GOAL TEST 10a First goal III Term

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2 points

Listen to the interview and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Choose T or F.
1 The students had strong feelings about the graffiti. T / F
2 The artist is used to seeing what people think of his art. T / F
3 The artist felt comfortable with putting his graffiti on canvas. T / F
4 Revealing who he is has not caused any problems for the artist. T / F
5 Having his art in their neighbourhood makes all the locals happy. T / F

Answer for 1:____
2 points

Listen to the interview and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Choose T or F.
1 The students had strong feelings about the graffiti. T / F
2 The artist is used to seeing what people think of his art. T / F
3 The artist felt comfortable with putting his graffiti on canvas. T / F
4 Revealing who he is has not caused any problems for the artist. T / F
5 Having his art in their neighbourhood makes all the locals happy. T / F

Answer for 2:____
2 points

Listen to the interview and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Choose T or F.
1 The students had strong feelings about the graffiti. T / F
2 The artist is used to seeing what people think of his art. T / F
3 The artist felt comfortable with putting his graffiti on canvas. T / F
4 Revealing who he is has not caused any problems for the artist. T / F
5 Having his art in their neighbourhood makes all the locals happy. T / F

Answer for 3:____
2 points

Listen to the interview and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Choose T or F.
1 The students had strong feelings about the graffiti. T / F
2 The artist is used to seeing what people think of his art. T / F
3 The artist felt comfortable with putting his graffiti on canvas. T / F
4 Revealing who he is has not caused any problems for the artist. T / F
5 Having his art in their neighbourhood makes all the locals happy. T / F

Answer for 4:____
2 points

Listen to the interview and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Choose T or F.
1 The students had strong feelings about the graffiti. T / F
2 The artist is used to seeing what people think of his art. T / F
3 The artist felt comfortable with putting his graffiti on canvas. T / F
4 Revealing who he is has not caused any problems for the artist. T / F
5 Having his art in their neighbourhood makes all the locals happy. T / F

Answer for 5:____
10 points
You’re going to describe your favourite character from the LOST WORLD.
Write 10 sentences.
Write about:
Why like like it?
Personality description (not physical)
possible future of him/her

Include the grammar studied or the text will not be read.
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Art (difficulty level 2)
Write the word next to the definition. Some answers are more than one word.

1 Artists paint or copy a person's face down to their shoulders when they do one of these. __________
2 This is a painting or drawing done indoors of something which is either natural or man-made. ____________________
3 A very famous example of this is 'My Bed' by Tracey Emin, where the artist placed an unmade bed in a room. __________
4 This can be written or painted on public walls and is usually done by young people. __________
5 This involves movements performed in front of a live audience. _______

Answer for 1: Write the correct word without using capital letters.
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Art (difficulty level 2)
Write the word next to the definition. Some answers are more than one word.

1 Artists paint or copy a person's face down to their shoulders when they do one of these. __________
2 This is a painting or drawing done indoors of something which is either natural or man-made. ____________________
3 A very famous example of this is 'My Bed' by Tracey Emin, where the artist placed an unmade bed in a room. __________
4 This can be written or painted on public walls and is usually done by young people. __________
5 This involves movements performed in front of a live audience. _______

Answer for 2: Write the correct word without using capital letters.
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Art (difficulty level 2)
Write the word next to the definition. Some answers are more than one word.

1 Artists paint or copy a person's face down to their shoulders when they do one of these. __________
2 This is a painting or drawing done indoors of something which is either natural or man-made. ____________________
3 A very famous example of this is 'My Bed' by Tracey Emin, where the artist placed an unmade bed in a room. __________
4 This can be written or painted on public walls and is usually done by young people. __________
5 This involves movements performed in front of a live audience. _______

Answer for 3: Write the correct word without using capital letters. Use one word only
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Art (difficulty level 2)
Write the word next to the definition. Some answers are more than one word.

1 Artists paint or copy a person's face down to their shoulders when they do one of these. __________
2 This is a painting or drawing done indoors of something which is either natural or man-made. ____________________
3 A very famous example of this is 'My Bed' by Tracey Emin, where the artist placed an unmade bed in a room. __________
4 This can be written or painted on public walls and is usually done by young people. __________
5 This involves movements performed in front of a live audience. _______

Answer for 4: Write the correct word without using capital letters.
1 point
Vocabulary set 1: Art (difficulty level 2)
Write the word next to the definition. Some answers are more than one word.

1 Artists paint or copy a person's face down to their shoulders when they do one of these. __________
2 This is a painting or drawing done indoors of something which is either natural or man-made. ____________________
3 A very famous example of this is 'My Bed' by Tracey Emin, where the artist placed an unmade bed in a room. __________
4 This can be written or painted on public walls and is usually done by young people. __________
5 This involves movements performed in front of a live audience. _______

Answer for 5: Write the correct word without using capital letters. Use one word only
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Words to describe art (difficulty level 2)
Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.

6 This is a really ___ painting. He has really captured the feeling of a storm at sea.
7 The views there are ___. It's no surprise the artist felt like painting them.
8 The performance art was very ___ and several people in the audience were crying.
9 There are very ___ images in the painting that you have to look closely to see.
10 The subject matter was ___ and a small crowd gathered outside to protest.

Answer for 6: Do not use capital letters
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Words to describe art (difficulty level 2)
Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.

6 This is a really ___ painting. He has really captured the feeling of a storm at sea.
7 The views there are ___. It's no surprise the artist felt like painting them.
8 The performance art was very ___ and several people in the audience were crying.
9 There are very ___ images in the painting that you have to look closely to see.
10 The subject matter was ___ and a small crowd gathered outside to protest.

Answer for 7: Do not use capital letters
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Words to describe art (difficulty level 2)
Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.

6 This is a really ___ painting. He has really captured the feeling of a storm at sea.
7 The views there are ___. It's no surprise the artist felt like painting them.
8 The performance art was very ___ and several people in the audience were crying.
9 There are very ___ images in the painting that you have to look closely to see.
10 The subject matter was ___ and a small crowd gathered outside to protest.

Answer for 8: Do not use capital letters
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Words to describe art (difficulty level 2)
Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.

6 This is a really ___ painting. He has really captured the feeling of a storm at sea.
7 The views there are ___. It's no surprise the artist felt like painting them.
8 The performance art was very ___ and several people in the audience were crying.
9 There are very ___ images in the painting that you have to look closely to see.
10 The subject matter was ___ and a small crowd gathered outside to protest.

Answer for 9: Do not use capital letters
1 point
Vocabulary set 2: Words to describe art (difficulty level 2)
Complete the adjectives with the missing letters.

6 This is a really ___ painting. He has really captured the feeling of a storm at sea.
7 The views there are ___. It's no surprise the artist felt like painting them.
8 The performance art was very ___ and several people in the audience were crying.
9 There are very ___ images in the painting that you have to look closely to see.
10 The subject matter was ___ and a small crowd gathered outside to protest.

Answer for 10: Do not use capital letters
1 point
Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2)
Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical.
For example

11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting

12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say.
13 What do you like best about live in the city?
14 [wim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures!
15 The collage was made by stickimages onto a piece of wood.

Anwer for 12: _____ do not use capital letter
1 point
Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2)
Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical.
For example

11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting

12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say.
13 What do you like best about live in the city?
14 [wim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures!
15 The collage was made by stickimages onto a piece of wood.

Anwer for 13: _____ do not use capital letter
1 point
Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2)
Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical.
For example

11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting

12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say.
13 What do you like best about live in the city?
14 Swim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures!
15 The collage was made by stickimages onto a piece of wood.

Anwer for 14: _____ do not use capital letter
1 point
Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2)
Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical.
For example

11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting

12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say.
13 What do you like best about live in the city?
14 Swim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures!
15 The collage was made by stickimages stick onto a piece of wood.

Anwer for 15: _____ do not use capital letter
1 point
Reading comprehension

[1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed
Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of
her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.
The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds.

[2] Things to see
Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week.

[3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by
her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours.

[4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I
bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor
Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling!

Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter.

Choose True (T) or False (F).

15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F
16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F
17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F
18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F
19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F

Answer for 15:_____

1 point
Reading comprehension

[1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed
Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of
her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.
The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds.

[2] Things to see
Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week.

[3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by
her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours.

[4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I
bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor
Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling!

Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter.

Choose True (T) or False (F).

15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F
16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F
17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F
18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F
19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F

Answer for 16:_____
1 point
Reading comprehension

[1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed
Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of
her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.
The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds.

[2] Things to see
Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week.

[3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by
her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours.

[4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I
bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor
Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling!

Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter.

Choose True (T) or False (F).

15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F
16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F
17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F
18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F
19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F

Answer for 17:_____
1 point
Reading comprehension

[1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed
Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of
her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.
The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds.

[2] Things to see
Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week.

[3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by
her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours.

[4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I
bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor
Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling!

Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter.

Choose True (T) or False (F).

15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F
16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F
17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F
18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F
19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F

Answer for 18:_____
1 point
Reading comprehension

[1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed
Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of
her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.
The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds.

[2] Things to see
Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week.

[3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by
her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours.

[4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I
bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor
Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling!

Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter.

Choose True (T) or False (F).

15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F
16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F
17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F
18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F
19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F

Answer for 19:_____
3 points

Why did Gladis refused Malone to marry her?
3 points

Gladys will talk to malone again once he go to the world and find a place in it.
3 points

Professor Challenger travel to south america and saver a white man, as a retribution he got a bag with curious objects
3 points

Inside the book there were drawings of dinasours, landscapes and indians
3 points

The biggest reason for Malone to go with challenger to the trip is...
3 points

At the zoologist meeting nobody liked Challenger and we know this because he..
4 points

Lord Jhon, Challenger, Malone are the chosen team to travel to south america
4 points

Lord John gave a ________ to Malone in order to help him on the trip. Do not use capital letter
4 points

The object given to Malone by lord John was used by him some time ago when fighting the slave-drivers
4 points

People at the institute called Cahllenger a ______ cosntantly because of his objects. Do not use capital letter
4 points

The name on the bag given to Malone from the white man had the name of a european company on its side.
3 points

At the end of chapter 3 ther prepare their trip to south america along the _______ ocean. Do not use capital letter
20 points