English 38 ESP

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2 points
The main points which emerge from the environment of the second year of the CSE Project on Medicine are the following: Choose 3.
2 points
Three of the factors which significantly affected the development of the syllabus outlines for stages 2 and 3 in Chapter 2 were the following. Choose 3.

2 points
What did the Tutors in English to Overseas Students decide to
focus on in the seven-week course?
2 points
At the time of the project general environment of the British Council Communication Skills in English Programme for first-year medical students at King Faisal University Dammam Saudi Arabia 1977 are as follows except one.

2 points
What was the Teaching Method by the CSE in teaching the Medical students?
2 points
The outline of course objectives to be included by the CSE team for Medical students includes this.
2 points
Criticism of ESP materials is in general restricted to ____________________________________ and to discussion of the postulates themselves.
2 points
What were the factors that dominated the situation when the CSE Project's first classes began?
2 points
The following are criteria for selection of topic area in an ESP lesson for Medicine students. Choose 3.

2 points
Medical students in the CSE Project have proved to be vocationally aware and more committed to their perceived spectrum of studies because of the following reasons. Choose 3.

2 points
The following is an example of a sentence seen in an ESP lesson for Medical students that hits what English grammar?

The valves allow/the action of the valves allows ..........
2 points
Ten Listening Comprehension and Note-Taking Units have been prepared
by the Tutors in English to Overseas Students and each unit follow the same design.
2 points
What does "success" mean in the article, DESIGNING SCIENCE WRITING MATERIALS?
2 points
Surveys of overseas postgraduates' use of English for speaking, reading and writing were conducted at the Universities of Manchester and Newcastle between 1972 and 1974 and results show that by far the largest proportion of a students time is spent in ___________.
2 points
The subject-matter of the Units is concerned with aspects of Study Skills and
the problems students are likely to encounter when studying through the
medium of English. Titles include the following except __________.
2 points
In the article, DESIGNING SCIENCE WRITING MATERIALS, the author refers to "zero" year as __________.
2 points
The description of processes in a Medicine course include the following. Choose 3.
2 points
Towards the middle of the second semester, student attendances sank sharply in the CSE Project. Three likely causes for this decline are the following, except one.

2 points
Two major ways of approaching an authentic text for use in the classroom: ________ and ___________
2 points
Stage 2 of each unit done by the Tutors in English to Overseas Students in a seven week course include the following, except _________.
2 points
This exercise consists of five true/false comprehension questions. The students have to search for the relevant information by reading the tape script; they also have to justify their answers by giving evidence in writing, eg. a quotation from the tape script.
2 points
There are various techniques ESP teachers can use if one cannot answer a student's question. Choose the best.
2 points
The purpose of this paper is to indicate the areas of the programme in which video-tape recordings have been used, and the methods used in conjunction with these recordings.
2 points
What are the language needs of the students that were going to enroll in a seven-week course under Tutors in English to Overseas Students?
2 points
AT KING FAISAL UNIVERSITY CSE PROJECT is an article by __________.