7 grade Progress Test

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1 point
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct option.

When I was born I was a happy (1) child / baby . Now, thirteen years later, I’m a (2) young adult / teenager and I’m still smiling! But my mum and dad aren’t young any more. My dad’s 51 and my mum’s 53, so they’re (3) pensioners / middle-aged / They’re both (4) growing up / getting old My grandfather is really old now. He was a doctor but now he doesn’t work – he’s a (5) young adult / pensiner .

Answer for 1: ________. Type the correct wod, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct option.

When I was born I was a happy (1) child / baby . Now, thirteen years later, I’m a (2) young adult / teenager and I’m still smiling! But my mum and dad aren’t young any more. My dad’s 51 and my mum’s 53, so they’re (3) pensioners / middle-aged / They’re both (4) growing up / getting old My grandfather is really old now. He was a doctor but now he doesn’t work – he’s a (5) young adult / pensiner .

Answer for 2: ________. Type the correct wod, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct option.

When I was born I was a happy (1) child / baby . Now, thirteen years later, I’m a (2) young adult / teenager and I’m still smiling! But my mum and dad aren’t young any more. My dad’s 51 and my mum’s 53, so they’re (3) pensioners / middle-aged / They’re both (4) growing up / getting old My grandfather is really old now. He was a doctor but now he doesn’t work – he’s a (5) young adult / pensiner .

Answer for 3: ________. Type the correct wod, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct option.

When I was born I was a happy (1) child / baby . Now, thirteen years later, I’m a (2) young adult / teenager and I’m still smiling! But my mum and dad aren’t young any more. My dad’s 51 and my mum’s 53, so they’re (3) pensioners / middle-aged / They’re both (4) growing up / getting old My grandfather is really old now. He was a doctor but now he doesn’t work – he’s a (5) young adult / pensiner .

Answer for 4: ________. Type the correct wod, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct option.

When I was born I was a happy (1) child / baby . Now, thirteen years later, I’m a (2) young adult / teenager and I’m still smiling! But my mum and dad aren’t young any more. My dad’s 51 and my mum’s 53, so they’re (3) pensioners / middle-aged / They’re both (4) growing up / getting old My grandfather is really old now. He was a doctor but now he doesn’t work – he’s a (5) young adult / pensioner .

Answer for 5: ________. Type the correct wod, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with personality adjectives.

Michelle is my best friend and she’s a very popular girl. She’s (0) friendly and (6) c_______ and everyone likes her. She’s (7) f_______ too – she likes telling jokes and she makes people laugh. She can also be (8) s_______ when she’s studying and she gets good exam results. She’s always (9) p_______ – she never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Some people aren’t nice when they’re stressed, but Michelle is never (10) r_______

Answer for 6.___ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with personality adjectives.

Michelle is my best friend and she’s a very popular girl. She’s (0) friendly and (6) c_______ and everyone likes her. She’s (7) f_______ too – she likes telling jokes and she makes people laugh. She can also be (8) s_______ when she’s studying and she gets good exam results. She’s always (9) p_______ – she never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Some people aren’t nice when they’re stressed, but Michelle is never (10) r_______

Answer for 7.___ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with personality adjectives.

Michelle is my best friend and she’s a very popular girl. She’s (0) friendly and (6) c_______ and everyone likes her. She’s (7) f_______ too – she likes telling jokes and she makes people laugh. She can also be (8) s_______ when she’s studying and she gets good exam results. She’s always (9) p_______ – she never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Some people aren’t nice when they’re stressed, but Michelle is never (10) r_______

Answer for 8.___ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with personality adjectives.

Michelle is my best friend and she’s a very popular girl. She’s (0) friendly and (6) c_______ and everyone likes her. She’s (7) f_______ too – she likes telling jokes and she makes people laugh. She can also be (8) s_______ when she’s studying and she gets good exam results. She’s always (9) p_______ – she never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Some people aren’t nice when they’re stressed, but Michelle is never (10) r_______

Answer for 9.___ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with personality adjectives.

Michelle is my best friend and she’s a very popular girl. She’s (0) friendly and (6) c_______ and everyone likes her. She’s (7) f_______ too – she likes telling jokes and she makes people laugh. She can also be (8) s_______ when she’s studying and she gets good exam results. She’s always (9) p_______ – she never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Some people aren’t nice when they’re stressed, but Michelle is never (10) r_______

Answer for 10.___ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 1: Complete the text with was, were, or ago.

Matt: I was born in Manchester. Where (11) _______ you born Nuri?
Nuri: I was born in Istanbul 12 years (12) _______ . My mother and father (13) _______ teachers in Ankara.
Matt: So when did you leave Turkey?
Nuri: We only left one year (14) _______ in June last year.
Matt: Why did you come to the UK?
Nuri: Because my mum got a good job. She teaches at a school here in London. I (15) _______ sad when I left Turkey, but now I like living here.

Answer for 11: _______ Write the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 1: Complete the text with was, were, or ago.

Matt: I was born in Manchester. Where (11) _______ you born Nuri?
Nuri: I was born in Istanbul 12 years (12) _______ . My mother and father (13) _______ teachers in Ankara.
Matt: So when did you leave Turkey?
Nuri: We only left one year (14) _______ in June last year.
Matt: Why did you come to the UK?
Nuri: Because my mum got a good job. She teaches at a school here in London. I (15) _______ sad when I left Turkey, but now I like living here.

Answer for 12: _______ Write the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 1: Complete the text with was, were, or ago.

Matt: I was born in Manchester. Where (11) _______ you born Nuri?
Nuri: I was born in Istanbul 12 years (12) _______ . My mother and father (13) _______ teachers in Ankara.
Matt: So when did you leave Turkey?
Nuri: We only left one year (14) _______ in June last year.
Matt: Why did you come to the UK?
Nuri: Because my mum got a good job. She teaches at a school here in London. I (15) _______ sad when I left Turkey, but now I like living here.

Answer for 13: _______ Write the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 1: Complete the text with was, were, or ago.

Matt: I was born in Manchester. Where (11) _______ you born Nuri?
Nuri: I was born in Istanbul 12 years (12) _______ . My mother and father (13) _______ teachers in Ankara.
Matt: So when did you leave Turkey?
Nuri: We only left one year (14) _______ in June last year.
Matt: Why did you come to the UK?
Nuri: Because my mum got a good job. She teaches at a school here in London. I (15) _______ sad when I left Turkey, but now I like living here.

Answer for 14: _______ Write the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 1: Complete the text with was, were, or ago.

Matt: I was born in Manchester. Where (11) _______ you born Nuri?
Nuri: I was born in Istanbul 12 years (12) _______ . My mother and father (13) _______ teachers in Ankara.
Matt: So when did you leave Turkey?
Nuri: We only left one year (14) _______ in June last year.
Matt: Why did you come to the UK?
Nuri: Because my mum got a good job. She teaches at a school here in London. I (15) _______ sad when I left Turkey, but now I like living here.

Answer for 15: _______ Write the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple.

Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer!

Answer for 16: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple.

Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer!

Answer for 17: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple.

Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer!

Answer for 18: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple.

Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer!

Answer for 19: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple.

Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer!

Answer for 20: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter
2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 5:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter

2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 6:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 7:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 8:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 9:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points
First read the text, then answer the questions


What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries.
On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.

Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too.

In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre

Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10).

5 exploring
A giving names to places
B telling the time
C looking for new places

6 continent
A a place to buy coffee
B a very big piece of land
C something new

7 expanding
A small
B new
C getting bigger

8 carpenters
A people in villages
B people growing food
C people making things from wood

9 trade
A a job for a person with a skill
B buying and selling
C changing one thing for another

10 original
A the first of something
B from the beginning
C special, interesting

Answe for 10:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.
2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?
A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?
A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

Answer for 1:_____ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.
2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?
A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?
A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

Answer for 2:_____ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.
2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?
A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?
A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

Answer for 3:_____ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
2 points

Listen to the track and answer the questions

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.
2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?
A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?
A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

Answer for 4:_____ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
1 point

Listen to the track and answer the questions

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.

C. He was driving home from a restaurant.
2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?
A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?
A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

Answer for 5:_____ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter
20 points
You’re going to write a diary entry about what you did when you were on holiday. Write 6–8 sentences.

• where you went and who you went there with.
• what happened / what you did.
• if it was a good or bad holiday.
20 points

t 1 (Grammar 1, Page 79)
Teacher: Ask the student ONE of these questions, A, B or C.
A When were you born?
[Function: use was/were; ago]
B What school were you at three years ago?
[Function: use was/were; ago]
C Where were you an hour ago?
[Function: use was/were; ago]

Part 2 (Grammar 2, Page 81)
Teacher: Ask the student ONE of these questions, A, B or C.
A What did you do yesterday evening?
[Function: use the past simple positive]
B Where did you go on holiday last year?
[Function: use the past simple positive]
C What did you do last weekend?
[Function: use the past simple positive]

Part 3 (Speaking topics from Pages 77, 78 and 80)
Teacher: Ask the student ONE of these questions, A, B or C.
A Tell me three interesting facts about one of your friends.
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Vocabulary, Listening and Reading lessons]
B What do you think life was like for people in the year 1000?
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Vocabulary, Listening and Reading lessons]
C What’s your favourite story? Tell me a little about it.
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Vocabulary, Listening and Reading lessons]

Part 4 (Speaking topics from Pages 82 and 84)
Teacher: Ask the student ONE of these questions, A, B or C.
A Do you think you’re creative? Why?/Why not?
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Language & Beyond and Writing lessons]
B What stops people being creative?
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Language & Beyond and Writing lessons]
C Do you write in a diary or a blog? If yes, what do you write about? (Teacher: If no, ask
another question.)
[Function: revisit discussion topics from the Student’s Book Language & Beyond and Writing lessons]

Part 5 (Speaking, Page 83)
Teacher: Ask the student ONE of these questions, A, B or C.
A Tell me a short story about something funny that happened to you.
[Function: tell a funny story]
B Tell me a story about something that happened to you at school.
[Function: tell an interesting story]
C Tell me a story about something that happened to you on holiday.
[Function: tell a story about a strange event]