7 Knowledge test

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3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 1: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 2: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 3: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 4: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 5: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
Reading Comprehension

My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.
Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G).

1 improve
2 goal
3 success
4 difficulty
5 priority
6 annoyed

B a problema
C a good result
D a bit angry
E something you want to do in the future
F get better
G something important you need to do

Answer for 6: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.
3 points
My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.

Complete each sentence (0–10) with one word from the text.

7 Kim and Peter want to play for their _____ .
8 Kim needs to _____ more to get better at rugby.
9 Peter can hit and _____ the ball well.
10Peter sometimes makes bad _____ .

Answer for 7: _____ Write the word, do not use capital letter
3 points
My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.

Complete each sentence (0–10) with one word from the text.

7 Kim and Peter want to play for their _____ .
8 Kim needs to _____ more to get better at rugby.
9 Peter can hit and _____ the ball well.
10Peter sometimes makes bad _____ .

Answer for 8: _____ Write the word, do not use capital letter
3 points
My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.

Complete each sentence (0–10) with one word from the text.

7 Kim and Peter want to play for their _____ .
8 Kim needs to _____ more to get better at rugby.
9 Peter can hit and _____ the ball well.
10Peter sometimes makes bad _____ .

Answer for 9: _____ Write the word, do not use capital letter
3 points
My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country.
Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football.
Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better.

Complete each sentence (0–10) with one word from the text.

7 Kim and Peter want to play for their _____ .
8 Kim needs to _____ more to get better at rugby.
9 Peter can hit and _____ the ball well.
10Peter sometimes makes bad _____ .

Answer for 10: _____ Write the word, do not use capital letter
3 points
Vocabulary set 1: Sports and games (difficulty level 2)
Write the sport or game next to the definition. Some answers have two words.
1 You need a special board with wheels to do this sport. __________
2 This is a very hard, fast game similar to American football. __________

Answer for 1: ______ do not use capital letter
3 points
Vocabulary set 1: Sports and games (difficulty level 2)
Write the sport or game next to the definition. Some answers have two words.
1 You need a special board with wheels to do this sport. __________
2 This is a very hard, fast game similar to American football. __________

Answer for 2: ______ do not use capital letter
3 points
Vocabulary set 2: Games verbs (difficulty level 1)
Complete the words with the missing letters.

3 In basketball, you _ _oot by throwing the ball into the basket.
4 In this game you have to cli_ _ up walls and over things.

Answer for 3: ____ Write hte complete word, do not use capital letter
3 points
Vocabulary set 2: Games verbs (difficulty level 1)
Complete the words with the missing letters.

3 In basketball, you _ _oot by throwing the ball into the basket.
4 In this game you have to cli_ _ up walls and over things.

Answer for 4: ____ Write hte complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar point 1: can/can't for ability; adverbs of manner
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

5 You need to think [quick / quickly] in this sport.
6 My younger brother loves watching football but he can't [to play / play] it.
Answe for 5 : ____ write the chosen word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar point 1: can/can't for ability; adverbs of manner
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

5 You need to think [quick / quickly] in this sport.
6 My younger brother loves watching football but he can't [to play / play] it.
Answe for 6 : ____ write the chosen word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar point 2: Have to and don't have to (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, doesn't have to or don't have to.

7 You have to write an essay tonight but it ___________________________ be more than 200 words.

8 Ed ___________________________ learn some grammar for tomorrow's test.

Answer for 7: ______ write the answer, do not use contractions
2 points
Grammar point 2: Have to and don't have to (difficulty level 2)
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, doesn't have to or don't have to.

7 You have to write an essay tonight but it ___________________________ be more than 200 words.

8 Ed ___________________________ learn some grammar for tomorrow's test.

Answer for 8: ______ write the answer, do not use contractions
2 points
Listening part

1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man is suffering from a foot injury.
B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
C. The man lied about his running ability.

2. What does the man want at the store?
A. some running shoes
B. a pair of running socks
C. a running hydration pack

3. How can you best describe the man's running ability?
A. He is an elite runner.
B. He is more of a couch potato.
C. He runs a number of 10k races.

4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours.
A. 20, three hours
B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes
C. 30, four hours

5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________.
A. break up with the woman
B. tell the woman the truth
C. start working at the shoe store

Answer for 1: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
Listening part

1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man is suffering from a foot injury.
B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
C. The man lied about his running ability.

2. What does the man want at the store?
A. some running shoes
B. a pair of running socks
C. a running hydration pack

3. How can you best describe the man's running ability?
A. He is an elite runner.
B. He is more of a couch potato.
C. He runs a number of 10k races.

4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours.
A. 20, three hours
B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes
C. 30, four hours

5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________.
A. break up with the woman
B. tell the woman the truth
C. start working at the shoe store

Answer for 2: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
Listening part

1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man is suffering from a foot injury.
B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
C. The man lied about his running ability.

2. What does the man want at the store?
A. some running shoes
B. a pair of running socks
C. a running hydration pack

3. How can you best describe the man's running ability?
A. He is an elite runner.
B. He is more of a couch potato.
C. He runs a number of 10k races.

4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours.
A. 20, three hours
B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes
C. 30, four hours

5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________.
A. break up with the woman
B. tell the woman the truth
C. start working at the shoe store

Answer for 3: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
Listening part

1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man is suffering from a foot injury.
B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
C. The man lied about his running ability.

2. What does the man want at the store?
A. some running shoes
B. a pair of running socks
C. a running hydration pack

3. How can you best describe the man's running ability?
A. He is an elite runner.
B. He is more of a couch potato.
C. He runs a number of 10k races.

4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours.
A. 20, three hours
B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes
C. 30, four hours

5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________.
A. break up with the woman
B. tell the woman the truth
C. start working at the shoe store

Answer for 4: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
Listening part

1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The man is suffering from a foot injury.
B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday.
C. The man lied about his running ability.

2. What does the man want at the store?
A. some running shoes
B. a pair of running socks
C. a running hydration pack

3. How can you best describe the man's running ability?
A. He is an elite runner.
B. He is more of a couch potato.
C. He runs a number of 10k races.

4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours.
A. 20, three hours
B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes
C. 30, four hours

5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________.
A. break up with the woman
B. tell the woman the truth
C. start working at the shoe store

Answer for 5: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter
20 points
Writing Section

Review the chapter 6 of Deep trouble, include characters - places and situations
20 points

We will listen to the game you created, in the classroom