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For best results, enter a phrase that would occur within a question on a quiz.

Grammar Gaffes and Culture Questions / 10 questions

On the 4th of July, which country did we gain independence from?

Unit 1 Click on 3/2 / 11 questions

Travis looked .... my phone number from a directory.

Grammar Point 31-40 / 28 questions

Il se rase tous les matins avant le petit-dejeuner.

Chapter 1.3 Terms / 25 questions

Syntax - The grammar of a programming language, defining what specific sequences of characters are allowed.

Unit 5-GRAMMAR 1 / 10 questions

I'll put the washing machine equipment on this evening.


GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with so or such a/an and these adjectives. beautiful busy dark excited good hot loud many awful wet 1 I got _____________ during the thunderstorm that I looked as though I had been swimming. 2 They had _____________ time in Mexico that they’re going again this year. 3 I’ve never seen _____________ people in one place. 4 It was _____________ at the beach that I had to come home. 5 Have you ever seen _____________ old building? It’s lovely. 6 When I got offered a place at college, I was _____________ excited that I screamed. 7 The sky was _____________ that I was sure there was going to be a storm. 8 Rio de Janeiro is _____________ city. There are a lot of people and cars. 9 The music was _____________ that I couldn’t hear myself think. 8. ___________

Grammar Final Exam Mock Test / 10 questions

Choose the correct option. I want to _________ my new T-Shirt.

Unit 5, Week 2 Grammar / 16 questions

There is _____ way to solve problem.


2 Complete the phrases with the adjectives in parentheses in the correct order. 1 a/an _______________________ boat (old / incredible / Mexican) 2 a _______________________ fruit (Chinese / yellow / small) 3 a / an _______________________ case (square / enormous / expensive) 4 a _______________________ apartment (spacious / comfortable / modern) 5 a / an _______________________ building (unknown / gray / ugly) 6 a _______________________ road (dark / narrow / tiny) 7 a / an _______________________ painting (old / French / beautiful) 8 a _______________________ vase (blue / large / round) 8. _____________, ____________, ____________

7SPEAKING - 2nd Quarter - Product test / 10 questions

What is the 80/15/5?

Laura / 10 questions

What is pidgin?

5th Grammar Quiz U1W4 / 10 questions

When spring rolls around, they wait for the first games.

Wh questions / 10 questions

How much_________ ? Those books cost one dollar.

unit 4 Week 4 Possessive Pronouns / 18 questions

Please put _____________ books on the red table.

WP Fundamentals Test / 25 questions

To copy an item stored on the Office clipboard to a location in a file.

Chapter 18 / 10 questions

Image maps are graphics that have been segmented and each segment is assigned a different link.

WEST Social Media Awards Night / 12 questions

Sari-sari Store Award (Laging may food sa station, hustler sa pagpasok ng food)

AP Grammar Review A / 39 questions

分かり____。 I don't understand.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that is a compound sentence.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that identifies the sentence subject. Few people believed that the crazy new rocket design would actually work.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Sentence Correction: Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

Keepers Spelling and Grammar / 23 questions

Read the sentence. Find the adjective and type it in the blank. The horse is hungry.

Grammar Point 11-18 / 50 questions

Il devrait faire un peu plus d'exercice. (13)

MOCK TEST ( GRAMMAR)2 / 49 questions

III. Make corrections for the errors that can be found in the sentences. (Note: One mistake for each sentence.) 6. Is there something important in today’s newspaper?

Year 8 - Grammar Test / 20 questions

Replace one of the words in this sentence with a pronoun so it makes more sense. Sally's Grandma asked Sally to get ready for school.

Unit 2 Grammar Assessment / 12 questions

Which is the best way to combine these two sentences. Braylan and Eliana started to giggle. The story was so funny.

Level 3 Grammar Test / 20 questions

Did you buy new shoes yesterday?

Cool Motorcycle Grammar Quiz / 10 questions

Which type of verb is "was" in the following sentence? The movie was old.

Grammar Point 18-30 / 50 questions

J'ai effacé son numéro de téléphone.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that identifies the sentence predicate. Joshua surprised everyone with his high chemistry test score.

AP Grammar Review B / 40 questions

ねこは_____にいます。 The cat is under the sofa.

Tamil Grammar 09.02.2014-2 / 25 questions

ஆங்கொரு கல்லை வாயில்படி என்ற மைத்தான் சிற்பி மற்றொன்றை ஓங்கிய பெருமை கடவுளின் வடிவென்று உயர்த்தினவர் உலகினோர் தாய் நீயே - இப்பாடல் இடம் பெரும் நூல் ?

Tamil Grammar 09.02.2014-3 / 25 questions

ஓரறிவு உயிர்களையும் விரும்பும் பண்பு , விருந்தோம்பல் , அறவழியில் பொருளீட்டல் முதலிய தமிழர்தம் உயர் பண்புகளை தெள்ளத் தெளிவாக எடுத்தியம்பும் நூல்

English / 10 questions

2. But last year I (not / work) ___________ hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) ________ really that good then.

Lesson 23 Grammar Test / 25 questions

Write present, present participle, past, or past participle to identify the principal part used to form the verb. knew

Unit 13 Grammar Review / 35 questions


9th Grade Grammar 1 / 25 questions

What part of speech is the word "ME" in the following sentence? It was given to me by my grandmother.

B1 Grammar Chapter 3 / 39 questions

They __________________ a car.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Sentence Correction: Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that identifies the sentence subject. The mountain gradually brightened as the sun rose above the horizon.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that is a compound sentence.

9th Grade Grammar Test / 25 questions

The phrase "standing in the doorway" is what in the following sentence? Standing in the doorway, she looked very scared.

Vocab and Grammar Test / 10 questions

What change should be made in the sentence below? Your friends is knocking on the door.

Grammar Test Part 2 / 25 questions

She felt hungry, ________ she didn’t have breakfast.

Midterm Grammar Test 2013 / 12 questions

Choose the answer that identifies the sentence subject. Few people believed that the crazy new rocket design would actually work.

PART I ( Grammar Test ) / 50 questions

_____ the baby could speak made his parents very happy.

PART II ( Grammar Test ) / 50 questions

We’ve got no coffee. Let’s have tea _______.

Lit Studies Grammar Quiz / 15 questions

Which of the following sentences is correct?

Module 12 grammar review / 40 questions

If only she … rich instead of intelligent.

Grammar Ch. 3 Test / 50 questions

Identify the verb as action or linking. Clemens BECAME an apprentice to the town printer at the age of twelve.

Grammar Test Term 4 / 38 questions

Dan or I (beat, beats) you at tennis every game!

Grammar Review - Simple Present / 30 questions

I ............... shopping today because I have too much homework.

Grammar Point 1-10 / 49 questions

Elle a choisi la verte. (1)

AP Grammar Review D / 31 questions

上手_____選手(せんしゅ) a skillful player

Morning Shift Test / 10 questions

I am writing a story ....... days.

Reading and writing 9a / 26 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with if, unless, as soon as, and until. 1 I’ll be there in two minutes. Don’t do anything ______________ I arrive! 2 ______________ we halt global warming, the planet will be in trouble. 3 The situation will improve ______________ we all work together. 4 ______________ they arrive, we’ll eat with them. They’re due now. 5 We won’t get there on time ______________ we hurry. 6 Take the pasta out of the water ______________ it’s soft. 7 I can’t go home ______________ I’ve finished this report. I’ve almost done it. 1. ___________

Reading and Writing 8b / 34 questions

LANGUAGE WORKOUT (GRAMMAR) Choose the correct option, A or B. When I came home last night, I thought I (1) ____________ hear someone in the kitchen. I closed the door quietly and waited in the hall. I could (2) ____________ my heart beating in my chest. As I waited, I thought I (3) ____________ someone whispering. The noise was coming from the kitchen. I walked slowly along the hallway, and tried not to (4) ____________ scared. The kitchen door was half-open, but I (5) ___________ see anyone or anything (6) ____________. I was certain I (7) ____________ another presence in the house. Then I noticed the door (8) ____________ slowly. I was terrified, but I didn’t know what to do. Just as I was about to run out of the house in terror, I (9) ____________ our new kitten (10) ____________ up at me from behind the kitchen door. I couldn’t believe I had been so silly! 1 A could B must 2 A see B feel 3 A saw B heard 4 A feel B felt 5 A could B couldn’t 6 A moved B moving 7 A felt B saw 8 A opened B opening 7._______________

Spelling Test / 20 questions

Choose the correct spelling


The heart pin sale is .... unique idea.

Reading and Writing 8A / 34 questions

GRAMMAR Choose the correct words. 1 I won’t / shall tell anyone your secret. 2 He is going / will to meet his new teacher tomorrow. 3 Will / Shall I get you a drink? You look thirsty. 4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I shall / won’t answer it. 5 I think she will / isn’t going to love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate. 6 I am going / will to start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago. 7 I’m sure he shall / isn’t going to come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties. 8 I promise I am not going to / will be there by eight o’clock. 9 He never eats regularly. He is going to / isn’t going to make himself sick. 10 Have you lost your phone? Shall I / Am I going to lend you mine? 3. _____________________

AS Language terms / 35 questions

I can see a small car. The lexeme *a* is known as a what?

Stage 14 REVIEW / 20 questions

in + ACC means

Final Sspring / 50 questions

A _____ is a built-in formula in Excel.

Chapter 5 Test / 15 questions

You can emphasize key points by

Usage Errors (3) / 20 questions

How much are ______ baseball cards?

Unit 5, Week 3 Grammar / 16 questions

JaKyria is the ______________girl in the class.

Progress test goal 2 8b / 35 questions

WRITING Write an e-mail to a friend talking about your favourtie chapter in the book V for vampir. Talk about one of these chapters: Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Usage Errors (3) / 20 questions

The raccoon washed (its, it's) face in the shallows of the stream.

Global English / 10 questions

What does NOT define SE?

Chapter 9A WP / 15 questions

A word processor is a type of productivity software

Lesson 12 Spelling Test / 20 questions

Choose the correctly spelled word.

Spot the error / 10 questions

He did not know that/ the work was to be done/ by you and I/no error. A B C D

SP2 Unit 7 Test Grammar (16-17) / 10 questions

What is true about conjugating the present and the preterite tenses?

General Test #1 / 15 questions

Choose Higher-Level Concerns among the following textual elements

Grammar Unit 1 - Quiz 1 / 20 questions


SP2 Unit 10 Test Grammar (16-17) / 10 questions

Choose the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses. Nosotros (escribir) cuentos cortos.

1 Semester Computer Apps 2 / 35 questions

Indentations used when only the first line of text in the paragrah is indented.

PROGRESS TEST GOAL 1 9A GRADE / 44 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the text with these words. are already ’m going to is going is going to be will will be will build will cause will soon become won’t be The first space tourist flights (1) _____________ a reality. Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Spaceship Enterprise (2) _____________ ready to take tourists into space within a few years. Each trip lasts two hours and (3) _____________ cost U.S. $200,000. Richard Branson himself (4) _____________ to travel on the first flight. I’m sure it (5) _____________ the trip of a lifetime! Now that space tourism has become a reality, there are predictions that they (6) _____________ the first hotel in space by 2016. It (7) _____________ cheap or easy, but I (8) _____________ stay there if I can! However, there are also people who think that this kind of space tourism is irresponsible and wasteful. They predict that it (9) _____________ cause terrible environmental damage. We (10) _____________ creating so much “space trash” that we are in danger of causing serious damage to the many satellites which orbit the Earth, if not the Earth itself. 6. ________________

Vocabulary Quiz: Word Lessons 1-3 / 32 questions

A way of viewing a document on screen that shows text on the screen in a form that is easy to read; the Ribbon is replaced by a small bar called a toolbar that contains only a few relevant commands.

Spelling & Grammar - Environment Test 1 / 16 questions

The ___________ is everything around you; the conditions of an area.

SHREECLASSES / 20 questions

In which direction the Sun set?

Speak Out Pre-Int week 10 / 10 questions

It's very ......................There's so much smoke and bad quality air.

Grammar Test In Sentence structuring / 20 questions

I _____ _____ to make my bed when I was young

Verb Tenses / 15 questions

The grade four class will go to the museum on Thursday.

Goal test 1 7b / 31 questions

Speaking Follow the teacher instructions in your oral presentation.

Verb Tenses / 15 questions

Zoe painted a colorful picture of her garden.

Verb Tenses / 15 questions

This time tomorrow some of the people in this room __________________ to their home countries. (future)

Reading and writing 10 grade / 33 questions

Vocabulary set 2: Types of evidence (difficulty level 2) Write the blank word to complete the sentences. Do not use capital letters 6 Follow the _____ of evidence – they might still be hiding in the area. 7 The detective collected _____ and then talked to his team. 8 It had been raining so the police officer checked for _______ in the garden of the house. 9 If you have a(n) _____ , you have nothing to worry about! 10 The half-eaten ______of a take-away meal suggested they had left in a hurry. Answer for 7: __________

Reading and writing 10 grade / 33 questions

Based on The LOST WORLD, fill in the blanks, do not use capital letters nor comma or any punctuation mark, just press the space bar if necessary What is Gladys new husband job? he is a

PROGRESS TEST GOAL 1 9B GRADE / 50 questions

VOCABULARY 1 Put these adjectives in the correct group. ONE adjective not in the correct group makes the answer INCORRECT. ancient average Brazilian comfortable fantastic flat huge long purple recent thin young 1 opinion: _______________________ 2 size: _______________________ 3 age: _______________________ 4 shape: _______________________ 5 color: _______________________ 6 origin: _______________________ 2. _______ ____________ ___________ ___________ _________ _________ _____________ ___________ ________ __________

pre-intermediate week 11 / 10 questions

Which 3 are internet terms?

Unit 5 Week 5, Grammar / 24 questions

That bridge is in ____________ condition than the other one.

Unit 5 Week 5 Grammar / 24 questions

These are the _________ seats in the theater.

Goal Final Test / 38 questions

Complete with the correct passive form of the verb given. English is not enough. It is true not only for native speakers but also for the second language speakers of english. A language other than english ______ 1. (speak) at home in 14 million households. but foreing languages ______2. (study) by only 44% of U.S. high school. The most popular language that _____3. (teach) in public school is Spanish. 2. _____________

October Mock Test II / 40 questions

Every day the old man takes these children home _____ school.

Unit 5 Week 5, Grammar / 24 questions

My dentist is the _______ you will find in Oxford.

June 11th, 2016 / 10 questions

Yuho Yamashita is a ........... actress.

Amazing Alice Spelling and Grammar / 30 questions

Read the sentence. Select the pronoun or pronouns in the sentence. Yesterday, I roped a calf.

Grammar Quiz Seven: Sentence Combining / 20 questions

Sentence Combining: A book can be a lot of fun to read. A book is a good thing to take on vacation.

Titan Gate - English Grammar TEST / 24 questions

5. .......... Colonial period the great majority of Connecticut's settlers came from England.