Apropriation goal 1 Term 2 10a

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1 point
Read and answer the following questions

Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?
Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.


sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
- You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.
flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
- We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.
power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
- The power outage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.
shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
- After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.
pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
- Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.
purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
- You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.
murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
- The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.
spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
- The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.
bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
- Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.
nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
- The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.
evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
- In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.
be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
- The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.
unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
- The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.
poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
- I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.
be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
- If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.
stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
- Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.
wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
- We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.
be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
- The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.


1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?
A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?
A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?
A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?
A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

Answer 1: Only answer the letter, do not use capital letter
1 point
Read and answer the following questions

Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?
Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.


sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
- You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.
flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
- We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.
power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
- The power outage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.
shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
- After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.
pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
- Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.
purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
- You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.
murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
- The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.
spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
- The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.
bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
- Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.
nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
- The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.
evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
- In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.
be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
- The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.
unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
- The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.
poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
- I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.
be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
- If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.
stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
- Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.
wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
- We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.
be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
- The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.


1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?
A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?
A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?
A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?
A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

Answer 2: Only answer the letter, do not use capital letter
1 point
Read and answer the following questions

Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?
Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.


sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
- You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.
flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
- We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.
power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
- The power outage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.
shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
- After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.
pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
- Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.
purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
- You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.
murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
- The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.
spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
- The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.
bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
- Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.
nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
- The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.
evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
- In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.
be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
- The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.
unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
- The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.
poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
- I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.
be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
- If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.
stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
- Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.
wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
- We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.
be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
- The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.


1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?
A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?
A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?
A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?
A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

Answer 3: Only answer the letter, do not use capital letter
1 point
Read and answer the following questions

Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?
Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.


sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
- You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.
flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
- We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.
power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
- The power outage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.
shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
- After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.
pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
- Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.
purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
- You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.
murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
- The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.
spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
- The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.
bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
- Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.
nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
- The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.
evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
- In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.
be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
- The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.
unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
- The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.
poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
- I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.
be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
- If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.
stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
- Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.
wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
- We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.
be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
- The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.


1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?
A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?
A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?
A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?
A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

Answer 4: Only answer the letter, do not use capital letter
1 point
Read and answer the following questions

Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?
Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.


sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
- You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.
flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
- We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.
power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
- The power outage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.
shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
- After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.
pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
- Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.
purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
- You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.
murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
- The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.
spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
- The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.
bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
- Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.
nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
- The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.
evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
- In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.
be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
- The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.
unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
- The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.
poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
- I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.
be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
- If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.
stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
- Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.
wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
- We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.
be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
- The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.


1. What kind of emergency does the man NOT mention?
A. power failure
B. snowstorm
C. tornado

2. Which idea was stated in the conversation about water?
A. You should buy spring water in bottles in advance.
B. Having a water filter to clean water can be helpful.
C. Bacteria in water can cause serious illness.

3. What is one basic principle behind food in a 72-hour kit?
A. Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons.
B. Cooking warm meals can lift people's spirits.
C. Buying easy-to-prepare foods is ideal.

4. What is the woman's image of an emergency shelter?
A. people working together in a difficult situation
B. a very overcrowded building that is dirty
C. a facility lacking adequate food and drinking water

5. What advice does the man have for people with small children?
A. pack plenty of snacks and treats
B. carry a portable DVD player with movies
C. be prepared with some basic art materials

Answer 5: Only answer the letter, do not use capital letter
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2)
Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter

1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________
2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________
3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________
4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________
5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________

Answer 1. _______
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2)
Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter

1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________
2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________
3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________
4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________
5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________

Answer 2. _______
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2)
Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter

1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________
2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________
3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________
4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________
5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________

Answer 3. _______
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2)
Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter

1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________
2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________
3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________
4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________
5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________

Answer 4. _______
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2)
Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter

1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________
2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________
3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________
4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________
5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________

Answer 5. _______
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter.

6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that!
7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it.
8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!'
9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework.
10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump!

Answer 6. ________
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter.

6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that!
7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it.
8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!'
9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework.
10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump!

Answer 7. ________
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter.

6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that!
7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it.
8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!'
9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework.
10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump!

Answer 8. ________
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter.

6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that!
7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it.
8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!'
9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework.
10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump!

Answer 9. ________
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter.

6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that!
7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it.
8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!'
9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework.
10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump!

Answer 10. ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 1)
Write the correct answer, do not use capital letter.

16 We sat in the dark listening to the clock [ticking / tick] steadily.
17 We didn't see Jim [score / scoring] the winning goal because we had left by then.
18 When Pedro woke up that morning, he could hear people [shout / shouting] outside.
19 I watched some people [swim / swimming] in the sea for a while. It looked nice so I went in.
20 When I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast [cook / cooking] in the kitchen, I got up.

Answer 16: ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 1)
Write the correct answer, do not use capital letter.

16 We sat in the dark listening to the clock [ticking / tick] steadily.
17 We didn't see Jim [score / scoring] the winning goal because we had left by then.
18 When Pedro woke up that morning, he could hear people [shout / shouting] outside.
19 I watched some people [swim / swimming] in the sea for a while. It looked nice so I went in.
20 When I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast [cook / cooking] in the kitchen, I got up.

Answer 17: ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 1)
Write the correct answer, do not use capital letter.

16 We sat in the dark listening to the clock [ticking / tick] steadily.
17 We didn't see Jim [score / scoring] the winning goal because we had left by then.
18 When Pedro woke up that morning, he could hear people [shout / shouting] outside.
19 I watched some people [swim / swimming] in the sea for a while. It looked nice so I went in.
20 When I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast [cook / cooking] in the kitchen, I got up.

Answer 18: ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 1)
Write the correct answer, do not use capital letter.

16 We sat in the dark listening to the clock [ticking / tick] steadily.
17 We didn't see Jim [score / scoring] the winning goal because we had left by then.
18 When Pedro woke up that morning, he could hear people [shout / shouting] outside.
19 I watched some people [swim / swimming] in the sea for a while. It looked nice so I went in.
20 When I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast [cook / cooking] in the kitchen, I got up.

Answer 19: ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 1)
Write the correct answer, do not use capital letter.

16 We sat in the dark listening to the clock [ticking / tick] steadily.
17 We didn't see Jim [score / scoring] the winning goal because we had left by then.
18 When Pedro woke up that morning, he could hear people [shout / shouting] outside.
19 I watched some people [swim / swimming] in the sea for a while. It looked nice so I went in.
20 When I could smell the delicious smell of breakfast [cook / cooking] in the kitchen, I got up.

Answer 20: ________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 2)
Write the correct answer. Do not use capital letter

21 Victor could hear people [talk / talked / talking] in the next room so he knew he was not alone.
22 The sound of dogs [bark / barking / barked] often keeps me awake at night.
23 At three in the morning, I heard my uncle [unlock / unlocking / unlocked] the door. He'd been working late.
24 As I passed the closed door, I could hear my friends [whisper / whispering / to whisper] inside.
25 'Had you ever heard her [sing / sang / to sing] before?' 'No, it was the first time.'

Answer for 21: _________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 2)
Write the correct answer. Do not use capital letter

21 Victor could hear people [talk / talked / talking] in the next room so he knew he was not alone.
22 The sound of dogs [bark / barking / barked] often keeps me awake at night.
23 At three in the morning, I heard my uncle [unlock / unlocking / unlocked] the door. He'd been working late.
24 As I passed the closed door, I could hear my friends [whisper / whispering / to whisper] inside.
25 'Had you ever heard her [sing / sang / to sing] before?' 'No, it was the first time.'

Answer for 22: _________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 2)
Write the correct answer. Do not use capital letter

21 Victor could hear people [talk / talked / talking] in the next room so he knew he was not alone.
22 The sound of dogs [bark / barking / barked] often keeps me awake at night.
23 At three in the morning, I heard my uncle [unlock / unlocking / unlocked] the door. He'd been working late.
24 As I passed the closed door, I could hear my friends [whisper / whispering / to whisper] inside.
25 'Had you ever heard her [sing / sang / to sing] before?' 'No, it was the first time.'

Answer for 23: _________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 2)
Write the correct answer. Do not use capital letter

21 Victor could hear people [talk / talked / talking] in the next room so he knew he was not alone.
22 The sound of dogs [bark / barking / barked] often keeps me awake at night.
23 At three in the morning, I heard my uncle [unlock / unlocking / unlocked] the door. He'd been working late.
24 As I passed the closed door, I could hear my friends [whisper / whispering / to whisper] inside.
25 'Had you ever heard her [sing / sang / to sing] before?' 'No, it was the first time.'

Answer for 24: _________
1 point
Grammar point 2: Sense verbs + -ing or infinitive (difficulty level 2)
Write the correct answer. Do not use capital letter

21 Victor could hear people [talk / talked / talking] in the next room so he knew he was not alone.
22 The sound of dogs [bark / barking / barked] often keeps me awake at night.
23 At three in the morning, I heard my uncle [unlock / unlocking / unlocked] the door. He'd been working late.
24 As I passed the closed door, I could hear my friends [whisper / whispering / to whisper] inside.
25 'Had you ever heard her [sing / sang / to sing] before?' 'No, it was the first time.'

Answer for 25: _________
20 points

Read the following extract from a real survivor of a catastrophy.

"During the earthquake, she explains, two of her children were home alone and saw a building collapsing, killing a woman. Not surprisingly, she says, her children, like thousands of others in the area, have been traumatized by what they witnessed."

Write a letter to a humanitarian ONG, imagine that you are another victim. Describe what happened to you, what you witnessed, be detail. Then ask him for help for you and your friend in the disaster area.

Include the vocabulary and grammar studied, use no more than 50 words.
1 point
Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions

Lost at Sea
[1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he
was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding
onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing
keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.
[2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake
like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't
expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought
they were safe.
[3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if
the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like
a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy.
[4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at
people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what
was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly,
someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’
[5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a
doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him
under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the
devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose True (T) or False (F).

1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F
2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F
3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F
4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F
5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F

Answer for 1. ____
1 point
Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions

Lost at Sea
[1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he
was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding
onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing
keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.
[2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake
like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't
expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought
they were safe.
[3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if
the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like
a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy.
[4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at
people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what
was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly,
someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’
[5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a
doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him
under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the
devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose True (T) or False (F).

1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F
2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F
3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F
4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F
5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F

Answer for 2. ____
1 point
Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions

Lost at Sea
[1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he
was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding
onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing
keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.
[2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake
like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't
expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought
they were safe.
[3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if
the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like
a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy.
[4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at
people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what
was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly,
someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’
[5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a
doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him
under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the
devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose True (T) or False (F).

1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F
2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F
3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F
4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F
5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F

Answer for 3. ____
1 point
Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions

Lost at Sea
[1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he
was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding
onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing
keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.
[2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake
like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't
expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought
they were safe.
[3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if
the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like
a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy.
[4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at
people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what
was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly,
someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’
[5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a
doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him
under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the
devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose True (T) or False (F).

1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F
2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F
3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F
4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F
5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F

Answer for 4. ____
1 point
Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions

Lost at Sea
[1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he
was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding
onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing
keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.
[2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake
like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't
expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought
they were safe.
[3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if
the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like
a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy.
[4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at
people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what
was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly,
someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’
[5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a
doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him
under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the
devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose True (T) or False (F).

1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F
2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F
3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F
4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F
5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F

Answer for 5. ____