AS Language terms

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1 point
If we are discussing metaphors, similes and hyperbole, it's likely that we are using what level / framework of analysis?
1 point
What are we studying when we study 'orthography'?
1 point
I can see a small car.
What is the sentence mood of the sentence above?
1 point
Is *LOL* an initialism?
Pick 2 options.
2 points
'You makin fun o my accent, Jimmy?'
What is the above an example of?
1 point
Which of the below is NOT one of Grice's maxims?
2 points
Which 2 terms could you apply to the lexeme above?
1 point
If we see a sentence with a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses, what have we seen?
1 point
If we have two lexemes next to each other which have opposed connotations, what term could we apply under the semantic level of analysis?
1 point
A sentence which has a dynamic verb at the front usually has what sentence mood / function?
1 point
'Yesterday morning around 8 o'clock, I ran for a bus with the speed of a sprinting gazelle.'

The sentence above is...
1 point
Which of the following terms would you NOT find under the lexical level / framework?
1 point
'Horror' could be in the semantic field of war and the military.
2 points
I can see a small car.
The lexeme *car* is a concrete noun. Give two other types of noun from the options below.
1 point
Which word class shows position?
1 point
I can see a small car.
How would we describe the clause structure of the above sentence?
1 point
According to Lakoff's analysis of language and gender, women tend to deploy...
1 point
'a brightly-lit, open space'
Is the noun phrase above using postmodification?
1 point
I can see a small car.
How do we describe the lexeme *can*?
1 point
If 'you' is a second person pronoun, then 'your' is a second person preposition. Is this true or false?
1 point
Tenor, implicature, location and deixis can all be discussed under the pragmatic level / framework. Is this true or false?
1 point
What has been omitted in the following sentence?:

'What you looking at?'
1 point
Under the lexical level of analysis, what could we say about the verb (or sometimes a noun) 'courting'?
1 point
When analysing grammar, there are usually thought to be x number of sentence moods and x number of sentence types.
What is x?
1 point
If a text contains lots of pejorative and taboo lexis but many, many polysyllabic lexemes, a high frequency of abstract nouns and deploys a range of technical jargon, we would probably say it has...
1 point
'Horror' is in the lexical set of war and the military.
1 point
I can see a *small car*.
What word class is the headword in the phrase *small car*?
2 points
If I make reference to a famous film or book when speaking (for example, saying that we find ourselves in a catch-22 situation) then which two terms could I apply to that utterance?
1 point
What term do we use for a phrase of more than one word which adds information about how, where, in what manner or when something occurred?
1 point
I can see a small car.
The lexeme *a* is known as a what?
1 point
In the noun phrase 'a tiny bit of yellow paper sticking to my shoe' there are two premodifying adjectives. Which of the answers below is NOT a premodifying adjective OR the headword?
1 point
'I feel very sorrowful, angry and resentful that you have forced such a nefarious and outmoded test upon our frail young selves.'
How many adjectives are there in the sentence above?
1 point
Look at the following sentence:

'I have a great deal of concern already because many of the answers are subjective.'

What is the sentence type?
1 point
I can see a |*small* car.
What word class is *small*?
1 point
There are usually thought to be 8 word classes. 'Declarative' is one of these word classes.