Pronouns Post-assessment

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1 point
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence:

_______ is a very easy test.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

Each of the people in our study group must do _______ part of the work.
1 point
Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence:

For our cooking class, we need several recipes _______ use bananas.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

Is this homework mine or _______?
1 point
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun for the sentence:

_______ found the missing diamond necklace?
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:

The driver of this vehicle forgot to turn _______ lights off.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:

Any father who brings _______ daughter to the dance will have a great time.
1 point
Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence:

The jaguar, _______ is native to South America, is quite different from a leopard.
1 point
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun for the sentence:

I found some homework with no name on it. _______ is it?
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:

Everyone who has eaten here has said that this is _______ new favorite restaurant.
1 point
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence:

Are _______ the cookies you baked?
1 point
Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

The French and the English fought at Agincourt. _______ won.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

_______ tourists enjoy having our pictures taken with the gladiators in Rome.
1 point
Decide whether the following sentence contains mistakes in pronoun/antecedent agreement:

Each student should have their workbook open and ready.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

My grandparents and _______ are going to Spain this summer.
1 point
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun for the sentence:

To _______ did the ghost appear?
1 point
Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

Jason, one of my uncles, left _______ glasses on top of the car and then drove off.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

If you use Javen's artwork in your slideshow, make sure you show it to his mother and _______.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

One of those boxes has candy in _______.
1 point
Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence:

Rachel is a student _______ I can count on to help others.
1 point
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun for the sentence:

_______ would like to visit the Andes Mountains?
1 point
Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

Xavier and Darius wrote essays for the competition. _______ won.
1 point
Decide whether the following sentence contains mistakes in pronoun/antecedent agreement:

My mother and my sister went shopping. She bought a new purse.
1 point
Decide whether the following sentence contains mistakes in pronoun/antecedent agreement:

Bernadette found that she was able to concentrate on her homework best if she worked at the library.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

All students should remember to do _______ homework.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

Carmen, Mario, and _______ are running for student council president.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

_______ got As on all her tests.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

All of the astronauts must pass a rigorous physical exam before being allowed to continue _______ training.
1 point
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence:

Is _______ on the shelf over there your missing pencil case?
1 point
Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence:

The instructor took _______ beginners to the easiest ski slopes on the mountain.
1 point
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun for the sentence:

For _______ did she buy that expensive gift?
1 point
Decide whether the following sentence contains mistakes in pronoun/antecedent agreement:

A plumber will always make money because they will always have work to do.
1 point
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence:

_______ are the same actors as in the older movie.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

My sister loves chocolate more than _______. I only like it.
1 point
Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

Between the cat and the dog, I prefer _______.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun for the sentence:

Make sure you show Michael and _______ the pictures you took at the dance.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

Neither of my brothers has _______ driver's license yet.
1 point
Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete the sentence:

_______ smells like spoiled milk!
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:

Most of the divers who swim here are careful not to leave _______ trash behind.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank:

In Granada, Spain, when we asked our guide Manolo what his favorite sight was, _______ showed us the Alhambra palace.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

Your grandmother thinks it's important to use correct grammar when talking to _______ and your grandfather.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

Most of the girls on the field trip have _______ cameras with them.
1 point
Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence:

Those soldiers are the ones _______ fought so bravely in the battle.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

When Geronimo got home, _______ realized that the house key was in his desk at school.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

On the road, _______ drivers should have our cell phones turned off or out of reach.
1 point
Choose the best word to complete the sentence:

Ana and Liza, each an artist, displayed _______ work in the new museum.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

My mother loves my sister as much as _______. She loves us equally.
1 point
Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence:

I need to find a book _______ explains how to use pronouns.
1 point
Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence:

The salesperson showed _______ the newest computers on the market.
1 point
Decide whether the following sentence contains mistakes in pronoun/antecedent agreement:

When we visited the market in Nuremberg, we saw the place where you could buy great Christmas gifts.