Prefixes, Suffixes and Vocabulary in Context

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1 point
What word most closely defines irregular
1 point
The prefix un- means?
1 point
What word most closely defines "Irrational"?
1 point
What word most closely defines "nonverbal"?
1 point
The prefix re- means?
1 point
Which of the following roots means CIRCLE?
1 point
"General Wood does not think that I give quite enough credit to the Rough Riders as compared to the regulars in this Guasimas fight, and believes that I greatly underestimate the Spanish force and loss." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Identify the meaning of the prefix in the word UNDERESTIMATE.
1 point
A series of letters placed in front of a word to form a new word is called a suffix.
1 point
What does the root "luna" mean?
1 point
The author says that for a red moon to appear the Earth, sun, and moon must align precisely.

1 point
He was new to the school and was struggling to catch up with the curriculum so the student was apprehensive about the test. He decided to go to tutoring for test practice.

Which definition best describes the word "apprehensive"?
1 point
Tanner felt remorse after he stole the cookie from the jar.

Which definition best fits the word "remorse"?
1 point
Kane wrote an article exposing where schools lunches came from. A few kids had gotten food poisoning from the lunches. The staff was angry and argued with him about his article describing school lunch as, “not even worthy of being dog food.” Kane was unabashed about his opinion of the school lunch and did not take back his statements.
1 point
Dad has left some hamburger in the fridge. I take it out and find a can of tomatoes in the cupboard. Mom used to make chili all the time, but I can't remember what she did. I'll have to improvise.

What word best describes what the word "improvise" means?
1 point
The bully had derision for all of the students who wore glasses, so he teased them and called them names.
1 point
On October 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy destroyed many homes in New York. A huge fire destroyed 80-100 houses in a flooded beachfront neighborhood, forcing firefighters to undertake daring rescues and injuring three people.

In this story the word forcing means......
1 point
Choose the best definition for the word resolved in the sentence below.

Because the team lost the game, they resolved to play better in the next game.
1 point
What does scrounge mean as it is used in the following passage?

We went to the attic to scrounge together costumes for the play. We searched and found an old hat here, strange scarves over there. Putting bits and pieces together we made a gypsy costume.
1 point
Sharon had just graduated high school, literally. Only thirty minutes earlier, she was walking across the stage and accepting her diploma. After she accepted it, she continued walking... off the stage, through the crowd, and out of the school. She was ready to start her adult life, and she felt that she could not do that if she spent the rest of the day and the month reliving her high school memories. She told herself that moving on with her life required the abandonment of childish friends, desires, and memories. She was ready to be a new person, or at least she thought she was ready.

In the context of this passage, what is the meaning of the word ABANDONMENT?
1 point
What are you bringing with you to class on Tuesday?