Year 8 Metalanguage

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1 point
Refers to the viewpoint of an author, audience or characters in a text.
1 point
This is a rhetorical device. It is when there is a repeated: word, a phrase, a full sentence or a poetical line to emphasise its significance.
1 point
A form of a language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation particular to a region or social group.
1 point
Repeating the consonant sounds at the beginning of words to make them stand out.
1 point
Use of language that is intended to have an effect on an audience such as evoking an emotion or persuading an audience ( for example, repetition, rhetorical questions, facts and statistics etc…)
1 point
A figure of speech where there is a play on words. These are usually humorous and rely on more than one meaning of a word to emphasise the point, which may be serious.
1 point
Where and when a story takes place.
1 point
A use of figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that they appeal to the senses of the reader or viewer.
1 point
An accepted language practice that has developed over time and is generally used and understood (for example, use of punctuation)
1 point
A work intended to ridicule or mock through imitating the ideas, tone, vocabulary and stylistic features of another work.
1 point
A figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another. Example ‘He drowned in a sea of grief’.
1 point
A clash between what the words say and what they mean. There are three forms: rhetorical irony, dramatic irony and situational irony.
1 point
The qualities, beliefs and expressions that categorise a person or group.
1 point
A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, using ‘like’ or ‘as’.
1 point
The description of someone or something (for example a social group) in a particular way.
1 point
Relates to a sense of beauty or an appreciation of artistic expression.
1 point
An act of discerning quality and value of literary texts.
1 point
A question that is asked to provoke thought rather than require an answer.
1 point
The exploitation of the meaning and ambiguities of words (especially in puns).
1 point
Giving inanimate objects human qualities.