Grammar Questions

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1 point
Which word is the proper noun in the sentence below?

Last summer, Mrs. Roberts took a trip to the coast.
1 point
Which word is a noun that names a person in the sentence below?

The girl was looking for shells on the beach.
1 point
What does the word disappears mean in the sentence below?

The moon disappears when it passes behind the cloud.
1 point
Using what you know about the word ART, what does the word artifact mean in the sentence below?

The artifact was from Ancient Egypt.
1 point
Which word is correct and BEST completes the sentence below?

Steve went to the pond to sail his toy _______.
1 point
Using what you know about the word HAND, what does the word handmade mean in the sentence below?

The pretty bench was handmade in Mexico during the 1800s.
1 point
Which word is correct and BEST completes the sentence below?

I learned the different between a frog and a ________.
1 point
What does the word stretch mean in the sentence below?

The rubber band will stretch if you pull on it.
1 point
Which is the noun that names a place in the place below?

Todd and the captain flew to the moon in a rocket.
1 point
Which word is the proper noun in the sentence below?

My father and Mr. Jones went to the football game last weekend.