Grammar Questions

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1 point
What does the word UNUSUAL mean in the sentence below?

Mom thought the ring was very unusual.
1 point
What is the BEST way to combine the sentences below?

The baby cried. The boy yelled loudly.
1 point
What does the word LAVA mean in the sentence below?

The volcano was surrounded by red hot lava.
1 point
What does the word ARRIVAL mean in the sentence below?

The parade will start after the mayor's arrival.
1 point
What does the word UNLUCKY mean in the sentence below?

Denny felt unlucky when he lost his favorite toy.
1 point
Which of the following is the BEST replacement for the verb screeched in the sentence below?

Drew screeched the last notes of the song.
1 point
What does the word REPAID mean in the sentence below?

Anna repaid the dollar I loaned her.
1 point
What does the word ABOARD mean in the sentence below?

The travelers climbed aboard the train.
1 point
Which conjunction BEST completes the sentence below?

________ you finish your homework, you may watch TV.
1 point
Which conjunction BEST completes the sentence below?

Lucy was late to school ____________ she couldn't find her book bag.