Grammar Questions

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1 point
Which word completes both sentences below?

My favorite flower is a _______.
The kid _______ from his seat.
1 point
What is the plural form of the word mouse?
1 point
What does the word "improve" mean in the sentence below?

The track runner trained every day to improve her times.
1 point
Which word BEST replaces the phrase "full of color" in the sentences below?

Mrs. Carpenter bought a full of color dress.
1 point
Which word BEST completes both sentences below?

The queen is the ______________ of the kingdom.
You use a ___________ to measure.
1 point
Which word BEST replaces the phrase "not going to harm" in the sentences below?
1 point
Which word completes both sentences below?

The pencil has a sharp ________.
It is rude to _________ at people.
1 point
What does the word "process" mean in the sentence below?

Terry thought the process was easy to follow.
1 point
What is the plural form of the word woman?
1 point
What is the plural form of the word deer?