Science Skills 1

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1 point
Which science process skill involves using your five senses to describe what is seen, heard, felt, smelt, and tasted?
1 point
Which science process skill is an explanation of observations?
1 point
Which science process skill is reading scales in order to obtain results?
1 point
Which science process skill involves making up categories or grouping things together?
1 point
Which science process skill uses a test under controlled conditions?
1 point
Which science process skill involves sharing ideas through talking and listening, drawing and labeling pictures, graphs, etc.?
1 point
Which science process skill involves guessing what might happen in the future?
1 point
The boy has on a blue jacket.

This is an example of a(n):
1 point
A boy has on a blue jacket because it is cold outside.

This is an example of a(n):
1 point
If it is cold outside, then the boy will wear his blue jacket.

This is an example of a(n):