Gore-ELA-Grade 11 Final

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1 point
“Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy, sunshine in my eyes can make me cry.” is an example of which point of view?
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

A situation that is unavoidable
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Not very good. Of only moderate quality. Barely OK.
1 point
Using the Link for the Los 4 Reading if necessary (from the Google Classroom Assignment), select the best answer for the section from following passage that is between [brackets]. Choose from the options below:

While enrolled as a graduate student at the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles, Hernandez met fellow student Carlos Almaraz, one of the founding [members of] the Chicano artist collective known as “Los Four.”
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

My best friend is tall
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

For breakfast I ate Lucky Charms cereal.
1 point
Select the word below that would be best used to represent this idea and part of speech:
The End Result of a change.
The noun version of the word, representing a new, finished state, like a "Special Effect".
Not an Action.
Generally a Noun.
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

My best friend is 16 years old.
1 point
"Hallmark - When you care enough to send the very best" is an example of which point of view?
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

A lavish display of wealth. Over the top showing off of luxury.
1 point
Which literary device best represents the following:

"They are as funny as a couple of monkeys."
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Irrational fear of others who are seen as different from oneself. A common cause of racist hatred for other ethnic groups or immigrants from other countries.
1 point
Select the version of the word below that best represents-
The Process of Creating a Change
An Action.
The Verb form of the word representing the act of changing or impacting something.
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Combination of Social and Political Factors. How political rights relate to different social groups.
1 point
Which of the following definitions best applies to the word "Distinguishing", used to describe one goal of your college essay?
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

An incorrect opinion based on faulty thinking or understanding
1 point
Which of the below options best represents the following definition:
"a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable."
1 point
Which of the below options best represents the following definition:

"a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox )."
1 point
Using the Link for the Los 4 Reading if necessary (from the Google Classroom Assignment), select the best answer for the section from following passage that is between [brackets]. Choose from the options below:

Chicano art began as an outgrowth of the more general Chicano Civil Rights [ Movement;] a sociopolitical initiative that began in the 1960s to promote social progress and change for Mexican-Americans.
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Something based on, or imitative of, something else.
1 point

Which of the below options best represents the following definition:
"exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

Bacon is the best food ever.
1 point
Which of the below options best represents the following definition:
"the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form"
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Increased chance due to genetics or environmental factors
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

My lunch break is 45 minutes long
1 point
Which literary device best represents the following:

"Life is a roller coaster."
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Small. Smaller than average scale. Extremely focused
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Short, amusing or interesting story, thats not reliable fact
1 point
"FedEx - When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight" is an example of which point of view?
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

All. Everything.
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Mainly. Majority. Most of.
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

To emphasize, highlight, or underline.
1 point

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" is an example of which point of view?
1 point
Is the following an Objective or Subjective statement:

My best friend sucks at baseball.
1 point
Which literary device best represents the following:

"I will die of embarrassment if Mrs. Shimel calls on me in class!"
1 point
Which of the following definitions best applies to the word "Authentic", used to describe one goal of your college essay?
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Compare and Contrast 2 things by setting them near each other.
1 point
Large. Larger than average scale. Extremely large or broad
1 point
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery” is an example of which point of view?
1 point
Which literary device best represents the following:

"Last night, I slept like a log."
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

Fearful worrying. Feeling that something bad will happen
1 point
Small Head
1 point
Using the Link for the Los 4 Reading if necessary (from the Google Classroom Assignment), select the best answer for the section from following passage that is between [brackets]. Choose from the options below:

The significance of her contributions to the Chicano art movement [were] recognized as early as 1981, when Hernandez was commissioned by...
1 point
Choose the word below that best meets this definition:

A hint or warning of a future event.