7th grade science: Unit 9

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1 point
What would cause mountains to become shorter over time?
1 point
If a tree grows through bedrock and the roots of the tree split the rock what is that caused by?
1 point
An old house is torn down. Small weeds and grasses grow over the vacant lot. Over the next few years, bushes and tree seedlings begin to grow. Which of the following would probably happen next
1 point
Chemical weathing is different than mechanical weathering because it
1 point
The four main factors of erosion are
1 point
Which biome is likely to be most affected by erosion caused by WIND?
1 point
A volcanic eruption adds a large amount of lava along with other things to the environment. This balances out deposition with which of the following forces?
1 point
After a pond is filled in, the area will go through a series of stages of succession. After 100s of years, what will happen to the pond?
1 point
In 2009 Galveston was hit by Hurricane Ike. What effects would you expect to see following the natural disaster?
1 point
Which of the following landforms is NOT caused by deposition?
1 point
Areas that experience great numbers of earthquakes also have volcanoes. Why do these areas have both EARTHQUAKES and VOLCANOES?
1 point
Which of the following is MOST RESPONSIBLE for the formation of underground limestone caves?
1 point
Severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds
1 point
A very large ocean wave caused by plate tectonics and/or volcanic eruptions
1 point
The shaking of Earth’s surface caused by movement along a fault
1 point
Where a cold and warm front meet that forms a funnel-shaped extension of a cloud
1 point
Opening in a Earth’s surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface