory to long term memory is
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The concept of "framing" is most relevant to the issue of how
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A problem with using the representativeness heuristic as a strategy for judging event probabilities is that it can lead people to ignore
1 point
The "Magic #7, plus or minus two," refers to
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Research suggests that most natural categories
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Which of the following does NOT provide an example of a control process used for transferring information from short term memory to long term memory?
1 point
The conjunction error (or conjunction fallacy) is most likely to result from people's use of the
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The memory principle that places greatest emphasis on the role of context in influencing which retrieval cues are the most effective is
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When tested in the sentence verification paradigm a person must judge whether or not an object is a member of a category. The general finding in such studies is that
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Research on training animals such as apes and chimpanzees to learn language indicates most clearly that such animals are capable of
1 point
People who suffer from amnesia are most likely to demonstrate normal
1 point
The mnemonic technique in which one forms an image of each object interacting in some fashion with the objects in a list of nursery rhymes is
1 point
A good example of a test of implicit memory is
1 point
It has been shown that people tend to falsely recognize the word "needle" if a group of highly related words such as "sewing," "pin," "thread," "syringe," etc are presented on a list. The phenomenon seems well explained in terms of
1 point
Compared to long term memory, short term memory is
1 point
The heuristic of means-ends analysis is centrally concerned with
1 point
The smallest significant sound units in speech are known as
1 point
The aspect of grammar that involves rules for combining words to form legal sentences is known as
1 point
Research on recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse indicates that
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The task most often used to determine the capacity of short term memory is
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The finding of experimental dissociations, in which a group of subjects performs well in certain type of memory tasks but not in others, is used to provide evidence of the
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Research using the misinformation paradigm suggests that
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The tip-of-the tongue phenomenon provides a good illustration of limitations of memory due to failures of
1 point
Increasing the rate of presentation of words in a free recall task is most likely to