Unemployment Insurance Claims Clerk - test one

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1 point
You find that an applicant for public assistance is hesitant about showing you some required personal material and documents.
1 point
An applicant has just given you a response which does not seem clear.
Of the following, the BEST course of action for you to take in order to check your understanding of the applicant's response is for you to
1 point
While speaking with applicants for public assistance, you may find that there are times when an applicant will be silent for a short while before answering questions. In order to gather the BEST information from the applicant, the interviewer should generally treat these silences by
1 point
In dealing with members of different ethnic and religious groups among the applicants you interview, you should give
1 point
You must be sure that, when interviewing an applicant, you phrase each question carefully.
Of the following, the MOST important reason for this is to insure that
1 point
When given a form to complete, a client hesitates, tells you that he cannot fill out forms too well, and that he is afraid he will do a poor job. He asks you to do it for him. You are quite sure, however, that he is able to do it himself.
In this case, it would be MOST advisable for you to
1 point
7. Assume that an applicant for public assistance whom you
are interviewing has made a statement that is obviously
not true.
Of the following, the BEST course of action for you to
take at this point in the interview is to
1 point
Assume that you are conducting an initial interview with
"an applicant for public assistance.
Of the following, the MOST advisable questions for you to
ask at the beginningiof this interview are questions that
1 point
9. When interviewing a particularly nervous and upset
applicant for public assistance, the one of the following
actions which you should take FIRST is to ‘

1 point
Assume that, following normal routine, it is part of your
job to prepare a monthly report for your unit head that
eventually goes to the Director of your Center. The
report contains information on the number of applicants
you have interviewed that have been approved for different
types of public assistance and the number of applicants
you have interviewed that have been turned down.
Errors on such reports are serious because
1 point
During interviews, people give information about themselves in several ways.
Which of the following usually gives the LEAST amount of information about the person being questioned? His
1 point
Suppose an applicant, while being interviewed about his
eligibility for public assistance, becomes angered by
your questioning and begins to use sharp, uncontrolled
Which of the following is the BEST way for you to react
to him?
1 point
You have been informed that no determination has yet been
made on the eligibility of an applicant for public assis-
tance. The decision depends on further checking. His
situation, however} is similar to that of many other
applicants whose eligibility has been approved. The
applicant calls you, quite worried, and asks you whether
his a lication has been accepted.
What would be BEST for you to do under these circumstances?
Tell him
1 point

Suppose that you have been talking with an applicant for k
public assistance. You have the feeling from the latest
things the applicant has said that some of his answers to
earlier questions were not totally correct. You guess
that he might have been afraid or confused earlier but
that your conversation has now put him in a more comfortable
frame of mind. In order to test the reliability of information received
from the earlier questions, the BEST thing for you to do
now is to ask new questions that
1 point
Assume that you are a supervisor. While providing you
with required information, an applicant for public assis-
tance informs you that she does not know who is the father
of her child.
Of the following, the MOST advisable action for you to
take is to
1 point
If, in an interview, you wish to determine a client's
usual occupation, which one of the following questions
is MOST likely to elicit the most useful information?

1 point
Assume that, in the course of the day, you are approached
by a clerk from another office who starts questioning you
about one of the clients you have just interviewed. The
clerk says that she is a relative of the client. According
to departmental policy, all matters discussed with clients
are to be kept confidential.
Of the following, the BEST course of action for you to take
in this situation would be to
1 point

Which of the following is usually the BEST technique for
you, as an interviewer, to use to bring an applicant back
to subject matter from which the applicant has strayed?
1 point
Assume that you notice that one of the clerks has accidentally pulled the wrong form to give to her client.
Of the following, the BEST way for you to handle this
situation would be to tell
1 point
Of the following characteristics, the one which would be
MOST valuable when helping an angry applicant to understand
why he has received less assistance than he believes he
is entitled to would be the ability to
1 point
Reports are usually divided into several sections, some
of which are more necessary than others.
Of the following, the section which is MOST often
necessary to include in a report is a(n)
1 point
Suppose you are writing a report on an interview you have
just completed with a particularly hostile applicant for
public assistance.
Which of the following BEST describes what you should
include in this report?
1 point
when including recommendations in a report to you supervisor, which of the following is MOST important for you to do?
1 point
it is often necessary that the writer of a report present facts and sufficient arguments to gain acceptance of the points, conclusions, or recommendations set forth in the report.
of the following, the LEAST advisable step to take in organizing a report, when such argumentation is the important factor, is an
1 point
suppose you receive a phone call from an applicant about a problem which requires that you must look up the information and call her back. althrough the applicant had given you her name earlier and you can pronounce the name, you are not sure that you can spell it correctly.
asking the applicant to spell her name is