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For best results, enter a phrase that would occur within a question on a quiz.

CCH TOEFL Exam / 25 questions

Do you have _____ to do today? We could have a long lunch if not.

micro / 46 questions

which of the following could most likely be described as a conjugated vaccine

CA Quiz W2 1 - 15 / 15 questions

Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.

Essay Revision / 20 questions

Sensory language is used to create a visual in the mind of the reader by expressing how something looked, sounded, smelled, tasted, or felt.

Government: Second Six Weeks Exam / 26 questions

Seats in the House of Representatives are __________ among the states by population as determined by a ____________ conducted every ten years. The seats in the Senate are for ___________ terms and hold greater __________.

Curious Researcher: Chapter 5 Exam / 14 questions

What are the benefits of having a third party read your essay?

Apropiación 8A Meta 2 Segundo periodo / 38 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the correct form of will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to. 5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate. 5. ____________

7 grade Apropriation unit 1 / 31 questions

Listening Listen to the track and answer the following questions. Please write the correct answer. 1. How many people live in Osaka? two ____ __ _____ million people

7 grade test / 25 questions

Reading Comprehension PLAY TO WIN Kim My blog this week is about two students at my school. They both play team sports, not individual sports. Kim is a rugby player and Peter plays cricket. They’re both very good, but they want to improve their skills. Their goal is to be the best and play for our country. Kim is 12 years old and she plays rugby for our school. She’s small and she can run very fast. Next year she wants to play rugby for the city; however, sometimes she doesn’t throw the ball very well. She has to practise more to have more success. The difficulty is she also plays football, so she doesn’t have enough time to practise. She has to choose what her priority is: rugby or football. Peter is 13 and he already plays cricket for the city. He’s strong and he’s good at hitting the ball. He can also throw it very far. However, he has to think hard about the decisions he makes. Sometimes he runs at the wrong momento and then he loses. When his team isn’t winning he can get annoyed easily. He knows this is a problem and he’s trying to get better. Match the words in bold in the text (0–6) to the definitions (A–G). 1 improve 2 goal 3 success 4 difficulty 5 priority 6 annoyed B a problema C a good result D a bit angry E something you want to do in the future F get better G something important you need to do Answer for 6: _____ Wite the chosen letter, do not use capital letter.

CS1 / 15 questions

Which of the following best describes the String datatype?

ST_Allmodules / 20 questions

software testing accounts to what percent of software development costs

Unit 2 Section1 / 25 questions

Word processing → software that you use to prepare text documents such as letters, reports, flyers, brochures, and books

Microsoft Word Test / 25 questions

As you type text in a document, Word checks your typing for possible spelling and grammar errors.

8b PROGRESS TEST / 32 questions

VOCABULARY Complete with go, learn, or ride. 1 Would you like to _____________ on my new bicycle? 2 I’d love to _____________ camping in Canada. 3 Next year we plan to _____________ on vacation to Peru. 4 Do you know how to _____________ a horse? 5 I’ve never wanted to _____________ an instrument. 6 Did you _____________ a new language at school this year? 7 Shall we _____________ skiing next winter? 8 When I’m 17, I’m going to _____________ to drive. 2. ______________

8A PROGRESS TEST / 32 questions

READING Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say. Hi – from India! Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool. We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India. We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in. I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two. Take care! Lisa x 1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café. True / False / Doesn’t say 2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal. True / False / Doesn’t say 3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning. True / False / Doesn’t say 4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet. True / False / Doesn’t say 5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit. True / False / Doesn’t say 6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants. True / False / Doesn’t say 7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say 8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws. True / False / Doesn’t say 9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited. True / False / Doesn’t say 10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow. True / False / Doesn’t say 3. ____________

7 Knowledge test / 25 questions

Listening part 1. What problem does the man have at the beginning of the conversation? A. The man is suffering from a foot injury. B. The man forgot his girlfriend's birthday. C. The man lied about his running ability. 2. What does the man want at the store? A. some running shoes B. a pair of running socks C. a running hydration pack 3. How can you best describe the man's running ability? A. He is an elite runner. B. He is more of a couch potato. C. He runs a number of 10k races. 4. The woman has run ______ under _____ hours. A. 20, three hours B. 25, three hours and 30 minutes C. 30, four hours 5. The sales associate suggests that the man ___________. A. break up with the woman B. tell the woman the truth C. start working at the shoe store Answer for 5: ______ write the letter, do not use capital letter

Progress Test 9 grade / 40 questions

Writing Follow the narration to complete the summary of the chapter from the book THE SECRET AGENT. Please be precise, chit chat will not be accepted. "One day, between Verloc´s visit to the embassy and the Greenwich bombing. Winnie´s mother moved out ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ She looked at him with great affection. Quick, stevie. Stop that green bus. Stevie, feeling important, lifted up his arm. The bus stopped and they got on.

Progress test 9 grade / 32 questions

VOCABULARY By winning the gold medal in teh Olimpics, she managed to ________ worldwide recognition.

IBT MS WORD Quiz / 20 questions

Which of the following is NOT under the File Tab?

CSA II Objective 5 Word Processing Basics Test / 25 questions

What is the word processing feature that checks selected words in a document for words with similar meaning?

Chapter 6 Test / 15 questions

If you're sending extremely large files, you should

What's your likely teaching potential? / 10 questions

How do you feel about technology in the classroom?

Reading and Writing 10A / 26 questions

Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with the appropriate words. Do not use capital letter in any case Digital devices have caused problems for me in the past, so I've learned to protect mine. One of the most important things I've learned to do is (1) ____________ any important files I keep on them. There's nothing worse than when you've written a big project for school and you lose all of your work at the last minute because your computer breaks down. You also have to be careful about what files you (2) _____________ from the net as files sometimes contain viruses – don't (3) ____________ on links to websites that you don't trust. It's a good idea to (4) ____________ your device when you've finished using it so that it doesn't get too hot. It's also important to protect yourself online. Make sure you've got a strong password for your email and always (5) ____________ when you finish using it – it's not safe simply to close the page. 1. ___________

SYG2000 Exam 1 / 24 questions

This is an example of a Middle Range Theory

IBT MS WORD Quiz / 20 questions

Which of the following is NOT in the Review Tab?

Written Communication / 45 questions

Accurate descriptions and details or crime or accident scenes should include:

Progress Test 9 grade / 40 questions

READING Read the text and complete the sentences. A vacation nightmare This time last year, the Longo family from Baltimore, found themselves in a vacation nightmare. After arriving at the airport, and waiting patiently for two hours to go through security and passport control, they discovered that their baggage was missing. “The airport staff had no idea what had happened to it,” said Mrs. Longo. “It was terrible. There were four of us, and we didn’t have anything except for our carry-on baggage.” But that was only the beginning. “The bus ride to the hotel began well,” said Mr. Longo, “but when we left the main highway and entered a run-down neighborhood, with half-completed roads, empty stores, and half-built houses, we started to worry. Then we saw the hotel. It was a total disaster.” The Longo family arrived to find a large pile of garbage outside the entrance to the hotel, and building equipment, trucks, and construction workers everywhere. The hotel was in such a bad state that the tour company was trying to get it repaired before the guests arrived. However, it was clear that there was way too much to be done. The state inside the hotel was no better. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls, there were pails on the floor to catch water from the ceiling, and there were unfinished stairways. “Our rooms were awful, with dirty carpet, a toilet and shower that were both broken, a broken door, and filthy windows,” said Mrs. Longo. “We went down to the reception desk to complain, but we couldn’t find a receptionist or a hotel manager for two hours. When we finally found a receptionist, we demanded to be moved to another hotel, but she advised us that if there was a problem we should contact our tour company.” And that wasn’t all. The hotel restaurant was closed so they decided to get a taxi into town. “We needed to buy some basic things, as we had no idea when we would get our baggage. We wanted to find a restaurant, have dinner, and make a plan of what to do. In the end, we booked ourselves into another hotel, and decided to charge the bill to our tour company.” 1 The problems for the Longo family started when they _____________________________________. 2 No one at the airport could _____________________________________. 3 The Longo family really began to worry when they ________________________________ 4 The hotel was in chaos because it _____________________________________. 5 Inside the hotel, the wallpaper _____________________________________. 6 Mr Longo tried _____________________________________. 5. ________________

7 grade Apropiacion / 22 questions

WRITING QUESTION Imagine that you are going to create a city in a video game. What are the 3 most important places you want to create and why? 50 words.

GOAL TEST 7b First goal III Term / 36 questions

Grammar point 1: A lot of, much, many, some and any (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, some or any. 11 Can I have __________ salad with my pizza, please? 12 So that's how I make pizza. Do you have __________ questions? 13 You can be healthy if you eat __________ fruit and vegetables. 14 I drink __________ juice – maybe a litre a day. 15 Would you like __________ juice with your breakfast? Answer for 15: Write the correct word, do not use capital letter

7 grade knowledge test unit 1 / 31 questions

Grammar 2: Complete the conversation with the correct form of have got. Jena: Happy Birthday Mariana! What gifts (0) have you got? Mariana: I (16) _______ a new mobile phone. Look, it (17) _______a camera! Here’s a photo of my black cat. Jena: Great! Your cat is funny. Now we (18) _______ cameras on our mobiles, we can send lots of photos of our pets. What about your brothers? Write the correct answer Do not use capital letter. Write the compelte answer Question 17

SS ID Advantages / 20 questions

The recalculation feature of a spreadsheet allows a user to do what?

7 grade knowledge test unit 1 / 31 questions

Listening Listen to the track and answer the following questions. Please write the correct answer. 3. What kind of puppet can you see in the city? do not use capital letter.

Appropriation 7b / 21 questions

Grammar point 1: Present simple negative, questions and short answers (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative, question or short answer. Use the information in brackets. Do not use capital letter nor contractions 51 Marcus _________________________ doing PE. (not like) 52 _________________________ football? (your brother / like) 53 I love English but I _________________________ any other languages. (not / know) 54 'Do your teachers often get angry?' '_________________________ .' (✘) 55 _________________________ a school uniform at your school? (they / have) Answer for 55:________

7 grade Apropiation / 22 questions

First read the text, then answer the questions LIFE IN ENGLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURY What was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people in the UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries. On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat. Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs. Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters too. In their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre Choose the best match for the words in bold in the text (0–10). 5 exploring A giving names to places B telling the time C looking for new places 6 continent A a place to buy coffee B a very big piece of land C something new 7 expanding A small B new C getting bigger 8 carpenters A people in villages B people growing food C people making things from wood 9 trade A a job for a person with a skill B buying and selling C changing one thing for another 10 original A the first of something B from the beginning C special, interesting Answe for 6:__________ write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter

Idioms Midterm / 20 questions

Complete the sentence: When I am studying grammar and cannot remember it later I feel like I want to...

2nd period - Principles of Human Services - Child Dev Test / 20 questions

What is the term used for when a child pulls up to stand and then walks holding on to furniture?

7th period - Principles of Human Services - Child Dev Test / 20 questions

What is the term used for when a child pulls up to stand and then walks holding on to furniture?

Spoken English / 32 questions

You can learn the basic structures of a language quite quickly, but only if you___________ make an effort.

INGLÉS 9 / 10 questions

What does she play?

INGLÉS 9 / 10 questions

What does she play?

INGLÉS 9 / 10 questions

Where did he grow up?

CAI Semester Exam December, 2012 / 31 questions

First line of a paragraph at the bottom of the page.

CAI Semester Exam December, 2012 / 31 questions

Starts with = sign and performs calculations in a spreadsheet:

ComTech Ch2-3 / 13 questions

The big long-term winner in the introduction of personal computers in the last century was:

Readind and writing 9 grade / 33 questions

WRITING 11 Write a paragraph explaining how you think students in your school want to be treated. Think of these things: • What should you be encouraged to do? • What should you be allowed to do? • What do you deserve? • What should your school be persuaded to do?

9 grade reading and writing test goal 2 term 1 / 40 questions

VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with these words. bronze cardboard concrete dung gold iron plaster plastic rubber sandstone wood 1 _____________ is a very strong, hard material that is normally used to create buildings. 2 Chris Ofili used elephant _____________ in his paintings because of his African heritage. 3 _____________ is a natural substance that comes from trees and is used to make car tires. 4 Many artists like to use natural products like _____________. 5 Anthony Gormley uses _____________, a strong, hard metal, for his large sculptures. 6 _____________ is a stone that isn’t normally used by sculptors because it is too soft. 7 Traditional sculptures are often cast in _____________, a heavy and expensive metal. 8 _____________ is one of the most valuable metals in the world. 9 _____________ boxes are strong, cheap, and they can be recycled. 10 _____________ is a soft, white material that is used to finish walls inside buildings. 11 Many everyday objects like toys and radios are made of _____________. 5. _________________

9 grade PROGRESS TEST / 43 questions

READING Read the text and complete the sentences with one or two words. Janet Cole is a wardrobe supervisor and has had a long career in movies. She is talking to Reel Magazine today about her career. How long have you been working in movies? I’ve been working in movies for ten years now. I started working as a dresser and now I’m a wardrobe supervisor. I’ve spent a lot of time working on location in the U.S., but I’ve also worked on a few projects on location in South America, Australia, and New Zealand. What is working on location like? People think that working on location is exciting and thrilling, but it’s usually just very tiring. You don’t have any opportunity to see the locations you work on. As a wardrobe supervisor, you work very long hours, and you’re too busy looking after everyone’s costumes. On one movie we made in New Zealand, it rained constantly for three weeks and I remember being cold, wet, and tired for the whole time. It was terrible. It isn’t the location that makes a job exciting for me, it’s the costumes and the characters. Have you worked in television? Yes, I’ve done a little work in television. In fact, that’s how I started my career. I had been working as an assistant on a well-known TV show for 18 months when I met a movie director on set. It was my job to take care of him while he was waiting to be interviewed. I told him that I wanted to work in feature films and my dream was to work in wardrobe; I majored in fashion design, you see. He told me to contact an agency that he works with, and within four weeks I had the offer of a job as a dresser on a costume drama. I’ve been working on movies ever since. What qualities have helped you in your career so far? When I started working in feature films, I hadn’t realized how important qualities like creativity, imagination, and problem-solving would be. You need to able to think quickly and find solutions to problems all the time but that’s also what makes this such a fascinating job. 1 Janet Cole has been working in movies for _____________. 2 She has spent time working _____________ in South America. 3 She feels that working on location is _____________. 4 She _____________ been to New Zealand. 5 Before she worked in movies, she had been working as _____________ on a television show. 6 She worked in television for _____________. 7 A movie _____________ helped her get a job in movies. 8 Her first job as a dresser was on a _____________. 9 She has been working in _____________ ever since then. 10 She says she needs qualities like imagination, problem-solving, and _____________. 9. _____________________

9 grade PROGRESS TEST / 43 questions

VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with these words. bronze cardboard concrete dung gold iron plaster plastic rubber sandstone wood 1 _____________ is a very strong, hard material that is normally used to create buildings. 2 Chris Ofili used elephant _____________ in his paintings because of his African heritage. 3 _____________ is a natural substance that comes from trees and is used to make car tires. 4 Many artists like to use natural products like _____________. 5 Anthony Gormley uses _____________, a strong, hard metal, for his large sculptures. 6 _____________ is a stone that isn’t normally used by sculptors because it is too soft. 7 Traditional sculptures are often cast in _____________, a heavy and expensive metal. 8 _____________ is one of the most valuable metals in the world. 9 _____________ boxes are strong, cheap, and they can be recycled. 10 _____________ is a soft, white material that is used to finish walls inside buildings. 11 Many everyday objects like toys and radios are made of _____________. 10. ______________

9 grade reading and writing test goal 2 term 1 / 40 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the present perfect progressive form of the verb in parentheses. 1 Jane ____________________ (study) art for two years. 2 How long ____________________ (you/work) with bronze? 3 My father ____________________ (collect) art since he first started work. 4 ____________________ (you/sit) here for a long time? 5 I ____________________ (wait) for the bus for 30 minutes. 6 Jade ____________________ (call) her agency every day. 7 How long ____________________ (Scott/live) in his new house? 8 ____________________ (a lot of people/come) to the art exhibition this week? 9 Karl ____________________ (work) on location all day. 10 What ____________________ (they/try) to do? 6. ________________

Readind and writing 9 grade / 36 questions

READING Read the text and complete the sentences. The Coliseum The Coliseum is one of Rome’s most famous monuments. It’s a giant ancient theater in the shape of a circle, called an amphitheater. It’s right in the middle of Rome, with traffic circling it at high speed all the time. It was built over 2,000 years ago, and held up to 50,000 spectators. People would go there to see gladiators fighting or other kinds of entertainment such as animal displays, executions, and plays. It was one of the greatest spectacles of ancient Rome. But the problem facing the people of Rome today is what to do with it now. It is very old, very damaged, and in the middle of a busy traffic route. The air pollution caused by traffic is destroying it. To preserve it, the roads around it could be closed, but that would create problems when driving from one part of Rome to the other. Some people say that cars shouldn’t be allowed near it, and special public transportation should be designed to take people around it. They want plans to be developed for this, and believe the Coliseum deserves to be treated especially carefully because it is so unique. The structure of the building has already been damaged because of pollution, and the way the traffic shakes its foundation. Something has to be done soon. Another problem is the damage caused by visitors. In fact, some people think it should be closed to the public, and that it should be opened only for very special reasons, like making films, holding concerts, or church festivals. The problem is that the huge numbers of tourists who visit it bring a lot of money into the city. The Coliseum continues to be seen as an extremely important part of historical Rome, so everyone wants to go there. But the number of people who come end up causing damage to the building. Many people feel that if city authorities go on allowing people to visit the Coliseum, only a certain number of people should be allowed to visit each year, in the same way that visitor numbers are limited at Machu Picchu in Peru, for example. One thing is for certain; the future of the Coliseum cannot be guaranteed until something is done. 1 The Coliseum is an __________________________. 2 It was built __________________________ years ago. 3 It can hold __________________________ people. 4 It was originally used for fights, animal displays, executions, and __________________________. 5 The Coliseum is at risk because there’s too much __________________________ around it. 6 People have suggested designing __________________________ to reduce air pollution. 7 The __________________________ has been damaged by the traffic. 8 Some people think the Coliseum should be closed to the public because visitors __________________________. 9 The Coliseum is valuable to __________________________ because it’s a big attraction for visitors. 10 Allowing a limited number of __________________________ each year could be done at the Coliseum like it has been at Machu Picchu. 3. _________________

Mircosoft Word / 30 questions

A _______ is an object such as a line, arrow, box, callout, or banner.

Инглиш фо релаксейшн (парт 3) (всё или ничего) / 22 questions

The theory of transformational syntax (the generative grammar) was developed by:

Pre Assessment Unit 1 / 20 questions

Mood is the general ______ that is created in the story.

Author Style / 10 questions

"Attendance is mandatory unless you are on death's door." This is an example of

Thesis Long Quiz / 24 questions

All items should be included on the Title Page except

ACP troubleshooting / 50 questions

when dealing with customers tell them as little as possible, too much information may cause problems

Library Skills 7 / 30 questions

If you borrow information or ideas from another, you must cite the source using a/an

CS129 Quiz 3 / 36 questions

In this pattern, normally each receiver contains reference to another receiver. If one object cannot handle the request then it passes the same to the next receiver and so on.

CAMILO PIZARRO UNIT 2 / 25 questions

5 What benefit does the seller get from bargaining?

Test on Computer Knowledge for SBI Clerk Exam - 2012 / 25 questions

Which of the following Programming language is a True Object Oriented language?

Knowledge test 8 grade 2015 / 26 questions

VOCABULARY Complete the words in these sentences. Write the complete word. 1 A d_____________ is a large area of land with few plants and little water. 2 I_____________ is water that has frozen and become solid. 3 When the wall c_____________, it fell on top of a car. 4 A r_____________ is someone who saves another person from a dangerous situation. 5 A m_____________ is a very big hill that is higher than the land around it. 6 A d_____________ is a long period of time when there is little or no rain. 7 A f_____________ is a large area of land covered by trees and other plants. 8 A c_____________ is a small, round container. 9 A d_____________ is a wall built across a river to stop the water from flowing. 10 A m_____________ is a person who works underground, digging out something from the rocks. 3. _____________

HTML / 31 questions

What is syntax?

apropiación 8b / 38 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the correct form of will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to. 1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell anyone if you don’t want me to. 2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week. 3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty. 4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it. 5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate. 6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago. 7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties. 8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock. 3. ____________

English 38 ESP / 25 questions

What was the Teaching Method by the CSE in teaching the Medical students?

PROGRESS TEST - 7B - GOAL 1 - FIRST TERM / 50 questions

Tim works for a company in Sacramento, California. He's a customer service representative. He gets up at six o'clock each workday. He drives to work and begins his job at eight o'clock. He speaks to people on the telephone to help them with their banking problems. People telephone the bank to ask questions about their accounts. He doesn't give information about accounts until people answer a few questions. Tim asks callers their birth date, the last four digits of their social security number and their address. If a person gives incorrect information, Tim asks him to call back with the correct information. Tim is polite and friendly with everyone. He has lunch in a park next to his office. He returns home at five o'clock in the evening. After work, he goes to the gym to work out. He has dinner at seven o'clock. Tim likes watching TV after dinner. He goes to bed at eleven o'clock at night. 5. What does he do to check information?

Apropriation goal 2. 7b / 27 questions

LISTENING Listen to the track and answer the questions: 1. What is the woman's name? A. Julie B. Jenny C. Jane 2. Where is the woman from originally? A. Argentina B. the United States C. Chile 3. About how old was the man when he returned to the United States? A. 7 years old B. 10 years old C. 17 years old 4. What is the man studying? A. physics B. biology C. psychology 5. What is the woman's job? A. a sales representative B. a computer programmer C. a receptionist Answer for question 3: ______ WRITE ONLY THE CHOSEN LETTER. DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTER

COMP104 Questions / 43 questions

The lookup page table shown below is for a job in a paged virtual storage system with a page size of 1024 locations. Each virtual address is of the form [p,d] where p and d are the page number and the displacement in that page, respectively Virtual Page Actual Page 0 3 1 - 2 4 3 0 • A virtual address of [0, 200] maps on to an actual address of?

Goal Test 10a / 39 questions

LISTENING PART 2: Cyberbulling, taken from ESL-LAB.COM 1. What is the name of the girl? A. Marsha B. Michelle C. Megan 2. She is a student in ____________. A. elementary school B. junior high school C. high school 3. The girl's teacher just thinks that she needs to _____________ to make things better. A. talk more B. study quietly C. pay attention 4. Some of the students have been __________________. A. ignoring the girl at lunch B. making fun of her clothes C. stealing the girl's books 5. What did some kids do on Facebook that hurt the girl's feelings? A. They deleted her as a friend. B. They didn't invite her to a friend's birthday party. C. They wrote some awful messages. 6. The girl's mother is planning on __________________ to resolve the problem. A. meeting with the school principal B. contacting the local police C. discussing the issue with a lawyer 7. The teacher wants to ________________. A. apologize to the girl by email B. talk to her the next day at school C. read books on suicide prevention Asnwer 7: ___ Type only the letter. Do not use capital letter

PROGRESS TEST. 9a grade / 44 questions

LANGUAGE WORKOUT (GRAMMAR) Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses. 1 I still _____________ (not pay) yet. They promised me a check by Friday. 2 _____________ you ever _____________ (award) a prize for anything when you were a child? 3 I _____________ (send) so much spam yesterday. I went crazy! 4 The windows _____________ (clean) at 10 a.m. tomorrow. 5 I think John _____________ (interview) for the job when I called. He wasn’t at home. 6 That’s his boat. It _____________ (call) the Mariner. 7 You _____________ (tell) what to do when you get there tomorrow. 8 Joe _____________ (hurt) when he fell off a ladder. He had to go to the hospital. 9 Have you heard? Michelle _____________ _____________ (promote)! She’s going to be the manager now. 10 When _____________ he _____________ (question) by the police yesterday? 9. _________

Goal Test 10b / 39 questions

SPEAKING Follow the teacher instructions

Goal test TERM 2. 7b / 31 questions

LISTENING Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. Conversation 2: What food doesn´t Harry like? Write the answer. Do not use capital letter.


It´s _____ to drive a car over 115 km/h in the UK.

metalanguage / 30 questions

Which nouns are all used with 'an'?


Kamal eats __________ rice as rice is his favourite food.

Reading and writing 7b / 26 questions

READING COMPREHENSION Read the file and answer the following questions. First read the text. Then answer the questions. Hi to our new friends in London, UK. Here’s a description of life in Toronto. Toronto is the capital of Ontario in Canada. The city is very close to Lake Ontario. It snows in Toronto from December until March. For 65 days of the year there is one centimetre or more of snow on the streets. In winter we usually stay at home or go to shopping centres under the city. We love summer and on July 1st there is a big festival, Canada Day. We go to Mel Lastman Square to see the fireworks and listen to music. It’s fantastic! In winter, when it’s cold, we often go skating at the weekends, or we go to the cinema. We go skiing with our mum and dad on Saturdays too. It’s good to play in the snow, but it’s very cold, so we drink hot chocolate when we go home. In the autumn school starts at 8:20am and ends at 3:30pm. We do our homework at 4:30 and finish at 7pm. We have dinner between 7 and 8 o’clock. Sometimes we eat later because our mum and dad both work. Complete the sentences with one or two words from the text. 0 Toronto is in Ontario, Canada. 1 Toronto is near _____. 2 For _____ days each year there’s always snow. 3 People go shopping _____ the streets. 4 July 1st is called _____. 5 They do their homework between _____ and 7 o’clock Answer to the question 3. Write the words clearly. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER.

Nuevo Laredo City College / 50 questions

If I ____ older, I´d be able to vote in elections.

Nuevo Laredo City College / 50 questions

That´s the _____ film I´ve ever seen!

Nuevo Laredo City College VALEO / 50 questions

I wish he _____ in front of our gate. It´s very annoying.

KNOWLEDGE TEST / 37 questions

4. Opposite of "lend" _____________

Health Care Careers, Computers in HCC and World of Work / 42 questions

____________ (___) is a scanning procedure where a slightly radioactive substance is injected into the patient and detected by the scanner. The image created from the radiation allows the doctor to see an organ or bone from all sides.

Life Quotes Aptitude Assessment / 50 questions

What is the median of the following list of numbers? 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Construction 9 grade / 45 questions

10 _____________ (quit) smoking isn’t easy, but it will greatly improve your health.

Construction 9 grade / 45 questions

READING Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B. Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes. Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them. But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again! Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more. 8 Having a gadget doesn’t mean ___.

PAP/AP SPAN examen / 50 questions

Use "tú" to address someone formally in the spanish language.

Spanish 1 review / 50 questions

Uds. ______ en el laboratorio de biología. (location)

Spanish 1 review / 50 questions

Uds. ______ en el laboratorio de biología. (location)

Spanish 1 review / 50 questions

Mi familia _________ católica. (religion)

CSD practice test / 40 questions

Which speech sound would not be hard to discriminate with high frequency hearing loss?

Spanish 1 review / 50 questions

Uds. ______ en el laboratorio de biología. (location)

Reading and writing 9 grade / 26 questions

Complete the text with the words from the lesson. A lot of people prefer shopping for clothes online now, but I still think it’s better to go to the actual shops. That way, you can try on the things you think you like before you buy them − and, let’s face it, things rarely look as good on you as they do on display or in pictures, so that’s important. Of course, you can (1) __________ things you order online now too if you don’t like them and get a (2) __________ or (3) __________ what you bought for something else. The thing is, though, all this posting things backwards and forwards takes time. Whereas, if you go to the shops, you get exactly what you want straight away. Besides, sometimes things that are on (4) __________ in the sale are only available in store, so you can miss out on getting the best (5) __________s by only shopping online answer for 2: ______ do not sue capital letter

GOAL TEST 10a First goal III Term / 38 questions

Reading comprehension [1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them. The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds. [2] Things to see Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week. [3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours. [4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling! Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter. Choose True (T) or False (F). 15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F 16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F 17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F 18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F 19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F Answer for 16:_____

Which Hemisphere is More Dominant For You? / 50 questions

The expression "Life is just a bowl of cherries" makes sense to me.

Reading and writing 9 grade / 26 questions

Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct summary, A, B or C. FOR SALE Second-hand mountain bike. Only six months old. Needs new front wheel. Cost €200 new – will sell for €120. Phone 07863 83981 The mountain bike …

frhd 2270 / 30 questions

Children with a secure attachment have:

PowerPoint Test 3 & 4 / 40 questions

Reflection is one type of ________________ you can apply to WordArt.

Group 9 A / 30 questions

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. My dad made me ... (choose) this course.

9apropiacion / 20 questions

An object used to not sink in the sea as a survivor

Keystone Terms to Know / 50 questions


BC Chapters 4-6 / 40 questions

Knowing factors about the receiver helps the sender create a message the receiver will understand.

reading and writing 10b III Term / 20 questions

Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2) Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical. For example 11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting 12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say. 13 What do you like best about live in the city? 14 Swim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures! 15 The collage was made by stickimages stick onto a piece of wood. Anwer for 15: _____ do not use capital letter