For best results, enter a phrase that would occur within a question on a quiz.
a usually defective state of health
Choose your answer.
Choose your answer.
the same or equal
to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; to include with a certain group or class
Choose your answer.
The audience ___ when the performer leaped.
Look at the picture on the handouts and choose the appropriate vocabulary word for the picture.
What are two kids most likely to barter?
Comprehension - Question 10
Find the antonym (opposite) to the vocabulary word in capital letters: a FRAGILE instrument
Complete the sentence with the correct conjugation and vocabulary word. *In order to write your answer, simply leave a space between the verb and the vocabulary word. Follow the example, and do NOT include "el" or "la" for the vocabulary word. Example: Yo _____(leer) en la _____ (library). --> leo biblioteca Karina y Juan ______ (aprender) español en la_____ (school) -->
Let me clarify, or
Translate the vocabulary word to Spanish. INCLUDE the article "el/la". fish -->
Vocabulary. Fill in the blank with the correct word from Unit 5 vocabulary. On Wednesday after work Jun ___ in a terrible traffic jam.
Decoding - Question #2
After three months, Zeena decided to forfeit. She...
Add the appropriate possessive adjective according to the pronoun in parenthesis. (mi(s), tu(s), su(s), nuestro/a(s), su(s)) Karla es _____ (yo) prima.
It all culminated. It
Jamal said my plan to take my sister’s candy was too overt or
Review the vocabulary in unit 10. Match the description to the correct word: You use this to tell the time.
Vocabulary: Amy's new computer is fast and...
Choose the SYNONYM of the vocabulary word. enigma
Let me clarify, or
Complete with the correct form of the appropriate verb. Make sure to conjugate it correctly. You MAY use your notes. As this counts as a vocabulary quiz, only your first attempt will be counted. Tu _____ dopo scuola. (sleep)
Leona exemplified strong leadership abilities. She
Jane Addams won great __________ for her noble work to help pele living in slums.
What does the word horrified mean in the sentence below? We were horrified to see the damage the storm caused.
Pick your answer
disturbing =
nuclear - extinct - solar - wind
Each of the two lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart.
...the author's keyed name in the closing of the letter
A legal relation existing between two or more persons contractually associated as joint principals in a business is a proprietor.
to supply in a way that is small
The underside or belly of an animal is called:
Muscle contractions that move food through the entire digestive tract.
Agriscience Fair
Which of the following is the correct social order of Mesopotamia?
Which of the following explains the meaning of the word civilization?
a wetland
describing an eccentric characteristic peculiar to an individual or a group
behavior that is assumed rather than natural; artificiality
The number multiplied by (in front of) the variable.
What is the SUBJECT of this sentence? The woman wrote an email.
Synonym: deportation
To store a document for future use is to save the document.
The orange cylinder and net at which the offensive players shoot the ball to score points.
The orange cylinder and net at which the offensive players shoot the ball to score points.
a line that connects points of equal temperature on a weather map
The big bang ... is the idea that the universe began with a single large explosion (the 'big bang'), and that the pieces are still flying apart.
The ___ is the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
If you're not sure what the word means,____ in a dictionary.
What does the term "lead" refer to within a yearbook staff?
To pass something out
The word "detecting" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
Yesterday _____ Thursday.
No rain for an extended amount of time.
antonym: utlimate
The part of the ear that hears the sound is called the
a number decreased by 10
The point where the xaxis and yaxis intersect on the coordinate plane. (0,0)
The right to vote is...
It is important to be on time for class.
Some who is lonely and miserable is ___________.
you should arch your wrist when typing on the keyboard.
To seize; to arrest
Describes a pattern or event in nature that is always true
What means to condemn openly or to accuse formally?
Finding and fixing errors in programs
Individuals of the same kind living in the same environment make up a ____________?
agonizing physical or mental pain; torment
The ______________ _____________ is the imaginary line that divides the Earth from North to the South Poles. It divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
three circle model:
Domain is
Choose the correct movement that the teacher is doing.
A hollow rock inside which mineral crystals have formed is called a
Gerald was ----about Jordon and his abuse toward Angel and himself.
The servings at the restaurant are much too large. Plates are heaped with more food than anyone could eat.
Usually I sit in business or first class, and those passengers are pretty ____ about flying even during horrible turblence.
Ashleigh was such a _____________________ student that she studied for tests even when they were not announced.
Any angle that measures more than 90 degrees
Which word is a synonym for odd
Use what you know about the target vocabulary and homophones and homographs to answer the question. Which word best completes the sentence below? When the elf laughs, he sounds happy and —
The synonym for curiosity is interest
Volunteer means
a sound reflection
parallel structure