For best results, enter a phrase that would occur within a question on a quiz.
What is science all about?
Science includes biology (living things), chemistry (mixing of different materials) and physics (physical behaviour of matter). Which kind of science would you categorise the coloured milk experiment as?
Earthquakes is under:
The statement, "The Moon is made of Swiss cheese," would best be described within the scientific method as a(n)
The study of how living things interact with each other and their nonliving environment:
To find the average throwing distance, you add the 3 throwing distances and divide by 3.
There were three Astronauts in Apollo 11 on the first moon mission, one man did not walk on the moon in this crew. What was his name?
7 days is equal to _____ hours
In science, facts…
What do you consider life's greatest virtue? (150 characters min.)
______ Engineers determine the correct structure for a bridge to carry vehicles accross a river
The Age of Reason movement is characterized by _____ and known as _____ .
The distance an object travels may be calculated by dividing the speed of an object by the time of travel.
I DID #17
Princess Noriko's new husband is a Shinto p___.
sports ground
When was Parks College founded?
Velocity is speed with direction, so velocity is a ________.
Any force can be a centripetal force if its action causes an object to move in a ________.
Your mass is represented by _____.
_________ is important to fully describe each of these quantities.
The common alcohol thermometer uses the expansion of colored liquid __________ as a gauge.
The _____ ____ _______ is an imaginary line in the direction of the force and passing through the point where the force is applied.
Which is not a property of sound?
The primary purpose of a lightning rod is to
Thermal energy is also absorbed by ____________.
I speak Hebrew and French but Ann ..........
Newton's third law explains why a spring's ______ acts opposite the direction it is stretched.
What does a vulcanologist study?
A compound is made up of only one type of __________.
The ________ is often written as Calorie.
Japan and Germany were allies (worked together) in WWII.
3. How many significant figures are in the number 500 124.
How many characteristics do we use to classify waveforms?
Where is the house of Virgin Mary?
Which of these is the correct format to save a file
रॉकेट कोणत्या संरक्षण नियमाच्या आधारावर कार्य करते?
science provides a resource of ________ for technology
Things in the universe happen over a ________ range of time intervals.
Which of the following statements is correct?
Which of the following statements is correct?
A free World Series ticket will _______ delight the fan.
Which discipline seeks to understand , appreciate and critique the human conduction in all its depth and range of meaning
Here's the reason why he can't become a vegetarian right now.
Will it take more force to move a 400 kg hippopotamus or a 100 kg dog?
True or False: All of the Earth's spheres are constantly interacting.
Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going to have to make a decision.
If a Sodium Chloride crystal was heated to 300 degrees Celsius, the structure would...
The HondaJet has been in development for ...
What is Motion?
20 government departments, devolved administrations and NDPBs have a Chief Scientific Advisor. How many of them are women?
Finish this sentence. Half the time kitty ________ half the time kitty _________
What is the Theme of this years Science week?
a proposed answer to a question
What is a percentage?
Scientology is one of the largest cults in the US, and around the globe - but who was its founder?
Light and heat do not take up space, and they have no _______.
The density of a material depend on two _________.
Buoyancy forces are created by differences in _________.
The speed of an object at one instant in time is
VOCABULARY: Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. (Use lowercase) speedboats climbed bridge burned helicopter bicycle buildings flames smoke discovered planes trains car destroyed carried earthquake left 6 Fire can destroy houses and __________ very quickly.
Stored energy an object has due to its position
Ampere is the unit for _________________________. pg 12
This states; “Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but changes from one form to another”
The tendency of an object to remain at rest or to remain in motion is...
An ancient Time measuring device SUNDIAL at JantarMantar is in
After Michael Jackson death, "This is it" concert was ______. (call)
The greater the _______ squeezing two surfaces together, the greater the friction force.
Victoria asks - How many days separates the earliest possible day Easter Sunday can fall on from the latest day it can fall on ?
Rubber is put around wires to protect humans from the heat generated by current flowing through the wire. Rubber is used because it is a(n) _____.
When you lie on a spring mattress, it pushes most strongly on the parts of you that stick into it the farthest. Why doesn’t it push up evenly on your entire body?
A near sighted person needs a diverging lens to correct her vision.
It was once recorded that a Jaguar left skid marks that were 290 m in length. Assuming that the Jaguar skidded to a stop with a constant acceleration of -3.90 m/s2, determine the speed of the Jaguar before it began to skid.
Question: In a certain code, 'XYZ' means 'We are friends'. Which letter stands for 'We' ? Statements: I. 'PYN' means 'They are classmates'. II. 'ZMS' means 'We love them'. III. 'PX' means 'Hello friends',
The law of conservation of mass states that if there are no outside forces acting on an object, the amount of momentum will stay the same.
A positive ion has
In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2:1. If the this ratio is to be 1:2, then the quantity of water to be further added is:
Have a look at the below CT scan of the thorax. What is the probable diagnosis?
The first ----- planets are called the inner planets or the terrestrial planets.
23. If three balls were dropped from a height all at the same time, which would hit the ground first? (Assume there is no air resistance.)
Unbalanced forces acting on an object cause the object to _____.
Your personal health is improved through advancement of health science and lifestyle choices by the individual and their friends.
Emotions, thoughts, and ideas are not _______ either.
If you increase the mass of two objects what happens to the gravitational force?
Income from taxes, licenses, etc. used by a city, state, or nation.
When using an inclined orbit satellite you usually will not need a tracking antenna.
暖(nuǎn) 和(hé)
What is the current in a ciruit with a resistance of 6 ohms and a potential difference of 18 V?
The density of an alloy is 5000 kg/m^3. What is the density in g/m^3?
Bob has a new job. Whenever people ask him the phone number of his employer, he can only remember his OLD employer's number. This is an example of
She was the first American "Sex Symbol."
Where is the worlds largest supply of fresh water?
(refer to diagram #2 on the separate diagram sheet) A negative test charge placed at point B will have ___________ potential energy than if it were placed at point A.
On which device would you most likely find a trackpad?
Vector A has a direction of 237 degrees. Which of the following best describes vector A?
Constructive Interference
What is one word you would use to describe this class? If you want to write more feel free.
What does the word Renaissance mean, and from what language do we get this term?