7 grade Apropiacion

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3 points
Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the box. There are two words you don’t need.


In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot.

Answer #1: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.
3 points
Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the box. There are two words you don’t need.


In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot.

Answer #2: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.
3 points
Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the box. There are two words you don’t need.


In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot.

Answer #3: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.
3 points
Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the box. There are two words you don’t need.


In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot.

Answer #4: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.
3 points
Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the lesson 4.


In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot.

Answer #5: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.
3 points
Write the verbs in the present continuous.
Hi Paula, how are you? It (0) ’s raining (rain) and I (11) __________ (stand) at the bus stop with my friend Hannah. We (12) __________ (wait) for my dad. He (13) __________ (come) to get us in his car, so we (14) __________ (not / get) a bus. I hope he comes soon – it’s cold! What (15) __________ (you / do) now? Do you want to come to the cinema with us? Carla

Write answer #11. Do not use capital letters nor contractions
3 points
Write the verbs in the present continuous.
Hi Paula, how are you? It (0) ’s raining (rain) and I (11) __________ (stand) at the bus stop with my friend Hannah. We (12) __________ (wait) for my dad. He (13) __________ (come) to get us in his car, so we (14) __________ (not / get) a bus. I hope he comes soon – it’s cold! What (15) __________ (you / do) now? Do you want to come to the cinema with us? Carla

Write answer #12. Do not use capital letters nor contractions
3 points
Write the verbs in the present continuous.
Hi Paula, how are you? It (0) ’s raining (rain) and I (11) __________ (stand) at the bus stop with my friend Hannah. We (12) __________ (wait) for my dad. He (13) __________ (come) to get us in his car, so we (14) __________ (not / get) a bus. I hope he comes soon – it’s cold! What (15) __________ (you / do) now? Do you want to come to the cinema with us? Carla

Write answer #13. Do not use capital letters nor contractions
3 points
Write the verbs in the present continuous.
Hi Paula, how are you? It (0) ’s raining (rain) and I (11) __________ (stand) at the bus stop with my friend Hannah. We (12) __________ (wait) for my dad. He (13) __________ (come) to get us in his car, so we (14) __________ (not / get) a bus. I hope he comes soon – it’s cold! What (15) __________ (you / do) now? Do you want to come to the cinema with us? Carla

Write answer #14. Do not use capital letters nor contractions
3 points
Write the verbs in the present continuous.
Hi Paula, how are you? It (0) ’s raining (rain) and I (11) __________ (stand) at the bus stop with my friend Hannah. We (12) __________ (wait) for my dad. He (13) __________ (come) to get us in his car, so we (14) __________ (not / get) a bus. I hope he comes soon – it’s cold! What (15) __________ (you / do) now? Do you want to come to the cinema with us? Carla

Write answer #15. Do not use capital letters nor contractions
20 points

Follow the teacher´s instructions. Enjoy !!!
20 points

Imagine that you are going to create a city in a video game. What are the 3 most important places you want to create and why? 50 words.
0 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?
A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?
A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?
A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?
A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

Answer 1 _____
0 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?
A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?
A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?
A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?
A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

Answer 2 _____
0 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?
A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?
A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?
A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?
A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

Answer 3 _____
0 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?
A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?
A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?
A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?
A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

Answer 4 _____
0 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?
A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?
A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?
A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?
A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

Answer 5 _____
3 points

Read the text and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

Conversation text
Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?
A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

Answer 1: ___
3 points

Read the text and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

Conversation text
Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?
A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

Answer 2: ___
3 points

Read the text and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

Conversation text
Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?
A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

Answer 3: ___
3 points

Read the text and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

Conversation text
Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?
A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

Answer 4: ___
3 points

Read the text and answer the questions by writing the correct letter in the blank. DO not use capital letter.

Conversation text
Man: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?
Woman: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. [Oh!]Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning?

Man: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

Woman: How about going to an Indian restaurant? [Humm] The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

Man: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? [Oh . . umm . . well . . . ] Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

Woman: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. [Really?]. Yeah. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

Man: Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Woman: No problem. We can use YOUR credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

Man: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used MY credit card for YOUR purchases.

Woman: Oh well. Let's take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.

Man: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.


1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?
A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?
A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

Answer 5: ___