Physics Fall Semester Exam

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1 point
In the absence of air friction, the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity doesn't change as the projectile moves.
1 point
Speed is______________.
1 point
A table cloth can be withdrawn from under a stack of plates without toppling it if the table cloth is jerked quickly. The reason this can be done is that __________.
1 point
Two objects move toward each other because of gravitational attraction. As the objects get closer and closer, the force between them __________.
1 point
In physics, work is defined as __________.
1 point
At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large force, an identical ball is dropped from the same height Which ball hits the ground first?
1 point
How much work is done on a 50 N rock that you carry horizontally across a 10 m room?
1 point
Which one of the following steps is NOT a part of the scientific method?
1 point
A hypothesis is __________.
1 point
A 10N force and a 30N force act in the same direction on an object. What is the net force on the object?
1 point
How many joules of work are done on an object when a force of 10N pushes it 5M?
1 point
If you drop a feather and a coin at the same time, negating air resistance, which will reach the bottom of the tube first?
1 point
What color are the walls?
1 point
A player hits a ball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. What is the reaction to this force?
1 point
An object that has kinetic energy must be __________.
1 point
Power is defined as __________________.
1 point
When working with electricity, you should?
1 point
To calculate how much stored energy an object contains at a certain height, you multiply ________________.
1 point
In the absence of air resistance, objects fall at constant __________.
1 point
A cannon with a barrel velocity of 100m/s launches a cannonball horizontally from a tower. Neglecting air resistance, where will the cannonball be 1 second later?
1 point
Ten seconds after starting from rest, a car is moving at 40m/s. What is the car's average acceleration? All answers in meters per second squared.
1 point
An archer shoots an arrow. Consider the action force to be the bow string against the arrow. The reaction to this force is the __________.
1 point
How much power is required to do 100J of work on an object in 2 seconds?
1 point
When you look at the speedometer in a moving car, you can see the car's __________.
1 point
According to the well-known equation "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared," __________.
1 point
A tin can whirled on the end of a string moves in a circle because __________.
1 point
Newton reasoned that the gravitational attraction between Earth and the moon must be __________.
1 point
A block is at rest on an incline. The force of friction necessary to prevent the block from sliding increases when the incline angle is __________.
1 point
Kinetic energy of an object is equal to __________.
1 point
If the force of gravity suddenly stopped acting on the planets, they would __________.
1 point
Compared to its mass on earth, the mass of a ? object on the moon is __________.
1 point
Which of the following would NOT be considered a projectile?
1 point
A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its instantaneous speed is __________.
1 point
As a pendulum swings back and forth ______________.
1 point
How much does a 1kg bag of nails weigh?
1 point
If the mass of Earth increased, with no change in radius, your weight would __________.
1 point
A car has a mass of 1000 kg and accelerates 2 meters per second squared. What is the magnitude of the force acting on the car?
1 point
A 10N force and a 30N force act on an object in opposite directions. What is the net force on the object?
1 point
A person is attracted towards the center of the earth by a 500 N gravitational force. The force with which the earth is attracted toward the person is __________.
1 point
After a cannon ball is fired into frictionless space, the amount of force needed to keep it going equals __________.
1 point
What is the resultant force when adding a 3N force to an 15N force?
1 point
The principal of Waxahachie High School is?
1 point
How much work is done on a 50-N rock that you lift 10 m?
1 point
The force of gravity on you is greatest when you are standing __________
1 point
Which has greater kinetic energy, a car traveling at 30km/hr or a half-as-massive car traveling at 60 km/hr?
1 point
A high school student hits a nail with a hammer. During the collision, there is a force __________.
1 point
When something falls to the ground, it accelerates. This acceleration is called the acceleration due to gravity and is symbolized by the letter g. What is the value of g on the earth's surface? All values in meters per second squared
1 point
Potential energy is the energy an object has because of its __________.
1 point
Suppose we observe light bouncing back and forth between two vertical clock mirrors in a spaceship that is whizzing past us at a very high speed. Compared to what the person in the spaceship sees, we see the spaceship clock as running __________.
1 point
One object has twice as much mass as another object. The first object also has twice as much __________.