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For best results, enter a phrase that would occur within a question on a quiz.

vocabulary / 12 questions

to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; to include with a certain group or class

Vocabulary / 10 questions

Choose your answer.

Vocabulary / 25 questions

The audience ___ when the performer leaped.

vocabulary / 10 questions

a usually defective state of health

Vocabulary / 10 questions

Choose your answer.

Vocabulary / 20 questions


Vocabulary / 50 questions


vocabulary / 10 questions

the same or equal

Vocabulary / 10 questions

Choose your answer.

Quiz / Vocabulary 1.3 / 30 questions

Look at the picture on the handouts and choose the appropriate vocabulary word for the picture.

Vocabulary Unit 8 Quiz / 20 questions

What are two kids most likely to barter?

Lesson 9 Weekly Test / 20 questions

Comprehension - Question 10

Unit 1 Vocabulary / 16 questions

Find the antonym (opposite) to the vocabulary word in capital letters: a FRAGILE instrument

H.W 3.1 (vocabulario de la ciudad) / 15 questions

Complete the sentence with the correct conjugation and vocabulary word. *In order to write your answer, simply leave a space between the verb and the vocabulary word. Follow the example, and do NOT include "el" or "la" for the vocabulary word. Example: Yo _____(leer) en la _____ (library). --> leo biblioteca Karina y Juan ______ (aprender) español en la_____ (school) -->

Vocabulary Unit 11 Quiz / 20 questions

Let me clarify, or

H.W 3.5 (Vocab el restaurante) / 15 questions

Translate the vocabulary word to Spanish. INCLUDE the article "el/la". fish -->

Unit 5 Review Quiz / 16 questions

Vocabulary. Fill in the blank with the correct word from Unit 5 vocabulary. On Wednesday after work Jun ___ in a terrible traffic jam.

Lesson 11 Weekly Test / 40 questions

Decoding - Question #2

Flocabulary Unit 5 Quiz / 20 questions

After three months, Zeena decided to forfeit. She...

H.W 4.1 (Family Vocabulary) / 15 questions

Add the appropriate possessive adjective according to the pronoun in parenthesis. (mi(s), tu(s), su(s), nuestro/a(s), su(s)) Karla es _____ (yo) prima.

Flocabulary Unit 3 / 20 questions

It all culminated. It

Vocabulary Unit 8 Quiz / 20 questions

Jamal said my plan to take my sister’s candy was too overt or

English Lab 1 Unit 10 Quiz / 20 questions

Review the vocabulary in unit 10. Match the description to the correct word: You use this to tell the time.

3 Cyber Pigs / 13 questions

Vocabulary: Amy's new computer is fast and...

Flocabulary Unit 9 Quiz / 20 questions

Choose the SYNONYM of the vocabulary word. enigma

Vocabulary Unit 11 Quiz / 20 questions

Let me clarify, or


Complete with the correct form of the appropriate verb. Make sure to conjugate it correctly. You MAY use your notes. As this counts as a vocabulary quiz, only your first attempt will be counted. Tu _____ dopo scuola. (sleep)

Flocabulary Unit 6 Test / 20 questions

Leona exemplified strong leadership abilities. She

NonFiction Vocabulary / 18 questions

The synonym for curiosity is interest

Vocabulary 2.28.14 / 26 questions

Volunteer means

SOUND vocabulary / 10 questions

a sound reflection

Vocabulary Test / 11 questions

parallel structure

Polygons Vocabulary / 22 questions


Vocabulary Review / 25 questions

digital information

Vocabulary 6 / 12 questions

Many athletes ___________________ an Olympic medal by practicing hours a day for years, but only a few athletes can actually win one.

Vocabulary Finale / 30 questions


Weather Vocabulary / 10 questions

when it is "Hace frio" what clothing listed below do you wear?

Greece Vocabulary / 20 questions

Sparta and Athens are examples. What is the term for a large city and the surrounding area?

Cell Vocabulary / 10 questions

This cell has a more square or rectangular shape


The physical portion of the computer collection of files typically created for organizational purposes.

Robust Vocabulary / 10 questions

Which of the following is not relevant to a student in 2014?

Accused Vocabulary / 10 questions

The doctors say surgery is _____________ and necessary to possibly save her life.

Vocabulary Test / 10 questions

A formal meeting of people who make laws in a republic

Library Vocabulary / 14 questions

When I ____________ books I can keep them for seven days, and then I have to bring them back.

Internet Vocabulary / 10 questions

Any computer software that can be used to view documents on the Internet.

Vocabulary cogn32 / 15 questions

In many fables or folktales, an owl is considered to be very wise and all-knowing or this...

Weather Vocabulary / 21 questions

This is a winter storm that lasts at least three hours with temperatures of -12 degrees C or below, poor visibility, and winds of at least 51 km/h.

VOCABULARY #2 / 10 questions

It means to settle or establish firmly.

Formatting Vocabulary / 12 questions

Used to arrange items in a list with each item beginning with a bullet or number.

FCE vocabulary / 30 questions

Robert knew he was at ............ and decided to apologise

Vocabulary Test / 10 questions

Ctrl + C is used to copy. What is used to paste?

Vocabulary Quiz / 19 questions

What part of speech is protrude?

Animation Vocabulary / 11 questions

Written story of a film that supplies dialogue, camera moves, background, staging and action.

Vocabulary #15 / 25 questions

antonym: hardy

Vocabulary #7 / 25 questions

the act of swearing to a lie

Coding Vocabulary / 16 questions

An instruction for the computer. Many commands put together make algorithms and computer programs.

Landform Vocabulary / 13 questions

deep valley with very steep sides

Mesopotamia Vocabulary / 15 questions

Which of the following explains the meaning of the word irrigation?

Ecosystem vocabulary / 25 questions

I am hot and dry during the day and cold at night

Vocabulary 4 / 12 questions

If the boy was indomitable it means he probably .....

Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Vocabulary C / 36 questions

Jane Addams won great __________ for her noble work to help pele living in slums.

Stormalong Vocabulary / 10 questions

What does the word horrified mean in the sentence below? We were horrified to see the damage the storm caused.

Target Vocabulary / 10 questions

Pick your answer

Weekly Vocabulary / 10 questions

disturbing =

Food Vocabulary / 20 questions


Vocabulary L5 / 22 questions

nuclear - extinct - solar - wind

Vocabulary Quiz / 10 questions

Each of the two lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart.

Letter Vocabulary / 25 questions

...the author's keyed name in the closing of the letter

Entrepreneurship Vocabulary / 11 questions

A legal relation existing between two or more persons contractually associated as joint principals in a business is a proprietor.

Vocabulary #6 / 25 questions

to supply in a way that is small

Animal Vocabulary / 10 questions

The underside or belly of an animal is called:

Digestion Vocabulary / 15 questions

Muscle contractions that move food through the entire digestive tract.

Ag Vocabulary / 15 questions

Agriscience Fair

Mesopotamia Vocabulary / 15 questions

Which of the following is the correct social order of Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia Vocabulary / 15 questions

Which of the following explains the meaning of the word civilization?

Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Ag Vocabulary / 15 questions


Vocabulary II / 20 questions

a wetland

Vocabulary III / 20 questions

describing an eccentric characteristic peculiar to an individual or a group

Vocabulary VI / 20 questions

behavior that is assumed rather than natural; artificiality

Expressions Vocabulary / 10 questions

The number multiplied by (in front of) the variable.

Grammar Vocabulary / 40 questions

What is the SUBJECT of this sentence? The woman wrote an email.

Night Vocabulary / 32 questions

Synonym: deportation

Biography Vocabulary / 23 questions

To seize; to arrest

NOS Vocabulary / 10 questions

Describes a pattern or event in nature that is always true

Vocabulary 1 / 15 questions

What means to condemn openly or to accuse formally?

Coding Vocabulary / 18 questions

Finding and fixing errors in programs

Vocabulary IV / 20 questions


Ecosystems Vocabulary / 20 questions

Individuals of the same kind living in the same environment make up a ____________?

Vocabulary VII / 20 questions

agonizing physical or mental pain; torment

Geography Vocabulary / 10 questions

The ______________ _____________ is the imaginary line that divides the Earth from North to the South Poles. It divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres

Ag Vocabulary / 15 questions

three circle model:

Vocabulary 2 / 15 questions

Domain is

Military Vocabulary / 10 questions

Choose the correct movement that the teacher is doing.

Minerals Vocabulary / 18 questions

A hollow rock inside which mineral crystals have formed is called a

Vocabulary 5 / 10 questions

Gerald was ----about Jordon and his abuse toward Angel and himself.

Vocabulary 4 / 12 questions

The servings at the restaurant are much too large. Plates are heaped with more food than anyone could eat.

Vocabulary Character / 17 questions

Usually I sit in business or first class, and those passengers are pretty ____ about flying even during horrible turblence.