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reading and writing 10a III Term / 20 questions

Reading comprehension [1] Stolen Paintings Destroyed Seven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out of her son's hiding place in the ground and burning them. The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds. [2] Things to see Poppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week. [3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed by her work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours. [4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. I bet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poor Mona but nothing seems to stop her smiling! Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter. Choose True (T) or False (F). 15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F 16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F 17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F 18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F 19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F Answer for 19:_____

World History 9 Weeks Test / 50 questions

How did Renaissance artist portray the human body?

Media Production Midterm Exam / 50 questions

____________ is undesirable video or audio signal interference

Apropriation goal 1 Term 2 10a / 31 questions

Vocabulary set 2: Noise verbs (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with a suitable noise verb in the correct form. do not use capital letter. 6 Please don't __________ the door when you get out of the car. I hate that! 7 The gas bottle will __________ if you make a hole in it. 8 The robbers __________ into the room shouting 'Hands up!' 9 We all __________ quietly when the teacher gave us extra homework. 10 We went to the zoo yesterday. The lion __________ when I approached its cage and it made me jump! Answer 9. ________

CAII Post Test Part 2 / 50 questions

Tint or color added to text or data:

Language Arts Post Test / 50 questions

Events that develop the conflict

Language Arts Post Test / 50 questions

When the writer assigns human qualities to inanimate things. For example, "the sun danced along the Jersey Shore"

Diagnostic Y-2/3 / 46 questions

Sandra works at a big hospital. She's _______________ .

CAII PreTest Part 2 / 50 questions

What is the name of the program that creates a database:

Phone Etiquette/Merchant Retention / 30 questions

[PHONE ETIQUETTE] Using acronyms allows merchants to understand complex issues.

8b reading and writing 3 term goal 1 / 30 questions

READING Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say. Hi – from India! Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool. We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India. We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in. I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two. Take care! Lisa x 1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café. True / False / Doesn’t say 2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal. True / False / Doesn’t say 3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning. True / False / Doesn’t say 4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet. True / False / Doesn’t say 5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit. True / False / Doesn’t say 6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants. True / False / Doesn’t say 7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say 8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws. True / False / Doesn’t say 9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited. True / False / Doesn’t say 10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow. True / False / Doesn’t say 4. ____________

T.T.S. General Test (U-Int): Prepared by Ahmad Al-Najjar / 40 questions

The last time I talked to him, he told me that the business was doing well; but apparently that's not the case now!

Apropiacion 10 grade / 26 questions

Vocabulary set 2: Reporting verbs (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with a suitable reporting verb in the correct form. Be accurate and precise with the word to choose. 6 Who do you __________ for breaking the computer? 7 Did you know they have __________ to take him to court if he doesn't pay the money? 8 The lifeguard __________ the tourists not to go in the sea because it was so windy. 9 I heard Mr Chapman __________ to help Lizzy with her car yesterday. 10 The lawyer __________ his client not to speak to the police. Answer for 7: ______ do not use capital letter

Apropiacion 9b / 36 questions

Complete the text with five of these words. country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking When my sister was 22, she went on an (1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went (4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the (5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in. 2. _________________

Knowledge test 9 grade 2015 / 31 questions

GRAMMAR Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow) Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day. 1. The thief forced me to give him my cellphone (make)

Knowledge test 10 grade unit 1 / 31 questions

READING SECTION First read the text. Then answer the questions. Kitesurfing in paradise The tiny fishing village of Cumbuco in Brazil only has about 1600 residents, but it has many more visitors every year. Indeed, Cumbuco is becoming a very popular tourist destination, but it's not for the peace and quiet that people go there; it's because it's the perfect location for an extreme sport that takes your breath away! Kitesurfers stand on a surfboard and hold onto a special ‘kite’ with their hands. They’re pulled along by the wind, like in windsurfing; however, unlike windsurfers, kitesurfers are lifted into the air for long periods of time. This makes the sport even more dangerous than windsurfing and means that kitesurfers can encounter many difficulties. Cumbuco is a popular destination for kitesurfers because of its perfect weather conditions and its long white sandy beach. It's always warm, with an average sea temperature of 23−25° and, more importantly, wind is practically guaranteed for most of the year. Nevertheless, it’s really important to keep an eye on the weather. If the wind suddenly blows in the wrong direction, before long you could be flying away from the beach and land in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sharks. Yikes! Needless to say, anybody who wants to try kitesurfing should get lessons first. In Cumbuco, where kitesurfing is taken seriously, lessons are offered to kite surfers of all levels and experts are always on hand to help Match the idioms from the text (6−10) to their meanings (A−G). There are two meanings you don't 6 take breath away 7 on hand 8 keep an eye on something 9 in the middle of nowhere 10 before long A far away from places where there are people B surprise and impress C soon or soon after D after a lot of time E nearby and ready to help F check/watch something carefully G at the centre of the problem Now write ONLY the letter corresponding to the appropriate complement. Use capital letter tod o so. Answer for 4 -

Apropiacion 9A / 36 questions

VOCABULARY Complete the words in these sentences. 1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change. 2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions. 3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming. 4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air. 5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases. 6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases. 7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years. 8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120. 9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet? 10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties. 7. ___________________

9 grade progress test / 22 questions

Read the following text and answer the questions When we communicate with others, we express our thoughts and feelings not only through the words we choose, but also through our tone of voice, facial expression and body language. In fact, many communications experts believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (without words) than verbally (with words). "Body language" is an important part of non-verbal communication. Body language includes many different aspects of our every day physical behaviour: the way we greet one another; how we stand, how we sit or walk; the way we position our arms and legs or use our hands and eyes are some of the most basic. To learn another language is more than just learning words and grammar, it involves learning about another culture, too. We learn much of our own culture's body language before we learn to speak, from the time we are children, usually without even being aware of it. And that body language varies from culture to culture, so it's something to which second language learners should pay attention. So, how attuned are you to other people's body language? Try this little experiment. Turn the volume on the television right down while you watch people interact on the screen. You may find it is more difficult to understand what's happening between people from unfamiliar cultures. Sometimes, cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstandings too. For example, there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two people who are speaking together. If you are used to people keeping their distance, you will feel very uncomfortable, and probably move away repeatedly, if someone keeps trying to stand closer to you at a party! We call this the "personal comfort zone". Another common example of misunderstanding is the use of a smile. In some Asian cultures, a smile can show embarrassment or apology. However, smiling back at a teacher who is unhappy with you, or a stranger whose foot you accidentally stepped upon is probably not a good idea in most English speaking cultures! Also, you should not assume that nodding your head means "yes" or that shaking your head means "no" or vice versa. Yes, you can even get that wrong, with potentially disastrous consequences. Even speakers of the same language, such as British, American, or Australian people, may not use the same body language and must adapt if they wish to communicate successfully. British people are said to be more reserved and formal, in general, and this is reflected in their body language. Americans are considered more open and outgoing, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed. It's worth learning, understanding any underlying cultural or regional attitudes can help you learn how to understand and use body language to improve your communicative abilities. Just as you should not allow a fear of making language mistakes prevent you from speaking, you should not be overly afraid of using inappropriate body language in an unfamiliar culture. Most people will understand that people from different cultures may not always use body language in the same ways. All the same, it's definitely advisable to learn as much as possible about the body language of a new culture, and to use careful observation to avoid making any mistakes. To learn more about the topic of body language, you may like to start by looking at the fascinating research of Allan and Barbara Pease and Dr Desmond Morris. Question 5:__________ To answer it just write the corresponding letter without capital letter. In all cultures: a Shaking your head means, "no". b Nodding your head means, "yes". c Shaking your head means, "yes". d Nodding your head means, "no". e A and B f C and D g None of the above.

9b reading and writing / 20 questions

The ship hadn´t sunk if

Diagnostic Y-3/3 / 47 questions

I didn't believe them at first but in fact everything _______________ was true.

POOL B / 50 questions

Indicate which filing drawer would be used for "Highway Apartments":

Chapter 5 Review / 30 questions

What is the most common lingua franca within the Niger-Congo language family?

POOL C / 50 questions

Compare each set of numbers. Indicate whether they are EXACTLY the same or different in any way: 00000044821 000000044821

2nd Online Apti 2013 Batch / 30 questions

Directions for Questions 20-24 : Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. MARK HUGHES is a master of the fine art of survival. His Los Angeles-based Herbalife International Inc. is a pyramid outfit that peddles weight-loss and nutrition concoctions of dubious value. Bad publicity and regulatory crackdowns hurt his U.S. business in the late 1980s. But Hughes, 41, continues to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in a $20 million Beverly Hills mansion. He has been sharing the pad and a yacht with his third wife, a former Miss Petite U.S.A. He can finance this lavish lifestyle just on his salary and bonus, which last year came to $7.3 million. He survived his troubles in the U.S. by moving overseas, where regulators are less zealous and consumers even more naive, at least initially. Today 77% of Herbalife retail sales derive from overseas. Its new prowling grounds: Asia and Russia. Last year Herbalife’s net earnings doubled, to $45 million, on net sales of $632 million. Based on Herbalife’s Nasdaq-traded stock, the company has a market capitalization of $790 million, making Hughes 58% worth $454 million. There’s a worm, though, in Hughes apple. Foreigners aren’t stupid. In the end they know when they’ve been had. In France, for instance, retail sales rose to $97 million by 1993 and then plunged to $12 million last year. In Germany sales hit $159 million in 1994 and have since dropped to $54 million. Perhaps aware that the world may not provide an infinite supply of suckers, Hughes wanted to unload some of his shares. But in March, after Herbalife’s stock collapsed, he put off a plan to dump about a third of his holdings on the public. Contributing to Hughes’ woes, Herbalife’s chief counsel and legal attack dog, David Addis, quit in January. Before packing up, he reportedly bellowed at Hughes, “I can’t protect you anymore.” Addis, who says he wants to spend more time with his family, chuckles and claims attorney-client privilege. Trouble on the home front, too. On a recent conference call with distributors, Hughes revealed he’s divorcing his wife, Suzan, whose beaming and perky image adorns much of Herbalife’s literature. Meanwhile, in a lawsuit that’s been quietly moving through Arizona’s Superior Court, former Herbalife distributor Daniel Fallow of Sandpoint, Idaho charges that Herbalife arbitrarily withholds payment to distributors and marks up its products over seven times the cost of manufacturing. Fallow also claims Hughes wanted to use the Russian mafia to gain entry to that nation’s market. Fallow himself is no angel, but his lawsuit, which was posted on the Internet, brought out other complaints. Randy Cox of Lewiston, Idaho says Herbalife “destroyed my business” after he and his wife complained to the company that they were being cheated out of their money by higher-ups in the pyramid organization. Will Hughes survive again? Don’t count on it this time. Herbalife Inc is based in?

9a reading and writing / 20 questions

If I were in the bermuda triangle i would never know what I to do. If only all that lost people

9apropiacion / 20 questions

WRITING read the following case and write what you would have changed in order to get a different end. (write the new end too) A SOCCER TRAGEDY Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 was flying over the Andes on Friday 13 October 1972 when it crashed into peaks hidden by cloud. It was carrying the Uruguayan Stella Marris College rugby team to a match in Chile, but only 16 lived to tell the tale. The others died during the crash, in the days soon after from injuries or cold, and eight succumbed to an avalanche on the 17th day. The stranded survivors were left with no option but to eat the flesh of their dead teammates and adapt to living in the extreme conditions. The remaining men were found almost 10 weeks following the initial crash when two members went on an expedition and flagged down a passing Chilean horseman.

Diagnostic Y-1/3 / 48 questions

Sally has been working here _______________ .

Library Skills 8 / 50 questions

When using social media on the Internet, one should never give out personal information.

POOL A / 50 questions

Indicate which filing drawer would be used for "Highway Apartments":

2nd Online Apti 2013 Batch (Night Slot - EXTC AND ETRX) / 30 questions

sentence 13 will have a blank and four options to choose from. You will have to fill the blank with most appropriate synonym. Seeing the snake Rahul _______ inside the home.

2nd Online Apti 2013 Batch (Coordinators) / 30 questions

What is an appropriate synonym for Bifid ?

2nd Online Apti 2013 Batch (Night Slot- COMPS & IT) / 30 questions

The traffic lights at Chennai’s famous Mount Road junction change after every 36 sec., 60 sec and 72 sec.respectively .If they all change simultaneously at 9:25:00 hours,then at what time they again change simultaneously .

Reading and writing 9b / 26 questions

Read the text and answer the questions Britain before technology You might be surprised to hear that before some of the inventions that we take for granted in our everyday lives had been created, people were still able to achieve many of the things that modern technology does for us nowadays. Waking up without alarm clocks Have you ever thought about how people used to wake up in the morning before alarm clocks were invented? Well, they didn't use to wake up by magic. There was a person who used to go from house to house in the morning, knocking on the windows of the sleeping inhabitants with a wooden stick. He had a short stick for the windows on the ground floor and a longer, lighter one for the windows which were too high to reach. This person was called a knocker-upper. The job of the knocker-upper died out in the 1920s when alarm clocks became available to all members of British society. Learning the news without the modern media There wasn't always television or radio to make it possible for people to learn the latest news and in the old days quite a lot of people were unable to read and write, so not everybody could read a newspaper or a printed advertisement. Indeed, many people used to find out about what was going on in town from a person called a town crier or bellman. The town crier used to stand in a central location in the town, ring the bell that he held in his hand and announce the news to the people simply by shouting it out. Town criers still exist in some towns in Britain but, although they wear traditional costumes, they only perform their duties at special ceremonies. Keeping food cold without refrigerators Before fridges had become widely available, people used to keep iceboxes in their houses to keep food cool and fresh. These iceboxes had to be filled frequently with new ice and this was done by a person called an iceman. The iceman used to deliver ice, which had been cut into huge blocks from frozen rivers or lakes, to houses many times a week. The job of the iceman had started to disappear by the 1950s as fridges gradually replaced iceboxes in British homes. Complete the summary. Write one or two words from the text in each gap (1−10). Do not change the form of the words. How people woke up w/o alarm clocks People woke up with the help of a (1) _______________ called a (2) _______________ who used to visit houses in the morning and knock on the windows with a wooden stick. In the 1920s this job started to disappear because people could buy (3) _______________ . Answer for 3: __________ Do not use capital letter

Progress test 10 grade / 28 questions

Grammar point 2: Reported speech review (difficulty level 2) Choose the best answers. 16 They reminded [me to meet them outside the school gates / to me of some kids I used to know]. 17 I wanted to know [what were we going to eat / what they were cooking for dinner]. 18 I suggested asking the secretary for advice but Thomas said that we [don't think she would / couldn't trust her]. 19 The teacher asked me if I knew where Julian was but I said I [hadn't seen him / don't know]. 20 Lena told me that the earthquake [will be something she never forgets / had been the worst experience of her life]. Answer for 18:____ choose it

English Lang & Lit Terminology / 32 questions

Check all the boxes that are examples of auxiliary verbs.

Critical Thinking Final Review Part 6 / 25 questions

Caroline wants to connect with her audience. Of the choices listed below, what is the most important thing she can do to accomplish this?

Knowledge test 9 grade 2015 / 31 questions

READING Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week? Father: Yahoo! Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone. Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment. Daughter: Exactly. Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again. Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago. Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday? Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started. Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry. Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . . Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations. Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom! Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you. Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . . Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . . Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!? Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science. Father: What? What are you talking about? Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife. Father: What? Uh, uhh . . . Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship. Father: Wait. When did this all happen? Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course. Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next? Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going? Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college. 1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date? A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee. B. She'll be required to register again for school. C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes. 2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home? A. some food B. warm clothing C. her game system 3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work? A. at a bank B. for a school C. in a national park 4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________. A. earning a decent living B. traveling to different countries C. moving up in the company 5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________. A. already has a part-time job at school B. has earned a scholarship for the first year C. is involved in a serious relationship 4. ______________

7 grade Goal Test Unit 4 / 32 questions

Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with words from the box. There are two words you don’t need. VOCABULARY In my free time I don’t like to (0) stay in if it’s raining, I (1) __________ my coat and go out with my umbrella. I don’t wait for the bad weather to (2) __________ . Sometimes I have to stay at home and finish my homework, so I (3) __________ at my desk and work on the computer. But if I (4) __________ a funny text message from a friend, I always send a reply. My friends and I (5) __________ a lot. Answer #3: Write the correct word do not use capital letter.

Economics Unit 1 Exam / 41 questions

In a well written paragraph, examine the differences and similarities between a socialist economy and a communist economy, using specific and current examples. Be sure to use correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

8a reading and writing 3 term / 30 questions

READING Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say. Hi – from India! Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool. We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India. We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in. I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two. Take care! Lisa x 1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café. True / False / Doesn’t say 2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal. True / False / Doesn’t say 3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning. True / False / Doesn’t say 4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet. True / False / Doesn’t say 5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit. True / False / Doesn’t say 6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants. True / False / Doesn’t say 7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say 8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws. True / False / Doesn’t say 9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited. True / False / Doesn’t say 10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow. True / False / Doesn’t say 2. ____________

Pronouns Post-assessment / 50 questions

Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the sentence: Carmen, Mario, and _______ are running for student council president.

Creative Writing examples / 20 questions

Choose the example of alliteration below:

EMPLOYEE TEST / 45 questions

One number is wrong in the following series. What should the number be? 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 6 9

cs1291 / 50 questions

OOP feature that supports the creation of generic modules that can be used in other systems.

PL Midterm 01 / 50 questions

Which of the following is most closely related to reliability

CS129 FINALS / 50 questions

To enable derived classes to override methods defined in a base class, methods in the base class should be defined using a (an) _____ keyword.

General Test # 6 / 20 questions

You are to write a paper about the outstanding play of Anthony Hopkins using the primary source. What will you use?

CityVille College Final Exam / 28 questions

Marketing: Why do companies use advertising?

final test 9b (well before apropriation I mean) / 29 questions

Grammar point 2: Reported questions (difficulty level 2) Complete the reported questions with one or two words. More than one answer is sometimes possible. 10 We asked them __________ restaurant they preferred – the Indian one or the Chinese one. 11 Yesterday, Hassan asked me why __________ angry but I told him I was just tired. 12 As soon as I saw John, I asked him what __________ happened. 13 The girls asked us how __________ getting home and I said I'd brought my car with me. 14 A strange man came up to me and asked me __________ I knew the time. Answer for 12: ______ Write the word or words, do not use capital letter or contractions

CAII Semester Exam December 2012 / 50 questions

What is the default increment for tab stops in WORD 2010?

GENPACT Assessment Test 1 / 30 questions

Which one is immediate right to the V ?

Reading and writing - goal 1 - seventh grade - third term / 30 questions

2. Deepdeene Farm is in the mountains.

Punctuation test / 33 questions

Dad is going to: Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas on his business trip.

Financial IT Test / 28 questions

What does a green wavy line under a word or phrase in the document mean in Microsoft Word?

CAII Semester Exam December 2012 / 50 questions

Which ribbon contains the command to change the preset margin settings in a WORD 2010 document?

Knowledge test - Goal 1 - First term - 7B / 48 questions

He’s an (5) __________________. He makes movies.

Knowledge test 9 grade / 30 questions

VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the correct form of phrasal verbs with up. 1 Can you _____________ your argument in three or four sentences? 2 Mr. Walker _____________ golf when he retired. He had never played before. 3 My little sister cries when she _____________ in the middle of the night. 4 No one knows if Amelia Earhart’s plane _____________ in mid-air. 5 Did you _____________ all the coffee? There isn’t any left. 6 My grandmother used to _____________ wonderful bedtime stories for us when we were children. She had a great imagination. 7 Can you _____________ the word ‘finca’ in your Spanish dictionary for me, please? 8 Is this the right bus? We don’t want to _____________ in a part of town we don’t know! 9 My brother and sisters and I _____________ in Africa. We came to Britain when I was 19. 6. __________

Knowledge test 9 grade / 30 questions

READING Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False. And the Chinese invented … Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things. Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires. Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated. Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes. Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions. 1 Few Chinese inventions reached the West. True / False 2 Chinese inventions influenced world history. True / False 3 Some experts think spaghetti came from China. True / False 4 Spaghetti shaped and influenced empires. True / False 5 Printing was an important invention because it allowed us to communicate more easily. True / False 6 Without paper and printing, rich people wouldn’t have been able to get books. True / False 7 The world would only have missed novels and works of fiction without printing. True / False 8 People in the past were aware of the importance of reading. True / False 4. _____________

Communication: Quiz 5 / 44 questions

"Excuse me, sir. I hate to say this, but I . . . uh . . . I guess I won't be able to turn in the assignment on time. I had a personal emergency, and . . . well . . . it was just impossible to finish it by today. I'll have it on your desk on Monday, OK?" This sample demonstrates:

3/4 History Assessment Unit 2 / 45 questions

What was the battle, led by Multuggera, occurred between local Aboriginal people and European settlers over the ambushing of three drays heading up the range called?

Spalding Pre-Training Test / 50 questions

The Writing Road to Reading starts with children's...

Reading and writing 9b / 26 questions

Vocabulary 2: Choose the correct options to complete the text. Speaking of survival, my Kenyan pen friend, Koinet, could teach me a thing or two about that. He’s from the Maasai people, who live in the wilds of Africa. Why have I got a Kenyan pen friend? Well, I’m learning Swahili – I’ve always been interested in African languages. Actually, it’s quite exciting. I’m going out to visit him soon. My (6) departure / reservation / connection date’s less than a month away. It’s a long flight, though – about 18 hours in total. My (7) passenger / arrival / route takes me from Vancouver across the Atlantic Ocean to Amsterdam and then down through the rest of Europe into Africa to my final (8) destination / fare / connection , Nairobi Airport in Kenya’s capital city. I guess it’s not too bad though – there’s just one (9) departure / passenger / connection after all. It’ll be my first time as a (10) passenger / reservation / departure on a plane, so I’ll definitely be a little nervous – and excited. Answer for 8:_______ Just write the word without any capital letter.

Research / 55 questions

Blood type is measured on the:

Anthropology Review Pt. 2! / 44 questions

The _____ are a complex agricultural society that developed near modern day Veracruz Mexico.

Technology Literacy Test / 37 questions

What general term describes the physical equipment of a computer system such as its screen, keyboard, and storage devices? (1b.2)

History of Spain Midterm / 79 questions

In the Seven Years War, Spain lost Havana and Manila to invading British armies .

Cloud Q1 / 49 questions

When the sales literature of a cloud vendor offers a "platform as a service," it means:

BCP PPP Pre-Test / 50 questions

What is the coordinated set of colors, fonts, and other design elements that are applied to components of a presentation called?

General Test # 7 / 20 questions

Find the strongest thesis statement among the following:

Infants and Toddlers / 50 questions

How do you decide what is enough stress for an infant or toddler?

Knowledge test First goal III Term / 39 questions

ABOUT THE LOST WORLD At the zoologist meeting nobody liked Challenger and we know this because he..

MASS COMMUNICATION 2 / 50 questions

Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and infographics; prosodic features of speech such as intonation and stress and other paralinguistic features of speech such as voice quality, emotion and speaking style.

psych exam 3 / 40 questions

Memory that involves conscious recollection is known as ________ memory. A good example of a test used to demonstrate this form of memory is _______.

Reading and writing - goal 1 - seventh grade - third term / 36 questions

D. Read and complete the conversation. For each number 1–8 choose the right option. Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry. Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese, (2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive. Jan: Just one olive? Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you. Jan: Oh, thanks. Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there? Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want? Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese. Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic? Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic. Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow. 1. ____________

DEOMI Test 2 (System vs. Victim Focus) / 30 questions

Which of the following is NOT a reason system focus is overlooked?

FINAL EXAM / 50 questions

Generally students in tier one are progress monitored

~~~Intro Inbound Quiz~~~ Enter First and Last Name. / 30 questions

After introducing yourself, you must give the transfer agent an opportunity to make a warm introduction before addressing the lead directly?

Neuro 13: Learning, Memory, and Synaptic Plasticity / 21 questions

Learning that Ouagadougou is the capital of of Burkina Faso from Dr. Ullman is an example of...

9 grade Progress test / 38 questions

Answer the following questions based on the Sherlock Holmes Book and paper facts: Do not use capital letter at any case, if you need to write a number type the digit. Captain Morstan last wrote to Miss Morstan from: _____

INGLES10 / 10 questions

BY THE WATER I live in a house by the water. I sit by the water ach day. I take my bag with me. In it, I pack a book and a blanket. I also carry a chair and a basket of food. I walk down my back steps and sit in the same spot along the sand. When I go out to the water in the morning, I am alone. I hear the water. I see the boats. I feel calm. It is the part of the day I like best. Later, some children come to play by the water. It is afternoon. I hear them laughing. I see them play ball. "Nestor, Nestor!" the children yell when they see me on the beach. I wave and smile. "Play ball with us, Nestor!" the children shout. "No, thanks," I say. "I am too old to play ball. I walk with a cane and my hands are no longer good at catching." I try to read my book, but it is hard with all the noise. I watch mothers and fathers fish along the shore. I am happy. I hear the water. I see the boats. I eat my lunch. Later, the sky gets dark. I gather all of my things and go back to the house. I get in bed. I hear the water through my open window. The sound puts me to sleep. Which of the following things does the narrator bring with him to the water? I. food II. a blanket III. a fishing pole

INGLES10 / 10 questions

HOT DOG EATING CHAMPION RETAINS TITLE AFTER TIEBREAKER Joey ChestnutFor the second year in a row, American competitive eater Joey Chestnut defeated his Japanese rival Takeru Kobayashi at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York City, after a tie forced a five-hot-dog eat-off to be held. After ten minutes of hot dog eating, two shorter than in previous years, Chestnut and Kobayashi were tied at 59 frankfurters. But after the rare tiebreaker, 24-year-old Chestnut emerged as the winner, claiming a $10,000 prize and a mustard-yellow belt. "It was crazy," he said. "I'm just a normal guy eating hot dogs on the Fourth. You can't overcomplicate it." Kobayashi, whose loss last year shattered a six-year winning streak, said that a sore jaw and a tooth problem may have altered his performance. "If I put one more mouthful in, I could have won", the 30-year-old Nagano native said through a translator. "I lost because I wasn't quick enough in the rematch." This year, the 22 competitors were under a 10-minute time limit, unlike the 12 minutes used for previous contests. The reason for this, according to Nathan's, was the discovery of a document from 1916, which revealed that the original competition was 10 minutes long. Thousands gathered at Coney Island to watch the annual event, which has become one of the more colorful traditions of America's Independence Day. Who won the contest two years ago and in the five years before that?

INGLES10 / 10 questions

Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

INGLES10 / 10 questions

HOT DOG EATING CHAMPION RETAINS TITLE AFTER TIEBREAKER Joey ChestnutFor the second year in a row, American competitive eater Joey Chestnut defeated his Japanese rival Takeru Kobayashi at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York City, after a tie forced a five-hot-dog eat-off to be held. After ten minutes of hot dog eating, two shorter than in previous years, Chestnut and Kobayashi were tied at 59 frankfurters. But after the rare tiebreaker, 24-year-old Chestnut emerged as the winner, claiming a $10,000 prize and a mustard-yellow belt. "It was crazy," he said. "I'm just a normal guy eating hot dogs on the Fourth. You can't overcomplicate it." Kobayashi, whose loss last year shattered a six-year winning streak, said that a sore jaw and a tooth problem may have altered his performance. "If I put one more mouthful in, I could have won", the 30-year-old Nagano native said through a translator. "I lost because I wasn't quick enough in the rematch." This year, the 22 competitors were under a 10-minute time limit, unlike the 12 minutes used for previous contests. The reason for this, according to Nathan's, was the discovery of a document from 1916, which revealed that the original competition was 10 minutes long. Thousands gathered at Coney Island to watch the annual event, which has become one of the more colorful traditions of America's Independence Day. Who won the contest two years ago and in the five years before that?

INGLES10 / 10 questions

GRAMMAR PRESENT PERFECT Have you ever .......... to New York?

Poli Sci 200 Final / 50 questions

Which of the following is an attribute of a good theory?

INGLES10 / 10 questions

LEARNING ENGLISH Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country? The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower. On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don't have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school. So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class. What is one of the advantages of staying in your country to learn English?

Reading and Writing - Meta 1 - Primer Periodo / 34 questions

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people (3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon. Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish? 6. _____________

Unemployment Insurance Claims Clerk - test one / 25 questions

You have been informed that no determination has yet been made on the eligibility of an applicant for public assis- tance. The decision depends on further checking. His situation, however} is similar to that of many other applicants whose eligibility has been approved. The applicant calls you, quite worried, and asks you whether his a lication has been accepted. What would be BEST for you to do under these circumstances? Tell him


c. Messi needs ________to Barcelona to treat a growth hormone deficiency he used to have.

9a Progress Test / 32 questions

SPEAKING Follow the teacher instructions. Based on page 66 - 67

9b Progress Test / 32 questions

VOCABULARY Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer. blow up end up grow up look up make up sum up take up use up wake up 1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences? __________________________________ 2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before. __________________________________ 3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night? __________________________________ 4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air? __________________________________ 5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone. __________________________________ 3. ________________

PROFICIENCY TEST TERM 1 8B / 34 questions

5 A: Why are you standing? The performance is going to start in a minute. B: We can’t __________ because all the seats are taken.


Read the text. Then choose the correct option. Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to. If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it! 8. ______________

Progress test - meta 1 - segundo periodo - 8 / 43 questions

Strange laws Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents! However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why? Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world! In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in. If you see money on the ground in Thailand, you have to take it to the police.

Knowledge TEST 8b - Goal 1 - Primer periodo / 45 questions

Complete the sentences with these adjectives for feelings. bored cheerful embarrassed excited glad lonely miserable scared 4. I felt so ____________ when I couldn't remember his name.

Knowledge test - meta 1 - segundo periodo - 8 / 43 questions

Read the text. Then choose the correct option. Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to. If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it! 2. _______________

Progress test - Goal 1 - Primer periodo - 8B / 44 questions

Read the dialogue. Then choose the correct option. Matt: Where (1) ___ on vacation last year? Kevin: We (2) ___ to Brazil with my uncle and aunt. They have a house there. Matt: (3) ___ a good time? Kevin: Yes, it was great. Look, here’s a picture of me and my cousins. I always (4) ___ really well with them. Matt: Where were you in this picture? It looks like a river. Kevin: Yeah, it is. We (5) ___ a picnic that day. There was lots to do. And they had a swimming pool, so (6) ___ swimming every day. We also spent a lot of time at the beach. One day, we (7) ___ in the ocean when we saw three dolphins. It was amazing. Matt: That sounds great, lucky you! I (8) ___ a terrible vacation! Kevin: Oh, no. Why? Matt: Well, we stayed with my grandparents. They are really great, but (9) ___ nothing to do, and I was bored all the time. I (10) ___ all my time online or playing computer games. Kevin: Oh, that’s terrible. Next year, come on vacation with us! 9. _________________

PROFICIENCY TEST TERM 1 8B / 44 questions

Read the dialogue. Then choose the correct option. Matt: Where (1) ___ on vacation last year? Kevin: We (2) ___ to Brazil with my uncle and aunt. They have a house there. Matt: (3) ___ a good time? Kevin: Yes, it was great. Look, here’s a picture of me and my cousins. I always (4) ___ really well with them. Matt: Where were you in this picture? It looks like a river. Kevin: Yeah, it is. We (5) ___ a picnic that day. There was lots to do. And they had a swimming pool, so (6) ___ swimming every day. We also spent a lot of time at the beach. One day, we (7) ___ in the ocean when we saw three dolphins. It was amazing. Matt: That sounds great, lucky you! I (8) ___ a terrible vacation! Kevin: Oh, no. Why? Matt: Well, we stayed with my grandparents. They are really great, but (9) ___ nothing to do, and I was bored all the time. I (10) ___ all my time online or playing computer games. Kevin: Oh, that’s terrible. Next year, come on vacation with us! 6. ________________

9 grade construction / 46 questions

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses. _____________ you ever _____________ (award) a prize for anything when you were a child?

Knowledge test - Goal 1 - First term - 8A / 45 questions

Complete the sentences with these words to make phrasal verbs with get. (Use lowercase) along away back out over 4. Bethany got _____________ the accident very quickly.