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General basic grammar test_23-1 / 20 questions

Select the correct answer

knowledge test 8 grade / 27 questions

FROM Lord Arthur´s Savile´s Crime and Other Stories true or false exercise: Determine of the following sentences are true or false 5. The following is the description of the murder from chapter 2: Tall, between 30 or 40, wearing a black coat, trousers and brown hat and a scar near his eye.

Titan Gate - English Grammar TEST / 24 questions

12. Marianne seemed to take ........... at my comments on her work.

Grammar: Choosing the right word / 22 questions

Fill in the blank: This is more exciting ___________ the time we went river rafting!

Half Chicken Spelling and Grammar / 30 questions

Choose the word that BEST completes this statement. Where is to whenever as what is to _____.

level 6 grammar quiz II / 20 questions

9. He shows___good taste in clothes.

English 9 Grammar Check In / 10 questions

Which sentence is not a complete thought?

9th Grade Grammar Test 2 / 25 questions

What part of speech is the word "QUITE" in the following sentence? Bob was quite disturbed about the outcome of the vote.

AIJ3 Lesson 9 Grammar Review / 35 questions

かいだん_____上がる。 I will go up the stairs.

Half Chicken Spelling and Grammar / 30 questions

Type in the BEST verb from the ( ) to complete the sentence. Rabbits ( run/ runs) across the snow.

Global Language / 10 questions

In what age did the British Empire exist?

knowledge test 8 grade / 27 questions

VOCABULARY Write words for the definitions. 1 a water sport in which you stand on skis and are pulled by a boat _____________ 2 a game played on ice by two teams, in which long sticks are used to hit a puck _____________ 3 the sport of jumping from a very high place while attached to a long piece of rubber _____________ 4 in this sport, you run through the city, and jump from building to building _____________ 5 a water sport in which you stand on a surfboard and are pulled by a kite _____________ 6 a structure like a tall railway with steep slopes that you ride for fun _____________ 4. ___________

PLS Materiais / 15 questions

Escolha a opção correta. Um professor entra em contato e pede para analisar o livro B1+. Qual livro poderias fornecer?

Using Connecting Words Correctly / 12 questions

Marcos studied hard for his grammar test, _______ he got a D.

Goal Final Test / 38 questions

LISTENING Listen to the report and answer the questions. How many languages do American people typically speak? write the answer in numbers


He doesn`t be friend of her again because he feels sad after braking

7 grade Progress Test / 33 questions

Grammar 2: Write the verbs in the past simple. Last year my family went (go) to Norway for our holidays. We (16) _______ (stay) in a small hotel near a lake. The lake was beautiful and I (17) _______ (take) hundreds of photos. For breakfast I usually had bread, cheese and eggs and I (18) _______ (eat) a lot of fish and potatoes. I (19) _______ (write) a blog post about the food. I loved Norway – I (20) _______ (want) to stay all summer! Answer for 19: _______ Type the complete word, do not use capital letter

Informative Outline / 20 questions

The thesis lists the two main ideas.

SP1 Unit 3 Test (16-17) / 15 questions

Does the adjective match the noun in this sentence? El chicO es altA.

British Lit/Comp A MIDTERM / 40 questions

Identify the literary device: Saturday, June 10th, Chicago, was the ________ for the poem about the unwed mother and her crippled child.

Global English / 10 questions

What is non-standard English?

DGP 1-8 / 10 questions

The Potomac Soccer Club held a match; my sister brought hot coffee there. In this sentence, the verbs held and brought are

SP1 Unit 4 Test (16-17) / 15 questions

Choose the verb that goes with the following subject: Ellos

B1G Chapter 2 / 20 questions

klopt dit? june the ninth

Grammatically Speaking!! / 25 questions

Which of the following two phrases is correct?

Website Evaluation / 10 questions

Who can create and have a website?

Understanding the Basics / 12 questions

What does font mean?

MOAC PPP Lesson 3 / 15 questions

Reflection is one type of ____________ you can apply to WordArt.

reading and writing 7 grade IV term / 30 questions

READING COMPREHENSION Read the following text and answer the questions LIFE IN ENGLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat. Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre. Match the numbers and dates (0-4) to what they relate to (A-E) 1 1550 _____ 2 4.4 million _____ 3 1558 _____ 4 1599 _____ B Elizabeth I became queen C in the UK today D 3.2 million people in England and Wales E the Globe Theatre opened Answer for 4: ____ write the correct letter. Do not use capital letter

Lesson 11 Weekly Test / 40 questions

Decoding - Question #2

Capitulo 4 / 35 questions

Juan sent an email to a pen pal in Spain about his experience at his new school. Select True if the statement is true and false if the statement is false. Me gusta la computación, pero no salí bien en el examen.La tarea para la clase es muy difícil también- ¡tenemos que hacer nuestras propias (own) páginas de Web!Creo que para salir bien en esa clase, necesito tomar mejores apuntes y hacer más preguntas. 4.) Juan salió muy bien en el examen de computación.

Progress test - meta 1 - segundo periodo - 7 / 48 questions

VOCABULARY: Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. (Use lowercase) speedboats climbed bridge burned helicopter bicycle buildings flames smoke discovered planes trains car destroyed carried earthquake left 6 Fire can destroy houses and __________ very quickly.

10 grade unit 1 first goal / 28 questions

LISTENING TEST Listen to the talk and complete the summary with words or short phrases that you hear. Free diving is the (1) _______________ most dangerous extreme sport in the world. Free divers dive underwater using no (2) _______________ to help them breathe. Free divers try to (3) _______________ as much as they can so that they use as little oxygen as possible underwater. Herbert Nitsch has the world (4) _______________ in free diving. In this dive, he (5) _______________ a depth of just over 200 metres below the surface of the sea. He can hold his breath for (6) _______________ . This is because he can hold (7) _______________ of air in his lungs, which is much more than a normal adult male. Question 2 Do not use capital letter at any case.

Goal 1 test 10 grade / 32 questions

Reading comprehension Read the text and answer the questions Lost at Sea [1] When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down and saw that he was in the sea. All at once he remembered what had happened and came to his senses. He was still holding onto the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing keeping him above water. But he was alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach. [2] He started to remember the events of the previous morning. He remembered how he'd felt the room shake like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, though, and nobody was hurt. He hadn't expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken place on another island after all, so he thought they were safe. [3] But after Kevin had gone out onto the beach, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It was as if the sea had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand seemed to go on forever, like a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange – almost creepy. [4] He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was yelling at people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a statue, confused about what was going on. Then he’d seen it in the distance: a wall of water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly, someone screamed, ‘Tsunami! … RUN!’ [5] He’d made it back to the hotel but then disaster struck. He was pulled under water and thrown about like a doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even take a breath before the water had pulled him under. But he managed to come up to the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the devastated hotel and he held onto it for his life. … And then he drifted into a deep sleep Choose True (T) or False (F). 1 Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. T / F 2 The boats Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. T / F 3 Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. T / F 4 Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. T / F 5 The hotel was destroyed by the wave. T / F Answer for 3. ____

Goal 1 test 10 grade / 32 questions

Vocabulary set 1: Our environment (difficulty level 2) Write the appropriate word. Some answers are two words. Do not use Capital letter 1 If there's no rain for a long period, this is often the result. __________ 2 This can happen after an earthquake and this wave can cover a large area of land. __________ 3 This is caused by a large amount of snow and ice falling down a mountain. __________ 4 A small fire which starts near lots of dry grass or trees can quickly become one of these. __________ 5 This is what we call the most powerful type of storm. __________ Answer 5. _______

Knowledge Test 8 grade / 35 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the simple past or the correct form of used to and the verbs in parentheses. 1 When I was young, I ________________ (go) camping three times. 2 Carla ________________ (visit) six different countries while she was at college. 3 Dad ________________ (not like) classical music, but now he really enjoys it. 4 I ________________ (know) that paper was invented in China until you told me just now! 5 They ________________ (watch) the show once to see what it was like. 6 He ________________ (not go) to the movies before he went to the restaurant last night. 7 I ________________ (play) the violin at school, but I don’t now. 8 They ________________ (buy) new clothes for the party tomorrow. 9 Did you ________________ (invent) games and stories when you were young? 10 He ________________ (do) any sports, but now he plays soccer every week. 2. ______________

Knowledge Test 8 grade / 35 questions

READING Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False. 1 Andrew Cowan’s robot was his school exam project. True / False 2 He invented it to help doctors. True / False 3 Thanks to the robot, firefighters have to go into buildings that are on fire. True / False 4 Andrew was chosen to represent his school in a contest for young scientists. True / False 5 Andrew went to Portugal in 2011. True / False 6 Before the contest in Portugal, Andrew’s robot had already won a lot of prizes. True / False 7 A number of companies had given money and equipment to help Andrew with his project. True / False 8 In return for sponsorship, their telephone numbers were put on the side of the robot. True / False 9 Siemens offered to sponsor Andrew to go to college. True / False 10 He was offered jobs by some important electronics companies. True / False 9. ___________

SP1 Unit 2 Test (16-17) / 15 questions

What does the following word mean in English? aprender

John Lewis Customer Service Admin Grammar / 32 questions

You _____ my best friend when we _____ children.

SP1 Unit 7 Test-Grammar (16-17) / 10 questions

Choose the correct form of the verb (the verb ending should match the subject. The original verb is in parentheses). María (leer) novelas de ciencia ficción.

TEST3. Emergencies / 10 questions

What reason for the extension request is inappropriate?

Shifts / 10 questions

Which of the following is not a shift in person?

On the Pampas Spelling and Grammar / 30 questions

Read the word ( city ). Type the plural form for the word ( city ).

Grammar Test Set B Part 1 / 50 questions

Hurry up, ____ you'll be late.

Grammar Test Set B Part 2 / 25 questions

She told me that they ___________ (talk) about a new book at this time yesterday.

7 grade final test 2016 (weel before apropriation) / 25 questions

LISTENING SECTION 1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO? A. He was returning home from a party. B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO. C. He was driving home from a restaurant. 2. What time did the man report the incident to the police? A. about 12:00 AM B. about 3:00 AM C. about 5:00 AM 3. What jumped out in front of the man's car? A. a giant deer B. a strange man C. a hairy alien 4. What happened next to the man? A. He walked to a flying saucer. B. He followed the animal to a plane. C. He was carried to a spaceship. 5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story? A. They should call the fire department. B. The man should seek counseling. C. The man should contact the newspaper. Answer for 5 : ______ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter

9 grade apropiación / 27 questions

According to Holmes' source, how have the Andaman islanders treated survivors of shipwrecks?

Knowledge test 9b grade / 38 questions

VOCABULARY Complete the text with these words. band chords gig hum influence lyrics songs success tune Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) _____________ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) _____________. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would (3) _____________ the (4) _____________ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) _____________ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a (6) _____________. Their style of music is alternative, and bands like The Stereophonics and Green Day have been a big (7) _____________. They played at friends’ parties and at local events, and people started talking about them. Their first important (8) _____________ was the end-of-year party at school. It was a big (9) _____________! 7: ___________________

cd225 / 44 questions

Some degree of hearing loss occurs in ________ percent of adults over the age of 65

Knowledge test 9b grade / 38 questions

LISTENING Listen to the radio show and choose the correct option, A, B, or C. 1 At home, Maria likes to ___. A cook with her children B cook modern food C try out new recipes 2 Last year, she went to Italy ___ some traditional recipes. A to find B in order to learn C so that she could teach 3 Her teacher had spent a year traveling around Italy learning ___. A about old people B about the country C new recipes and skills 4 The recipes on the course were ___. A difficult B easy C boring 5 She says the best Italian recipes are ___. A simple B difficult C expensive 3.______________

8 grade Reading and writing goal 2 1 term / 43 questions

VOCABULARY Choose the correct option in each line. Last summer, I went to Mexico to stay with a Mexican family. I am always (1) nervous / embarrassed / tired when I meet new people, but I was also (2) miserable / cheerful / excited because it was my first time on vacation without my parents. At first, I was really (3) angry / lonely / bored because I didn’t know anyone. The family was very friendly, but their kids were much younger than me. Then, one day I was in town and I met some teenagers in a park. They were all really (4) cheerful / depressed / sad and having fun. I started talking to them, and although I was a little (5) tired / embarrassed / bored because my Spanish isn’t great, they were really friendly. I met them every day, and suddenly I wasn’t (6) angry / glad / miserable anymore. I’ll always have (7) sad / scared / happy memories of my time in Mexico and I’m really (8) glad / depressed / worried that I went. In fact, I’m going back next summer! 6. ___________________

Semester 1 Pretest / 15 questions

Identify the error in the following sentence: The park was serine at twilight.

PPT 1-2 Introduction, Mentor's page / 12 questions

What is the maximum percentage of the bid you may take from the writer for editing?

8 grade Progress Test / 43 questions

VOCABULARY Match the appropriate meaning to each one of hte following concepts from the lesson. 2. Thriller

Rome / 25 questions

Use the table on page 21 to answer: The English meaning for the Latin Root- "ami" is ...

Writing Process / 10 questions

From the information presented in the movie, what can you conclude about the writing process?

Intro Pop Quiz / 10 questions

The cx calls and says they forgot to bring their major cc, but they know the numbers and they have their debit card and their company credit card with them. Will this still be permitted?

Reading and writing 9 grade / 40 questions

OCABULARY 1 Put these adjectives in the correct group. ancient Brazilian fantastic huge purple square 1 opinion: _______________________ 2 size: _______________________ 3 age: _______________________ 4 shape:_______________________ 5 color: _______________________ 6 origin: _______________________ 2. _____________

8 grade Progress Test / 49 questions

VOCABULARY Match the appropriate meaning to each one of hte following concepts from the lesson. 6. Perform

The Analysis of Disputes / 15 questions

The order instructions require analyzing a short story using quotes, paraphrasing and summarizing. The writer has done exactly that and cited the story in the reference list, but no in-text citations are present in the paper. What should you do?

Learning Microsoft Office (WORD)-Quiz 3 / 15 questions

The chromosomes of a cell, usually displayed as a systematized arrangement of chromosome pairs in descending order of size.

Word Usage / 12 questions

The students wished Professor Einstein gave __________ directions for essays. Instead, the assignment sheets are pages long and chocked full of requirements.

8 grade Progress Test / 49 questions

VOCABULARY Match the appropriate meaning to each one of hte following concepts from the lesson. 6. Perform

Netiquette / 10 questions

Do you let people share and use your photographs, and companies to sell them without your permission?

SP2 Unit 4 Test (16-17) / 15 questions

Choose the word that best completes the sentence: Helado (ice cream) es muy _____ (sweet).

Инглиш фо релаксейшн (парт 1) / 50 questions

The word … is taken from Javanese.

Speech Test 1 / 25 questions

A memorized speech is written out completely and recited word for word.

Email / 15 questions

Adam wrote an email in all caps. What does this mean?

reading and writing 7b III Term / 21 questions

Vocabulary set 1: Food and drink (difficulty level 2) Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1 Some people say you eat [cake / soup / onion] and others say you drink it! 2 In England people sometimes have [cola / cake / soup] before their main meal. 3 [Carrots / Chocolates / Sweets] are good for you. We eat them very often. 4 Is he eating [chips / cola / chocolate] with his chicken? 5 Can you get the [chocolates / soups / potatoes] ready for lunch, please? Answer for 4: write only the correct word. Do not use capital letter

8 grade Knowledge test / 47 questions

VOCABULARY Match these movies to the descriptions. action movie animation comedy documentary drama horror movie musical romantic movie science-fiction movie 1 a movie about something or someone real _____________ 2 a love story _____________ 3 there’s always singing and dancing _____________ 4 the characters are often cartoons _____________ 5 there’s usually a car chase, a hero, and a lot of different things happening _____________ 6 a movie about outer space and aliens ____________ 7 a scary movie that will frighten you _____________ 8 a serious story about the lives of fictional characters _____________ 4.________________

TEST 8B / 17 questions

If I had studied harder, I _____________ my exam.

अनलाइन टेष्ट भाग 10 / 25 questions

निजामति कर्मचारीले वर्षकाे कति दिन विमारी विदा पाउदछन ?

Name the Parts of Speech / 10 questions

Name the parts of speech in this sentence: Grammar is difficult, but you are learning it.

chapter 8 / 14 questions

When Larina started college, she was certain that she would never smoke marijuana. By the end of her freshman year, however, Larina had used this drug several times. Larina's experience best illustrates

8 grade goal final test / 22 questions

Now, complete the repor given about this situation Later that day Sheila reported the story to her friend Mike. Fill in the blanks with reported (indirect) speech using the text above. Check your answers on the following page. As he was walking down the path Tim said if he 1. ____ ____ diet he 2. ____ lose twenty pounds. We bumped into each other. He apologized saying he 3. ____ terribly sorry. I told him it ____ OK, that nothing ____ broken. Tim said he ____ so caught up in ____ thoughts that he ____ ____. He seemed embarrassed, so I added that I ____ my step either. At that moment we recognized each other! He asked me if he ____ ____ from somewhere. I then remembered that he was Jack's brother. We both had a good laugh and then he invited me to have a cup of coffee and a donut. We had a great time together. 3.________

PROGRESS TEST. 9a grade / 33 questions

LISTENING Listen to the report and choose True or False. 1 The report is about the history of the English language. True / False 2 Some children in different countries are being taught their school subjects in English. True / False True / False 3 This prepares students for studying English at college level. True / False 4 This means that students will be able to teach English anywhere in the world. True / False 5 Mandarin, French, and Arabic are three languages which are growing in popularity. True / False 6 Better-known languages are becoming more dominant. True / False 7 Not many people around the world speak more than one language. True / False 8 American people often speak only one language. True / False 9 A lot of new vocabulary is entering the English language. True / False 10 The report suggests that English may be replaced by Spanish as the world’s dominant language. True / False 6. ________________

Shakespeare Test / 20 questions

What was the name of the plague that affected society during Shakespeare's time?

Preventing Unauthorised Access / 12 questions

Which of the following best describes Identity theft?

End of the Year Technology Test / 40 questions

CPU stands for:

FR1 Final Grammar Level 3-4 questions / 32 questions

30. Tu as des feuilles de papier ? a. Oui, tu peux aller. b. Oui, je n’ai pas des feuilles de papier. c. Non, je n’ai pas de feuilles de papier.

Senior SLO Post / 24 questions

Type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics.

Proficiency Practice #1 / 24 questions

He is the __________ of the eight brothers.

Chapter 5 World History Test / 20 questions

Eramus believed that to show people how to live a good life on a daily basis should be the chief concern of the Christian Church.

SP2 Unit 2 Test (16-17) / 15 questions

What is the English equivalent of the verb below? comer

Knowledge Test 7b First goal III Term / 31 questions

About Macbeth From chapter 1 to Chapter 4 Why is Macbeth so nervous

COMM2210 Midterm exam review / 41 questions

Which of the following was NOT normative culture at the turn of the century in Britain?

English Level / 25 questions

Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice?

Year 8 Metalanguage / 20 questions

The description of someone or something (for example a social group) in a particular way.

8th Grade Technology / 25 questions

A small camera that allows the user to see and communicate through the Internet is called:

INGLES OCTAVO / 10 questions

2. What will he do there?

INGLES OCTAVO / 10 questions

9. Time expressions in future are:

INGLES OCTAVO / 10 questions

4. When will he know if he travels?

Jeffrey / 10 questions

Are those important things to consider to grade vocabulary? Incrementality Multidimensionality Receptive/productive duality

129_Q3 / 25 questions

This pattern provides a class which normally handles all the communications between different classes and supports easy maintainability of the code by loose coupling.

Computer Basics / 25 questions

Pieces of information sent from one computer across the Internet to another computer are called ________.

INGLES OCTAVO / 10 questions

9. Time expressions in future are:

Phrase and Clause Review / 15 questions

Identify whether the UPPERCASE words constitute a phrase, an independent clause, or a dependent clause: Becca peered into the closet; A MONSTER STARED BACK AT HER.

Customer communication follow-up test. / 15 questions

What are the 'sins' of customer communication?

Blame It on the Wolf Spelling and Grammar / 30 questions

Choose the correct contraction that is formed by combining each pair of words. should not