GENPACT Assessment Test 1

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1 point
Pipe A usually fills a tank in 2 hours. On account of a leak at the bottom of the tank, it takes pipe A 30 more minutes to fill the tank. How long will the leak take to empty a full tank if pipe A is shut?
1 point
Four years ago, the ratio of ages of Purple and Blue was 2:3, respectively. If the sum of their present ages is 28. Compute the ratio of their ages four years hence.
1 point
At present the son's age is same as was his father's age at the time of his birth. If father's age is 48. Find the son's age after 4 years from now.
1 point
The avearge score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 42. Then find the average for the last four matches?
1 point
10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to complete the work. How many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?
1 point
In what time will a train 100 metres long cross an electric pole, if its speed be 144 km/hr ?
1 point
Arun , Kamal and Vinay invested Rs.8000, Rs.4000 and Rs.8000 respectively in a business. Arun left after six months .If after eight months , there was a gain of Rs.4005, then what will be the share of Kamal?
1 point
On a sports day, if 30 children were made to stand in a column, then 16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were to stand in a column, then how many columns could be formed?
1 point
At 3.40, the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock form an angle of
1 point
If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is:
1 point
If X is the brother of the son of Y`s son, how is X related to Y ?
1 point
Rahul's mother is the only daughter of Monika's father. How is Monika's husband related to Rahul ?
1 point
Y is in the East of X which is in the North of Z. If P is in the South of Z, then in which direction of Y, is P?
1 point
Shyam walks 5 km towards East and then turns left and walks 6 km. Again he turns right and walks 9 km. Finally he turns to his right and walks 6 km. How far is he from the starting point?
1 point
Find the next number in the series
3, 8, 22, 63, 185, ???
1 point
In following alphabet series , one term missing as shown by question mark . Choose missing term from options.
A, C, F, H, ?, M
1 point
Seating Arrangement

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting round the circle and are facing the centre:
1. P is second to the right of T who is the neighbour of R and V.
2. S is not the neighbour of P.
3. V is the neighbour of U.
4. Q is not between S and W. W is not between U and S.

Which two of the following are not neighbours ?
1 point
Which one is immediate right to the V ?
1 point
If 'ish lto inm' stands for 'neat and tidy' ; 'qpr inm sen' stands for 'small but neat' and 'hsm sen rso' stands for 'good but erratic', what would 'but' stand for ?
1 point
If TABLE is coded as GZYOV, how is JUICE coded ?
1 point

Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

What do you do with your orange peels and corn cobs after you are done eating? Most people throw them in the trash can. But food leftovers do not have to go into the trash. They are biodegradable, which means that they can be broken down by bacteria into natural materials. People who like to garden often put their fruit and vegetable scraps in a special place known as a compost pile.
A compost pile is a spot outdoors where food waste can break down into compost, which gardeners use. This process takes several months. Once the compost is created, people spread this mixture in their gardens to add nutrients to the soil. The compost in the soil helps new plants grow in the garden. How do you take care of a compost pile? It needs air, water, and heat. Bacteria and other microorganisms break down the food waste into more basic elements like water and carbon dioxide. This process requires oxygen, so people use a shovel to turn compost regularly and help air reach all parts of the pile. The pile cannot dry out, so it should be covered to keep moisture in. Finally, heat speeds up the process. This means a compost pile should be in the sun for at least part of the day.
Food leftovers are not the only things that turn into compost. You can also add yard waste like grass clippings, dried leaves, and straw. In fact, you should add these things to create a healthy balance in your compost. But do not add any weeds to your compost pile unless you want to grow weeds in your garden! Sometimes seeds are left behind in the compost. This can be a welcome surprise if you find a tomato plant sprouting where you had not planted one. The tomato seed was hiding in the compost, waiting to begin a new life in the garden.

Gardeners use compost to
1 point
People should start a compost pile if they
1 point
You should not put weeds in a compost pile because
1 point
As used in the final paragraph, sprouting most nearly means
1 point
The author apparently believes that a tomato plant
1 point
Q26-30 Grammar Questions
Identify Part of sentence which contains Error

Mathematics is his favorite subject; he finds them very interesting
1 point
I believe that story about the tiger hunting because he himself had told us the story was true.
1 point
I made a fool of __________ by saying that stupid thing.
1 point
We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves.
1 point
This is a picture of __________ house. We've been living there since 1999.