Ecomics Applications in Business

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1 point
Cheryl makes extra money by baby-sitting. Baby-sitting is considered a service rather than a good because it is not
1 point
Which of the following factors has an influence on the monetary value of resources
1 point
Which of the following is a type of intangible business property that is protected by law
1 point
Erick and Jacob were college graduates who wanted to open an accounting firm. However, Erick had a full-time position that he planned to continue buy skill wanted to be a part of this business venture. Which form of business ownership would you recommend to Erick and Jacob?
1 point
A manufacturer was unable to buy natural rubber and purchased synthetic rubber so that production levels could be maintained. This is an example of ___________ resources
1 point
In which of the following types of business ownership does the owner bear the entire risk of loss
1 point
A group of individuals organized by a charter and permitted to a form business that functions as a legal entity is known as a
1 point
Which of the following factors might an employer consider when deciding how much to pay a worker:
1 point
Which of the following is an example of a consumer good
1 point
One of the factors that limits the production of capital goods is the
1 point
One reason the United States has an ample supply of capital goods is because it is a leader in
1 point
Which of the following types of laws protects a business's invention or written works from the unauthorized use by others