Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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10 points
Work to ________. Don't work for _________.
1 point
I will write a required review by going to the Hub and completing step 2.
10 points
According to the author, which of the following is NOT a typical financed liability that takes money out of your pocket:
10 points
What does it mean to pay yourself first?
10 points
What of the following are important skills for entrepreneurs to start their own business?
10 points
The author, Robert T. Kiyosaki, refers to a rich dad and a poor dad. Who was the "poor dad"?
10 points
Coorporations can do things different than individuals. For example, an individual has to pay taxes before and expenses can be made. I coorporation can pay for expenses and then pay taxes.
10 points
According to the author, someone may be financially literate, but they may face trouble becoming financially independent because of_____________.
10 points
According to the author, ________________________ is something that develops wealth.
10 points
According to the author, the rich don't work for money. Instead, the rich __________________________.
10 points
For someone who pays everyone else first, often there is ________________.